Comets et al, just expanding a little.....

Pete the Rocky

A Disturbance in the Force
Reading the most recent article on SotT with regards Comets and events in Europe, I started to wonder about the "How?" of keeping it all secret.
Five epochs are thought to have occurred since the Reformation, a period of ~500 years, depending on you starting point. So if I am following these articles right, every 100 or so years, we pass through a region littered with small (<0.5km) cometary (if that is a word) material that causes air bursts or impacts on Earth. For reasons of History, this discussion is to be restricted to Europe (with the odd Maya, Chinese observations thrown in). Africa occupies 3 x the area of Europe, and we have reasonable records from that continent for a period of at least 200yrs, but I have never read anything of how these cometary incidences has affected the peoples there. Is it really possible, and through what means, could even the most ingenious "Elites" manage a feat such as this. If they do have this ability, then what hope for us in proving the relationship between these "showers", and turmoil and trouble amongst the peoples there?
Finding troubles in Africa is a trivial matter as there seems no end to the violence and turmoil that continent endures, but can we link this to specific events? If control over Europe is well established by those that wish for power, can they truly have such a grip on such a vast area as Africa?


The thing is, witnesses at the time wrote explicitly about fire from heaven and the like. In describing the origins of teh plague, they talk about poisonous clouds and foul air. The problem comes from modern historians reading these descriptions and persuading themselves that the "backward" people of these pre-rational and unscientific times were not describing events as they saw them, but were instead speaking in hyperbole. However, when you go back and read the original documents, the descriptions leave no doubt that they were talking about something coming from the sky.

To achieve this, they don't need to personally write each modern history book. They simply implant the idea that history is a slow, continuous evolution with periodic revolutions, but completely free from any influence from the heavens. They write off the fear of comets that was just about universal in our ancestors and discount as the product of undeveloped minds, too taken with their myths.

Because we have not lived through such a period, and because we like to think ourselves so much more advanced than our ancestors -- after all, history is predicated on the idea that it is the description of ever greater advancement towards higher forms of civilization -- <we ignore there writings, refuse to take them at face value, and explain it all away.
Just hang on, I'm not done yet. Had to wait for a couple of books and academic papers to arrive for the next installment!
I am just back from a trip to an Asian country, and during a brief tourist stop over there my group visited a cave temple. Lots of touristy stuff in there but what caught my attention was the main chamber which had two huge chinese dragons painted in the ceiling, with fiery tails and flames coming out of the mouths, both looking towards the middle where a picture of a fireball(/"flower") was depicted. Below it were chinese signs which the guide translated to "fire flowers raining through the clouds". These "flowers" were in the craft of all tourist souvenirs sold at the place. So, it appears that in this average-looking cave-temple the "secret" was hidden in plain sight. Of course my own jaws dropped to the ground when I saw it, but the others in the group didn't see it at all. The temple itself was 80 years old, but the picture only about 20. This would mean that knowledge about these matters is still around, and that someone recently put it there as a quite overt message for those with eyes to see with. Very interesting, to say the least.
Hey Laura is that really you?I have been reading the Cassiopaen transcripts for a while and it appeared to be a VERY important part of my puzzle...Can i ask you a few questions?
Here is the closest image of the dragons in the previously mentioned cave temple I've been able to find on the net:
You can see the right dragon, the chinese signs, and the bottom part of the fireball. There's a similar dragon on the lefthand side. The temple is called "Perak".
Hmm.. here in BG we have a monestery in rocks called Aladja monestery and another one of saint Ivan Rilski again cave-like, but its not biddhist ofcourse...Hey Laura do you know Beinsa Duno?
whoops sorry for the spelling. Aladzha Monastery - _
Pete the Rocky said:
Is it really possible, and through what means, could even the most ingenious "Elites" manage a feat such as this.
Just think about the global history of the past 100 years. What most people understand about it is massively distorted. WWII? A spontaneous rise of fascism, with the good guys on one side and the bad guys on the other? Hardly.

Africa? A entire continent just "naturally" perpetually immersed in poverty? Not at all.

War on terror? Muslims attacked America? America responded to defend and spread freedom and democracy?

That's all in the last 100 years. Now, imagine a world-wide cataclysm strikes in the next few years, brining down civilisation with only isolated pockets emerging relatively unscathed with relatively few survivors. If society was rebuilt after many years, how would that society record the history of the past 100 years?

Something to think about as a way to answer your question

Let`s see what will happen in 2012...Even "elites" get "duped" by their own bosses.
Some interesting links:

_ 'Did the Celts see a comet impact in 200 B.C.?'

_ Kord Ernstson

_ 'some book'
Just curious as to why this thread is in 'Designs of the Times - Tech Support'.

Did I miss something? :huh:

[Moderation : The thread was moved to the "Earth change" section]

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