Comet Fragment Explosions over France 25 Jan 2013?


FOTCM Member
I was sitting in the kitchen reading and making notes day before yesterday. Suddenly, it sounded like someone was jumping up and down violently in the room above the kitchen. Whoever it was, was threatening to break through the ceiling and the windows were rattling so violently I thought the glass might shatter. I didn't have my wits about me enough to count, but it was at LEAST five severe shocks, possibly a couple more than that.

I knew that some cleaning had been going on in the upstairs, but that the peeps in the house who had been doing the work had gone with a load to the dump. I wondered if something had been left precariously situated and had started a domino effect series of falling of that damaged the walls or something. You know, I was concerned! So I went up to look. Nothing was out of place.

Then I went around to the office to ask if anybody else had heard anything. There I was told that it had been right above the office, not above the kitchen as it seemed to me. Plus, there had been the sound of a plane that faded and then returned and faded again.

I then went in the salon and the same story: it was thought that the event was in the rooms directly overhead.

Then, three of the peeps in the house who had been upstairs said that it had been in the attic over their heads...

All in all, it was very startling and strange. So, we kept our eyes on the newspaper to see if anything would be reported. Sure enough, very next day (yesterday's LaDepeche) had the following:

Plusieurs détonations, quatre selon certaines sources, ont été entendues en début d'après-midi entre Montauban et Fronton. Pas de panique, il ne s'agit que d'avions de chasse ayant passé le mur du son.

Les "boums" ont été entendus vers 14h30 à Montauban, le Tarn, le Gers et le nord de l'agglomération toulousaine. Rien d'anormal pour les services de police, de gendarmerie et les pompiers de la région. Selon ces autorités, dont les standards ont été saturés d'appels, il s'agit d'avions de chasse franchissant le mur du son. Les autorités militaires basés à Mont-de-Marsan ont confirmé l'information. c'est n'est pas la première fois que ce genre de détonation est entendu dans la région.
Several explosions, four according to some sources, were heard in the early afternoon between Montauban and Fronton. Do not panic, it's only fighter jets that passed the sound barrier.

The "booms" were heard at 14:30 in Montauban, Tarn, Gers and the north of the city of Toulouse. Nothing unusual for the police, the gendarmerie and local firefighters. According to the authorities, whose phone lines were saturated with calls, these were fighter jets crossing the sound barrier. Military authorities based in Mont-de-Marsan have confirmed the information. This is not the first time that this type of explosion is heard in the region.

Well, sorry, I don't believe it for a minute.
Laura said:
Several explosions, four according to some sources, were heard in the early afternoon between Montauban and Fronton. Do not panic, it's only fighter jets that passed the sound barrier.

The "booms" were heard at 14:30 in Montauban, Tarn, Gers and the north of the city of Toulouse. Nothing unusual for the police, the gendarmerie and local firefighters. According to the authorities, whose phone lines were saturated with calls, these were fighter jets crossing the sound barrier. Military authorities based in Mont-de-Marsan have confirmed the information. This is not the first time that this type of explosion is heard in the region.

Well, one iffy point is the geographic scope over which the explosion was heard. The journalist mentions Montauban (a town), Tarn (a French county), Gers (another county) and Toulouse (a town). In the paper version, Albi (a town in Tarn) is specifically mentioned.

Here is a map with red circles around the mentioned places. For information, Gers is county number 32 and Tarn is county number 81, its capital is Albi (circled in red). A scale has been added (50 km is roughly equal to 30 miles).


From Auch (county 32 - left of the map) to Albi (county 81 - right of the map) there are 130 km/80miles (as the crow flies) and
from Toulouse (bottom of the map) to Montauban (top of the map) there are 50km/30 miles.

Is it possible for jet fighters to produce such loud detonations over such a wide area (we're talking here about roughly 5000 square kilometers)?
France is at war in Mali, its aviation bombards Mali.
If it is not the French aviation, that you think that it is Laura?
Kisito said:
France is at war in Mali, its aviation bombards Mali.
If it is not the French aviation, that you think that it is Laura?

Did you read the title of the thread???
Yes Laura, I had not made the link. But I do not understand why the government would lie to us on fragments of comet! Maybe you have an idea?
Kisito said:
Yes Laura, I had not made the link. But I do not understand why the government would lie to us on fragments of comet! Maybe you have an idea?

Please read the articles that Laura has written on Comets and catastrophes on We do have them in French too on

And do read her book "The Apocalypse: Comets, Asteroids and Cyclical Catastrophes" and be sure to follow SOTT regularly and you will have your answer and you will be able to connect the dots.
The absence of more details in the newspaper is astonishing. Usually they collect some witness accounts to have a few more lines. Here they say nothing beyond "don't worry, forget about it". Are there any witnesses who heard the sounds being outside of the buildings? Hearing it as it came from inside the building can be thought as a possible manifestation of a electrophonic effect but it is just a possibility.
mkrnhr said:
The absence of more details in the newspaper is astonishing.

Yeah. And we have heard jets breaking the sound barrier before. The title of the article was desingenous too. To me it read as if a lot of people had actually called the newspaper, which then replied with a "whatever folks, go back to sleep" argument. Farmers wouldn't call about something they are used to hearing. There was no plane in sight. And in order to have been heard in such a large area, wouldn't the planes have had to be super high? And we would be talking about at least 4 jets.

Are there any witnesses who heard the sounds being outside of the buildings? Hearing it as it came from inside the building can be thought as a possible manifestation of a electrophonic effect but it is just a possibility.

Well, we heard a very faint humming noise for a few seconds after the "booms". Again, it's weird, because the explosion sound was too loud in comparison with the normal roaring you hear afterwards with jets.

Kisito said:
But I do not understand why the government would lie to us on fragments of comet! Maybe you have an idea?

Have you ever read, or anything that Laura has written? Have you not seen that the governments don't necessarily want this known, because it would create chaos among the population? They have been trying to banalize the situation for quite a long time. If you didn't know this, I would suggest thtat you start seriously geting informed, or you'll be out for a surprise.
Kisito said:
France is at war in Mali, its aviation bombards Mali.
If it is not the French aviation, that you think that it is Laura?

Here is how authorities deal with "military" events and cosmic events according to Victor Clube, English astrophysicist from Oxford University:

... Cynics (or modern sophists), in other words, would say that we do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intentions; rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions!
Ailén said:
mkrnhr said:
The absence of more details in the newspaper is astonishing.

Yeah. And we have heard jets breaking the sound barrier before. The title of the article was desingenous too. To me it read as if a lot of people had actually called the newspaper, which then replied with a "whatever folks, go back to sleep" argument. Farmers wouldn't call about something they are used to hearing. There was no plane in sight. And in order to have been heard in such a large area, wouldn't the planes have had to be super high? And we would be talking about at least 4 jets.

That sounds like it. And it depends on the weather too (i.e. wind) how far the sound can be heard, at least not over this huge distance imo. And for the pilots safety they should be high in the sky, cause with about 1000km/hour or 300m/s it can get difficult to control the plane in case of mountains and hills.

Anyway nothing could be seen in the sky a trail or something?
Perhaps there are 'open for public' seismic readings available?

Belibaste said:
From Auch (county 32 - left of the map) to Albi (county 81 - right of the map) there are 130 km/80miles (as the crow flies) and
from Toulouse (bottom of the map) to Montauban (top of the map) there are 50km/30 miles

Is it possible for jet fighters to produce such loud detonations over such a wide area (we're talking here about roughly 5000 square kilometers)?

Perhaps it could have been possible to hear an audible jet boom, if the wintesses of Gers and Tarn were living at the borders of Garonne (county of Toulouse and Montauban)? But I don't think that such a boom would have been anything to call in about.

Sonic Boom Wiki said:
In general, the greater an aircraft's altitude, the lower the overpressure on the ground. Greater altitude also increases the boom's lateral spread, exposing a wider area to the boom. Overpressures in the sonic boom impact area, however, will not be uniform. Boom intensity is greatest directly under the flight path, progressively weakening with greater horizontal distance away from the aircraft flight track. Ground width of the boom exposure area is approximately 1 statute mile (1.6 km) for each 1,000 feet (300 m) of altitude (5 m/m); that is, an aircraft flying supersonic at 30,000 feet (9,100 m) will create a lateral boom spread of about 30 miles (48 km), or at 10,000 meters a spread of 50 kilometers.

According to below NASA document from 1969, sonic Boom effects of aerodynamic objects (ie. jets) can (and probably globally have been) reduced by the design of the object. Bollides aren't optimized and would produce out of the ordinary boom effects.

I've been wondering about what effects the atmosphere being loaded with comet dust has on sonic waves. We know that the speed of sound in colder temperature increases but does it also amplify pressures (within the area of inverse square dissipation, which I guess still holds)?. For the last several years planes trafficking for airport landing have been much more audible volume-wise, to my ears at least. The sound sometimes has an unreal character- both that it sounds much closer than it is but also something of a filtered effect to it- hard to describe -but like notes being transposed in increments (altitude?) and as if there are less 'bits' to the audio.
One thing is for certain, these were out of the ordinary booms by any description. We've had plenty of "sonic booms" around here and plenty of military jets screaming right over the house at low altitudes, usually a few times a week. Nothing like this has ever been felt/heard before.
In the article you put, Laura, there is a link to another article where people wrote via Internet what they felt and it was very weird: explosions, movements of the floor, some even thought that the house would explode, fall, reminiscent of the war....Nothing normal concerning an ultrasonic air plain. Plus, the article you link seems to me very condescending, telling people that "everything is under control". But control of what? That's a flee in a ear!
It is very interesting that there are so many places that have this same "Boom" with sounds in the glasess etc,
Where I live I have been listening many times at different hours "Booms" far away with no sign of lights, that could be fireworks, sometimes it is very loud and I felt the sensation in the same body like a vibrations, sometimes I though it could be the volcano; the last friday I heard like the window was broken with a big boom but nothing appears to be broken, my question is, it is that possible to have little explosions of little fragments with big "boom", I didnt see evidence or sign of any comet in the sky during the sounds :huh:

There are few people that corroborate the sounds since they all relate to the fireworks somewhere, so they do not pay attention to it, or if it is bigger they asumme that it is the volcano so there is few information in the news. We dont have too much Air traffic above us and the planes are so little almost that there´s almost no sound here.

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