Comet dust and psychopathy


The Living Force
Last Monday night [10th] after awakening and eating an apple, I had this very vivid and bizarre dream. I recall feeling unusually full, in an ethereal sense, as if something had overtaken me and I was overflowing at the heart centre [tingling sensation all over body]. I wrote this dream down when I woke up but am writing it here from memory -- will add anything I've missed when I can but would appreciate any ideas or thoughts on it.

At first, my parents were having a conflict: my mum [who works night] exclaimed how my dad's expected her to do everything while he just takes takes takes - he'd just asked her to cook and she was exhausted. She was upstairs in her bed and he downstairs on his computer. I was in the upper bunk bed when my elder sister came to me [there was a bottle of honey under the covers with me for some reason] and asked me to cook.
The next morning [presumably as it was lighter] all my female siblings [2 younger sisters, 1 older] were in that same room with me; sole younger brother was nowhere in sight. My youngest sister was reclined in the bottom bunk bed and the other 2 were not far from the window. Out of the window, there came down from the sky groups of a sort of iridescent white powder in great quantities... like rain but further apart from each. I zealously protected my sleeping sister from them as they passed through the window, however the other 2 were open to its emergence - some fell on them. My dream-self knew them to be comet dust & that comets had either just landed somewhere or were on their way.

After this incident, 2 girls [strangers - if it is of any import, they were white of skin; as a family we are black]. They were glib and seemed to try by any means to manipulate, distort and deceive...pull wool over anyone's eyes. They seemed hell bent to find something [or someone...not sure what], distracted, and weren't stopping at any cost. After talking to my dad, they managed to convince him to leave for good with a bouquet of flowers, a cowboy hat on his head and a briefcase - he, too, in search for something or someone.
I left the room briefly. When I returned, the "Secret History of the World" book that was left on the wardrobe had vanished. My dream-self was irate and I packed up and hitched a plane in search of Laura. They had been there for barely 5 minutes and strange things had set into motion; the entire tone of the dream seemed to change.

Now I arrived at this building - painted a light green. Turns out a comet had landed somewhere and people were desperate - relatives and loved ones were lost and homes destroyed. They were people losing their minds in this church-esque building. There was a man by the entrance; as soon as I entered, he bombarded me with offers and asked if he could help - in adamant salesman fashion. I simply said I was looking for someone, which he didn't seem to take kindly too.
Going further into the building, I had the feeling that a lot of energy was being 'eaten' from the helpless who'd come here seeking for guidance/had lost a meaningful part of them. Reminds me of the "wolf in sheep's clothing" predicament retrospectively. Someone came to me in conversation and refused to let me go on further in my search, and was trying to prove themselves right about some given matter - they wouldn't let me leave that conversation. At this point the lighting in the place seemed to acquire a blue saturation.

I walked away from this person feeling perplexed, drained and baffled. I felt vulnerable and as if I was being followed so I turned around to see a little boy's fist inches from my face. The place resembled a disco more than a barren church now. He continued his attempts to physically attack me whilst I endeavoured to defend myself as best as possible.
Once I managed to create enough space between him & I, I hurriedly began to leave the place though I realised all the 'animals' had awoken. It was dark, bar the blue disco lighting, and they all tried to prevent me from getting to the exist. The salesman whom I had formerly encountered physically grabbed me and put himself in the way of the outside world. It was just by chance that my older sister barged in with a professional video camera rolling, throwing the 'animals' off guard, giving me a chance to slip free, that we both managed to escape. It was notably darker outside, the skies slightly red, as we climbed into a black four-wheel drive where all the female members of my family were present [mum was driving].

A few things crossed my mind in the dream as we drove away: 1) I had come in search for Laura in America whilst she had moved to France. 2) The behaviour of those animals, and the 2 girls in the bedroom, seemed psychopathic. 3) The striking overlay between waking situation and the dream scape with its weaving.

I think I woke up at that point. When I say over between waking situation, my dad recently left [days before my little brother's birthday] and has been doing so whimsically for the past decade. He contributes very little to nothing whilst my mum plays mum, dad and breadwinner to 5 children. I've moved out; she works nights and can't afford a babysitter so I come and babysit like a backpacker traveller with everything I'll need for college and work for however many days I'm away. My dad has been attempting business', living as if he lived on his own and basically treating my mum in a way no human should be treated and leaving her to deal with the consequences of his actions [she enables it, it used to be worse] for as far back as the family knows - my sister and I cannot remember the last time there was the feeling of consistency within the family structure and it has impacted on us. In fact it has probably never existed [it was an arranged marriage]. The family home is his temporary home.

I could explicate however I am more curious as to what other people on here make of this - genuinely open to any comments. Thank you for reading :)
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