Comet Threat More Constant Than Thought


Saw this today from
hmmm...where have I heard this before...

Comet Threat More Constant Than Thought
By Michael Schirber
Astrobiology Magazine
posted: 11 December 2008
09:11 am ET

It certainly captures the imagination: a star passing silently by our solar system knocks a deadly barrage of comets towards Earth. However, recent simulations by one group of researchers has shown that these star-induced comet showers may not be as dramatic as once thought.

The idea of nearby stars influencing comets goes back to 1950, when the astronomer Jan Hendrik Oort hypothesized an invisible repository of comets — the so-called Oort cloud — swarming around the solar system out to a distance of 100,000 AU (one AU is the distance between the sun and the Earth).

Oort assumed that stars passing through the cloud would cause a fresh batch of comets to fall in towards the sun, where they become visible to astronomers. Such a disturbance could have long-term effects.

"The comets we see now could be from a stellar passage hundreds of millions of years ago," said Hans Rickman of the Uppsala Astronomical Observatory in Sweden.

However, Rickman and his colleagues have confirmed that star encounters alone cannot explain comet behavior. Using a computer model of the Oort cloud, they show that gravity effects from the galaxy are equally important. The results are reported in a recent article in the journal Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy.

Two stars passing in the night

Although Earth has almost certainly been hit by comets throughout its history, it is not all that clear how often that has happened. Much of the crater history on Earth has been erased because of erosion or tectonic activity.  The remaining craters could have come from asteroids instead of comets.

"It's quite difficult to tell a comet-induced crater from an asteroid one, since the impactor gets essentially vaporized," Rickman said.

Comet impacts are, however, likely to be more energetic (and therefore more damaging), since comets are moving much faster than asteroids when they pass by Earth.

Comet orbits can be altered whenever another star comes within 10,000 AU of our sun. Such a close encounter — occurring every 100 million years or so — will not typically disturb asteroids or planets, but it definitely "shakes up the whole Oort cloud," Rickman said.

Most scientists have presumed that these star crossings will lead to a shower of comets raining down on the Earth and the rest of the inner solar system. Some have even claimed to find evidence of periodic mass extinctions that might be explained by a single (as-yet-unidentified) star in an elliptical orbit around the sun.

To study the effect of stellar perturbations, Rickman and his colleagues model the Oort cloud with a sample of one million comets (the true number of cloud comets is unknown, but certainly much higher). The simulations are allowed to run for a time period corresponding to the 5-billion-year age of the solar system.

The results show that stars can induce comet showers, but the contrast with non-shower periods is less than what people have thought before, Rickman said. This leveling out in comet activity is due to the influence of the gravitational field of the Milky Way.

Galactic tide

Astronomers have known for some time that our galaxy's gravity has an influence on the Oort cloud. Specifically, the cloud experiences a tidal effect due to the fact that the gravitational field is stronger the closer one is to the plane of the galaxy.

The simulations by Rickman and colleagues show how the galactic tide constantly gives a small nudge to the cloud's comets. Some of these comets are in rather unstable orbits to begin with, so the slight push can send them on a sun-bound trajectory. Eventually, however, all these unstable comets are ejected from the solar system.

And this is where stellar encounters become important. They scramble the Oort cloud, so that the galactic tide has a new crop of unstable comets to funnel into the inner solar system.

"The general picture spawned by our results is that injection of comets from the Oort Cloud is essentially to be seen as a teamwork involving both tides and stars," the scientists write in their paper.

This star-tide collaboration keeps a relatively steady supply of comets zooming nearby, so the threat from comet impacts probably does not change much over time.

Video - Comets: Bright Tails, Black Hearts
Strange New Comet Explains Old Mystery
All About Comets
And 2.5 years later from the same site, which looks like back-pedaling on the comet threat: _

Nemesis No More? Comet-Hurling 'Death Star' Most Likely a Myth
There is no so-called "death star" lurking at the outer reaches of the solar system, flinging dangerous comets at Earth on a periodic basis, a new study finds.

Some scientists have invoked the existence of such a star, also known as Nemesis, to explain a perceived periodicity in mass extinctions on Earth. As Nemesis cruises through space, the theory goes, it regularly disturbs comets in the faraway Oort Cloud, sending large numbers of the icy wanderers on a collision course with Earth.

The problem with that idea, according to the new study, is that Earth shows no evidence that giant impacts have occurred with any regularity. The supposed pattern appears to be a statistical artifact. [Video: End of Days in 2012? NASA Scientist Says No -- _]

"There is a tendency for people to find patterns in nature that do not exist," said study author Coryn Bailer-Jones, of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, in a statement. "Unfortunately, in certain situations traditional statistics plays to that particular weakness."

Dangerous impacts

Earth has, of course, been hammered by asteroids and comets throughout its 4.5-billion-year history. One such giant impact is thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

The idea of Nemesis sprang from studying such mass extinctions. Back in the 1980s, scientists reported a periodicity in these catastrophic events, saying they appear to have occurred every 26 million years or so over the last 250 million years.

A companion star to the sun could be responsible for this pattern, some researchers thought, if it made regular passes near the Oort Cloud, the icy repository of comets shelling the solar system. [Best Close Encounters of the Comet Kind]

Some studies of Earth's craters have supported the Nemesis idea, finding evidence of periodic variations in the impact rate. Every so often — the numbers vary between 13 million and 50 million years — the impact rate seems to go up substantially.

The new study, however, contradicts those claims, finding that Nemesis — like the rogue planet Nibiru that some conspiracy theorists say will destroy Earth next year — is probably a myth.

Bailer-Jones used Bayesian analysis — a different kind of statistical technique — and found no such pattern. Rather, his results show a different trend: From about 250 million years ago to the present, the impact rate, as judged by the number of craters of different ages, increases steadily.

Impacts on the rise?
There are two possible explanations for this apparent increase, according to the study, which was published online in June in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

On the one hand, smaller craters erode more easily, and older craters have had more time to erode away. So the trend could simply reflect the fact that larger, younger craters are easier to find than smaller, older ones.

"If we look only at craters larger than 35 kilometers (22 miles) and younger than 400 million years, which are less affected by erosion and infilling, we find no such trend," Bailer-Jones said.

On the other hand, the increasing impact rate could be real. For example, analyses of impact craters on the moon— where there are no geological processes that can cover up or fill in craters — show the same pattern.

Whatever is causing the apparent increase in impacts, the new study casts doubt on the existence of Nemesis.

"From the crater record, there is no evidence for Nemesis," Bailer-Jones said. "What remains is the intriguing question of whether or not impacts have become ever more frequent over the past 250 million years."

It's still possible that the sun could have an undiscovered large companion lurking far away, perhaps a red dwarf star or an odd failed star known as a brown dwarf. But it's not likely that such a companion has wreaked havoc on Earth, according to the study.
As the quote on the Spanish SOTT showed the other day:

"Don't believe anything until it has been denied officially"- Claude Cockburn.

Pretty much that thought crossed my mind while reading this article, and saying that Nemesis and the periodic cluster of comets are "patterns in nature that do not exist,"

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