Comet fragment streaks over Brazil, 18 June 2013

I saw this on Sott and thought it deserved a thread:

Cosmic surprise! Comet fragment streaks over Brazil, 18 June 2013
Tue, 18 Jun 2013 11:14 CDTMap Print
A fireball crossed the night sky on the night of Tuesday and was seen by many observers in the southeast region. The fireball had reddish color and may have been caused by reentry remains of a Chinese rocket type Long March.

According to some observers who wrote for Apolo11, the fireball crossed the sky slowly towards southeast and appeared to have a small tail like a comet.

"The 23h40, an object crossed the sky Araçatuba-SP. From the moment we saw it, was near the zenith going towards the southeast and was up near the horizon, behind houses, which could no longer see," said the observer Diego Adelson, who witnessed the passage.

According to Adelson, the object had reddish glow and brighter than the planet Venus. "You could see a small trail behind," he said.

Work done by Apolo11 together with website tracking space junk indicates that the fireball may have been caused by a piece of space debris created by a rocket-type Chinese Long March 2F, identified as 39181U. This artifact was recently released and took the Chinese astronauts toward space station orbiting Tiangong-1.

The prediction was calculated for reentry at 11h33 for Wednesday, June 19, with a margin of error of approximately 8 hours more or less.

The object was also seen in the city of Campinas, São Paulo Bento and according to Wagner, who works at the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory, University of Campinas, the object appeared to be very large. "When I arrived around 23h45 the gatehouse guard warned me about a comet or meteor that was going over the lab at that moment," the netizen said in an email sent to Apolo11.

Comment: How interesting that the recent surge in protests in Brazil peaked around this time... and that this comet fragment, completely undetected by authorities, was seen from Sao Paulo and other cities where the mass demonstrations are taking place...

This is the same video from the Sott article: _

And this is another one of the same fireball: _

The author of the second video says in the description: "Strangely silent object, bright, flying very fast and leaving a bright/smoky tail".

The Apolo11 website has this map of the object's path, but I don't understand the different dotted lines:


I was following the media closely at that time and saw absolutely nothing about this. I'm looking through the comments on the Apolo11 website to search for clues.
Based on the different comments I found from readers on Apolo11 website, one could say that:
- Some sightings were of just one object while others were of multiple objects, between 4 and 6. There were clear descriptions of a body fragmenting while crossing the sky, mostly from Rio de Janeiro. There were also different possible landing sites reported, in different states.
- The glow is usually white-bluish and sometimes reddish or then turns reddish when closer to the horizon. One mentions a red face of fire when it went down the horizon. Most people saw a tail or trail.
- Many report that it was very large and some that it was also very close.
- In some cases it was seen as slow and others as fast.
- There are few reports that mention it making a sound but one claims it went down with a strong bang.
- Most of the reports indicate the time frame at around 11:40-11:45 PM at June 18, 2013. There are some cases where the time is exactly specified, the best one being 11:39:50 captured by a closed-circuit TV in Limeira, state of São Paulo.
- The objects were seen in at least six states: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, Paraná, in Southeastern Brazil, and there was one report from Piauí, in the Northeast.
- The sightings vary from 40 seconds to 5 minutes.
- Most descriptions that contain indication of direction suggest the objects were generally headed East. There are a few that indicate otherwise.

Interestingly there was also a sighting on the same day but close to dawn, and this comment was made by someone who apparently knows something about observing the sky: "I observed, on the day of the news, for a long time (0h02m) from Campinas a bolide, with linear trajectory apparently NW-SE, (not declined). The magnitude was between -1 and -2. Since the conditions were not ideal, I didn't see a tail. It was not an airplane, be it because of trajectory or speed. But the time of the sighting is not the same, because it was close to dawn. As it was fast I didn't had the time to get the telescope. It was a curious spectacle".

I plotted some of the locations where there were sightings on Google Maps. Please disregard the blue lines, the idea was just to give a general idea of where the objects were seen. I couldn't include all the locations because Goggle Maps has a limited number of inputs. I attached the printscreen.

Edit: I'm including this here because it is interesting that the dates are so close, but the author(s) - Antonio Urzi Simona Sibilla - seems to be involved in other UFO sightings, so it may be a fake: there was a sighting the day before, on June 17, 2013, which some thought was a UFO. It allegedly happened in Florianópolis - state of Santa Catarina. There is a video here: _ According to some websites people are speaking Spanish apparently because they were Argentinians on vacation (you can briefly hear what sounds like Portuguese in the background, but I'm not sure).


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Two VERY interesting clues. I'm keeping both original and translation because I don't know for how long they will remain on the original websites:

Conflagrated skies

As if the popular uprising was not enough, this Tuesday night many cariocas saw a meteorite ripping the skies, at around 23:30. On Facebook, some people even jokingly asked whether it was a celestial reinforcement on the way. On the website of the National Observatory it is explained that it was a natural phenomenon, a meteor shower phi Sagittariids.

Céus conflagrados

Como se não bastasse a agitação popular, na noite desta terça-feira muitos cariocas avistaram um meteoro rasgando os céus, por volta das 23h30. No Facebook, houve até quem perguntasse gaiatamente se não seria um reforço celeste a caminho. No site do Observatório Nacional há a explicação de que foi um fenômeno natural, uma chuva de meteoros phi Sagittariids.


Fireball was seen in the Brazilian South and Southeastern skies on Tuesday

June 18 was the best day to observe a meteor shower, phi Sagittariids, from the Constellation of Sagittarius. The collision of small space debris with the Earth's atmosphere is common and offers no risk to the population.

Bola de fogo foi vista no céu do Sul e Sudeste do Brasil na terça-feira
O dia 18 de junho era o dia de melhor observação de uma chuva de meteoros, a phi Sagittariids, da Constelação de Sagitário.O choque de pequenos detritos espaciais com a atmosfera terrestre é comum e não oferece nenhum risco para a população.
_ about phi Sagittariids:
This stream possesses a duration extending from June 1 to July 15. It reaches a fairly weak maximum on June 18 (λ=86.6°) from an average radiant of RA=278°, DECL=-25° and then attains a ZHR of about 5. A recent name attached to this stream was "Scorpiids-Sagittariids."

Well, now I'm quite convinced that it was not space junk from China, but actually comets/meteors. Taking the information above into consideration together with the reports of multiple and fragmenting bodies, I think we can say that it is most likely that it was one or more comets from the phi Sagittariids stream, including at least one body that fragmented while crossing the area of the state of Rio de Janeiro. More than that, the government/elite/powers that be went into damage control mode and excluded the information from the National Observatory website, because I couldn't find any reference to the event in there.

Edit: I'd like to add that the Apolo11 website, where the original article was published, seems to be a part of[.br], which is owned by the Telefônica Vivo group, a major international telecommunications group. So, chances are that it may be used for disinformation whenever necessary.
I saw one "shooting star" tonight around 21.30, in Split, falling fast near (west of) Orion - it lasted less than a second and it was brighter than stars and decorated with intensive spurting... I saw it while i was burnin' my ciggy on the balcony and watching flashing lights of airplanes (cause of corridor there) - in fact this meteoride passed very close (from my perspective), wright before one flight passed - so i wondered if somebody on that aircraft did see something... And while monitoring another airplane on that corridor, i saw SOMETHING :O else: a light dot (somehow dimmed) traveling VERY fast (10 X? faster than airplane) from east to west wright through Orion, also. It crossed southern skies in less than 2s :jawdrop:

I done what i only could: "Ma šta je ovo??? (Uh what is all this) - i shouted... and finished the ciggy...

I am curious if some more reports about any of this celestial events will occur anywhere...

Fireball spotted over Brazil - the video isn't particularly dramatic so just to note. The article does seem to say that the days before, 5th and 6th, there were other meteors spotted. said:
Google translation:

Glow in the sky impresses capixabas in at least five cities in the state
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07/08/2016 - 9:13 a.m. - Updated 08/07/2016 - 9:21 a.m.
Author: Wing Costa |
The reports published on the Internet coincides with the passage of a meteor, recorded by professional just before 22h
Internet users from various parts of the Holy Spirit were troubled with a strong glare in the sky during the night of Thursday (7). Impressed with the phenomenon, many took to social networks to share the experience.
The reports published on the Internet coincides with the passage of a meteor, recorded by unprofessional before 22h. However, according to Luciana Fontes, the Exoss Citizen Science (a non-profit organization that aims to study the meteors), you can not say that the bolide has been responsible for the blaze.
The glare commented by Internet was seen in the sky of Victoria, Vila Velha, Cariacica, Serra and even in Aracruz. The reports deal with a flash with white or green trail.
more meteors
The Exoss Citizen Science Institute, which monitors the meteors in the southern hemisphere, recorded at least two other meteors, sighted in the sky of Colac and Victoria. The other radiant was observed on 5 and 6 July.

Clarão no céu impressiona capixabas em pelos menos cinco cidades do Estado

08/07/2016 - 09h13 - Atualizado em 08/07/2016 - 09h21
Autor: Wing Costa |
Os relatos publicados na internet coincidem com a passagem de um meteoro, registrada por profissionais pouco antes das 22h
Internautas de várias partes do Espírito Santo se assustaram com um forte clarão no céu durante a noite desta quinta-feira (7). Impressionados com o fenômeno, muitos foram às redes sociais para compartilhar a experiência.
Os relatos publicados na internet coincidem com a passagem de um meteoro, registrada por profissionais pouco antes das 22h. No entanto, de acordo com Luciana Fontes, da Exoss Citizen Science (uma organização sem fins lucrativos que tem como finalidade estudar os meteoros), não é possível afirmar que o bólido tenha sido responsável pelo clarão.
O clarão comentado pelos internautas foi visto no céu de Vitória, Vila Velha, Cariacica, Serra e até mesmo em Aracruz. Os relatos tratam de um clarão com rastro branco ou esverdeado.
Mais meteoros
O instituto Exoss Citizen Science, que monitora os meteoros no hemisfério sul, registrou pelo menos outros dois meteoros, avistados no céu de Colatina e Vitória. Os outros radiantes foram observados nos dias 5 e 6 de julho.



Google translation

Another article detailing same: said:

07/08/2016 at 9:50 am (Updated 08.07.2016 at 10:12)
Possible meteor in the Holy Spirit: glow in the sky called attention capixabas
Timetables of possible meteor accounts vary between at 21.35 and 21h55. The event was seen in the municipalities of Vitória, Vila Velha, Cariacica, Serra and even Aracruz
leaf Victory
Writing Sheet Victory
Photo: Exoss Citizen Science
The organization's image was recorded on the same night of the reports, but there is no confirmation that it is the same event
Photo: Reproduction Exoss Citizen Science

A flash in the sky of the Holy Spirit drew the attention of several capixabas on the night of Thursday (7). According to reports sent to Exoss Citizen Science, which is a non-profit organization, the possible meteor was seen in the municipalities of Vitória, Vila Velha, Cariacica, Serra and even Aracruz.

"We have four monitoring stations, but none of them is on the sea, where reports indicate that the event took place. The times when the flash was seen are close, but we still can not say anything. We need more reports so that an estimate is made, "said Luciana Fontes, the Exoss Citizen Science.

Timetables of possible meteor accounts vary between at 21.35 and 21h55. Also according to Luciana, most reports are of Eastern Espirito Santo in the city of Serra, in Manguinhos Beach.

"As our cameras did not catch this phenomenon, we need the reports of people to cross over the data and we generate a map. What can also help us are images of security cameras, because even if they do not catch the phenomenon, they can register the flash and thereby can do some analysis, "he said.

According to Luciana, who witnessed the phenomenon can access the organization's website and make a report to assist in the generation of that map.

08/07/2016 às 9h50 (Atualizado em 08/07/2016 às 10h12)
Possível meteoro no Espírito Santo: clarão no céu chama atenção de capixabas
Os horários dos relatos do possível meteoro variam entre às 21h35 e 21h55. O evento foi visto dos municípios de Vitória, Vila Velha, Cariacica, Serra e até de Aracruz
Folha Vitória
Redação Folha Vitória
Versão para impressão
Foto: Exoss Citizen Science
A imagem da organização foi registrada na mesma noite dos relatos, mas não há a confirmação de que é o mesmo evento
Foto: Reprodução Exoss Citizen Science

Um clarão no céu do Espírito Santo chamou a atenção de vários capixabas na noite da última quinta-feira (7). De acordo com relatos enviados a Exoss Citizen Science, que é uma organização sem fins lucrativos, o possível meteoro foi visto dos municípios de Vitória, Vila Velha, Cariacica, Serra e até de Aracruz.

“Temos quatro estações de monitoramento, mas nenhuma delas fica sobre o mar, onde os relatos apontam que o evento aconteceu. Os horários em que o clarão foi visto são próximos, mas ainda não podemos afirmar nada. Precisamos de mais relatos para que uma estimativa seja feita”, explicou Luciana Fontes, da Exoss Citizen Science.

Os horários dos relatos do possível meteoro variam entre às 21h35 e 21h55. Ainda de acordo com Luciana, a maioria dos relatos são da região Leste do Espírito Santo, no município da Serra, na Praia de Manguinhos.

“Como nossas câmeras não pegaram esse fenômeno, precisamos dos relatos das pessoas para cruzarmos os dados e gerarmos um mapa. O que também pode nos ajudar são imagens de câmeras de segurança, pois mesmo que elas não peguem o fenômeno, elas podem registrar o clarão e através disso conseguimos fazer alguma análise”, disse.

Segundo Luciana, quem presenciou o fenômeno pode acessar o site da organização e fazer o relato para ajudar na geração desse mapa.

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