Colombian Boy Predicts the Future



This is very interesting,a boy predicted the assassination attempt on obama in october this year.
Hi, I can't watch the video because of bandwidth restrictions, but in any case, what is interesting about a boy making a prediction??
Interesting video..

this kid according to the video was able to predict future events from the age of 3,

He say's he doesn't see images, just a bright white light which tells him what to draw

his latest prediction is an assassination attempt on Obama in October.

Guess we just have to wait and see?
He say's he doesn't see images, just a bright white light which tells him what to draw

Well this sounds like a case right out of Operation Trojan Hoarse by John Keel.....there are several stories in there about children being 'told' to do things and being 'given predictions' to 'share with the world'. Especially violent ones, involving death and distruction and generally generating a lot of mass fear! Mostly starkly accurate, sometimes including 'miracles' and then ending in ridicule or....nothing.
What is it those 4D STS like to feed off????

Heck, I bet this is like milking cows for them....only its really really sick when you figure it out.
Those that know Oliver claim that he can make peoples hair stand on end with his predictions

I bet 'he' does.
I found this interesting

another well known person who use to see a bright light who aparently sufferd this all his life was Nikola Tesla.

Timewave Zero for 2009
The largest dip this year will take place in late October somewhere between October 24th-28th.

coincidence or not.
I agree RedFox. I'm not one for future predictions because I believe it opens up an opportunity for STS forces to make it come true and then everyone believes without a doubt. It just helps to gain support from those with closed eyes. I thought the future was undecided anyway?
Pete02 said:
I agree RedFox. I'm not one for future predictions because I believe it opens up an opportunity for STS forces to make it come true and then everyone believes without a doubt. It just helps to gain support from those with closed eyes. I thought the future was undecided anyway?

fwiw, my understanding is that the future is indeed open, there are multiple possible futures, in a recent session from 20th june, the C's said;

A: 2012 is a distraction. We have repeatedly talked about the open nature of the future. It is always open until the probabilities begin to collapse, such as now. But macro-collapses take some "time".

Q: (L) So you're saying that there is a macro-collapse that has already begun?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is that possible? (Ark) Umm, well, yes.

A: Wait and see!
(Bo got ahead while I was writing this, but I'll post this part of what I wrote)

Pete02 said:
I thought the future was undecided anyway?
It is generally Open, but as the "now", piece by piece, is selected (which is ongoing) from the possibilities, this may decide major patterns of the future where they follow from what now has been "selected". In this way, the more is determined as it approaches, the more the future is "narrowed down" (to within a final set of possibilities) until it takes place.

OSIT. (the above is based on no more than my brain cobbling together a rough understanding based on a few snippets of information and drawing some conclusions)
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