Comets and black boomerang UFOs


FOTCM Member
I had a very vivid dream last night after seeing a big meteor, I thought it was worth sharing.

In the dream it is night or very early morning. The sky is black and there are stars. I am facing due north northwest looking over my house from my back yard and I see a brilliant streak of light moving from north to south at roughly a 30 degree angle followed by a flash that lights up all of the sky to the west. I don't remember any noise. I am afraid and I have a sense that debris is coming. I duck and a huge black cube comes rolling and tumbling and bouncing over the top of my house, down the hill towards me and over my head, landing in the back yard.

The scene changes to early morning I think because the sky is light now and there are no stars. Now I in a different part of my yard facing south. Moving east to west I see two large planes, like 737's flying very low, and slowly with things haning down below them that look like trees or branches sort of. They are flying in formation. They fly so low they almost hit the roof of my barn and the trees across the road. I am puzzled, but I turn around and walk slowly into my house. Something doesn't feel right. Suddenly the dream rewinds to when I first see the planes, but they aren't planes. They are giant, jagged, black boomerang UFOs. I can't tell if they are towing something, or if something is hanging down below them like instruments, or if there is just some kind of distortion beneath them because of their propulsion, like heat waves. Now that I see them I am afraid. I run to my house and peak back around the corner. They are flying in the same path that the "planes" did the first time, right over my barn and yard, almost hitting the roof. I only see one now. I am trying to hide.

I wake up.
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