Comet hits, members leave in ships, military decisions


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I had a dream two nights ago I want to share. It would have been Sunday night. I woke up and repeated the details mentally, so the main elements should be there.

A comet had hit North America, specifically it was said Alberta. I looked up Alberta just now, and in the dream it was more on the east side like near Toronto. The EMP effects had gone way south and covered most of the USA. In fact it was said that there were only three cities left with power: one in California, Texas, and Florida. I didn't know the physical impact effect. I was kind of like an outside observer receiving the information.

I had some scene where there was a plane flying, as if it had to make some maneuver like going under a bridge. Also there was something about forum members going in a spaceship to escape or help out the planet. I had seen the second Amazing Spider Man movie as well as the trailer for Interstellar. So those could have affected these parts.

But towards the end of the dream I was in my old childhood home and the military were making decisions on how to control the people. It was as if they were having a meeting in a room I could see into. And I shouted to them something like, "The system is run by psychos, you will screw it up if you try the same things!" At one point I was in the back yard talking to my dad. It seems I was trying to warn or inform him. At the very end of the dream there were people running around on the streets and I was being shot by snipers from inside my old home through the windows. So I had to duck and stay away from the windows as much as possible. This staying away from windows to "hide from the bad guys" was and is a common theme in my dreams. I used to stay away from the windows for things like T-Rex's as a kid. :P

Anyway, that's all I remember. It seemed pretty significant. Thought I'd share.
The house in your dream in this case may represent the self. That it was from your childhood, it makes me think that it symbolizes a purer (possibly younger) aspect of yourself. If this applies, then perhaps that part of the dream is symbolic of your feelings surrounding telling others the truth (by giving them warnings or informing them).

I'm not sure if these feelings have to do specifically with your relationship with your father. He may also be a representation of those you care about in general (friends, family, etc) or if he symbolizes a part of yourself that is older ('wiser') or even serves as a type of authority figure you turn to in times of crisis. Fwiw.
Thanks truth seeker. I have dreams about my childhood home quite often. And sometimes about still being in high school. The dream seemed to be general mixed feelings of fear or anxieties.
The house in your dream can also symbolize your body. Yourself as a child can represent your true essence (pure emotional body). Your father or any other authority figure can represent your higher self (according to C.G. Jung).
I find this a bit strange, last night I had a similar dream, in which I was targeted by some snipers. I think it could be related to not having enough strength to face the "enemies". Military in the dreams can be an aspect of your self, some part of your thinking which is too rigid. If the military in your dream wasn't having evil plans(which in your case, it had) it would mean that it represents an aspect of the self who is prepared to protect his opinions and convictions.
The bridge is a very important thing in a dream, it shows a transition to a new possible level. But unfortunately i cannot figure the manuvre of the plane under the bridge. Maybe you are close to level up, but the enemies will try to surround you.
Hope it helps.
3D Student said:
Also there was something about forum members going in a spaceship to escape or help out the planet. I had seen the second Amazing Spider Man movie as well as the trailer for Interstellar. So those could have affected these parts.

Hi 3D Student,

Have you read my post in the "Jupiter Ascending" thread where you also posted your comment? It seems like we both had similar dreams: as if us (the survivors) were planning to leave the planet after a major global catastrophe. Your dream was connected with Spider Man trailer, while mine was connected with Jupiter Ascending trailer. Interesting synchronicity.


JA thread:,34779.0.html
3D Student said:
Also there was something about forum members going in a spaceship to escape or help out the planet. I had seen the second Amazing Spider Man movie as well as the trailer for Interstellar. So those could have affected these parts.

I know this may not have anything to do with the important aspects of the dream but my curiosity compels me to ask if you noticed any particular details about the spaceship the members were using?
trendsetter37 said:
3D Student said:
Also there was something about forum members going in a spaceship to escape or help out the planet. I had seen the second Amazing Spider Man movie as well as the trailer for Interstellar. So those could have affected these parts.

I know this may not have anything to do with the important aspects of the dream but my curiosity compels me to ask if you noticed any particular details about the spaceship the members were using?

Maybe the spaceship is a symbolic idea of the Ark of Noah? Like accumulating the knowledge and creating community to survive rather than a physical vehicle to be used to escape somewhere? At least, in my dream I interpret it this way. It will be interesting to know 3D Student's view of it.
I just get a kick out of how specific the dream was about where the comet landed, in Alberta, where I live!

I guess at least if the comet hits here we'll get to 5D fast :)
Siberia said:
Have you read my post in the "Jupiter Ascending" thread where you also posted your comment? It seems like we both had similar dreams: as if us (the survivors) were planning to leave the planet after a major global catastrophe. Your dream was connected with Spider Man trailer, while mine was connected with Jupiter Ascending trailer. Interesting synchronicity.

I had read that thread, but didn't make the connection with your dream. Mine was Sunday night the 18th. And it was connected to the Interstellar trailer. The movie is apparently about humans leaving the earth to save it.

trendsetter37 said:
I know this may not have anything to do with the important aspects of the dream but my curiosity compels me to ask if you noticed any particular details about the spaceship the members were using?

It was one of the old ones. The camera angle was from below, and unlike this photo, I don't remember the exhausts being ignited. Another difference from the image is that the "camera" angle was about 90 degrees turned to the right. I don't remember there being a shuttle, it was as if it were just the round rocket tubes. But dreams don't have to make that much sense, read on for more about that.

Siberia said:
Maybe the spaceship is a symbolic idea of the Ark of Noah? Like accumulating the knowledge and creating community to survive rather than a physical vehicle to be used to escape somewhere? At least, in my dream I interpret it this way. It will be interesting to know 3D Student's view of it.

Yeah, I think that's what it could be, an ark. Or maybe it represents a conduit and heading into another reality?

Lost Spirit said:
I just get a kick out of how specific the dream was about where the comet landed, in Alberta, where I live!

I guess at least if the comet hits here we'll get to 5D fast :)

Again with the non-logical aspect of the dream, I remember the word Alberta being mentioned. But when there was a map displayed along with graphical wave of destruction shown, the epicenter was more in the Toronto region, spreading all throughout the US, leaving just the few southern cities spared. I wasn't sure in the dream if it was just power outages, or if the graphic represented actual physical destruction. Maybe it's just showing my bad geography knowledge. :P

Interesting that the picture that looked most like the dream was the challenger:


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