Comets, Ice Age, Karma and Reality Creation


Jedi Master
Hello all!

There a couple of things that have been on my mind as of late which I'd like to share and get some feedback on.
I read Laura's article "From Where I Sit..." in The Dot Connector magazine, which was very insightful and inspirational. In the article she touches on the subject of Reality Creation and how beliefs shape our reality, stating that it is important to separate truth from lies in the external world and create an inner wold that becomes strong enough to change the outer world. Hence the pursuit of "The Work" and seeking Objective Truth and not falling into the traps of "Reality Creation" as promoted in New Age Circles.

we must create an inner world in the face of opposition of the outer world (that we have helped to create by believing the lies of pathological predators) that then becomes strong enough to change the outer world. But this is no "create your own reality by thinking nice thoughts" proposal. It must be a choice of the majority of human beings! The reason small group efforts do not work is because they the violate free will choice of the majority. What is more, it does not rely on ignoring what is evil; on the contrary, we are required to acquire knowledge about what is evil in order to be able to avoid it, to make free will choices for good.

I looked up some other quotes by the C's in regards to Reality Creation:

A: Ah? We have doubts... And yes, we have always said that you

create your own reality!

Q: Well, have YOU said that we create our own reality?

A: When did we not?

Q: Well, but you have also said that anticipation messes things up,

and so I don't want to have any anticipation.

A: Anticipation is not creating one's own reality.

Then there is this from TSHOTW:

Everyone who "believes" in an attempt to "create reality" that is different from what IS, adds to the increase of chaos and entropy. If your beliefs are orthogonal to the truth, no matter how strongly you believe them, you are essentially coming into conflict with how the Universe views itself and I can assure you, you ain’t gonna win that contest. You are inviting destruction upon yourself and all who engage in this "staring down the universe" exercise with you.

On the other hand, if you are able to view the Universe as it views itself, objectively, without blinking, and with acceptance of the reality and appropriate responses to how things really are, you then become more "aligned" with the Creative energy of the universe and your very consciousness becomes a transducer of order energy, and your actions are consonant with what is. Your energy of observation, given unconditionally, matched by the appropriate actions, can bring order to chaos, can create out of infinite potential.
Since Humanity - as a whole - is an "organ for transducing energies onto our planet", the condition of humanity - as a whole - is reflected by the planet. The suffering of humanity, the lies that humans believe, all have a profound effect on the planet.

VERY IMPORTANT: it is not whether or not one "believes" in good things or bad things that makes good things or bad things happen. It is the factual observation of reality and whether or not it leads to a true assessment or lies.

The effort to view the universe AS IT VIEWS ITSELF with love and acceptance even in the face of what might be termed "horror" can actually lead to amelioration of that horror. To view the universe and to deny the truth and to insist that one can believe whatever one wants to believe and thereby make it so, is to deny reality and contributes to the chaos, the destruction, the suffering.

And so, what is the the solution? The TRUTH - as close to it as we can objectively get - MUST be propagated as widely and as soon as possible.

That is the only thing that will "save the planet". Because it is in the creative centers of humanity - both kinds, those with souls and those without - that the fate of the earth lies.

If the Grail Consciousness is Objectivity, how do we learn to see the universe objectively, as it sees itself? Another way of putting it is: how do we overcome our own subjectivity? The answer is by mastering the impermanent parts of our personality and bringing them under control of the part of us that is permanent, that part of us that has avlink with the Creative force. And in this struggle, we discover that not only do we bind with truth spiritually, but this process also induces a change in our brain chemistry, which can literally lead to a physical transmutation.

and Chapter 13 of "The Wave":

All there is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist. Even inanimate matter learns it is all an "Illusion." Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds. Now, contemplate for a moment. Each soul is all powerful and can create or destroy all existence if [they] know how. You and us and all others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is. You may create alternative universes if you wish and dwell within. You are all a duplicate of the universe within which you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is "fun" to see how much you can access.
Q: (L) It's fun for who to see how much we can access?
A: All. Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of your mind is?
Q: (L) Where?
A: We asked you.
Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no limit.
A: If there is no limit, then what is the difference between your own mind and everything else?
Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no difference if all is ultimately One.
A: Right. And when two things each have absolutely no limits, they are precisely the same thing.

The above remarks by the Cassiopaeans reflect the general "core" of many teachings down through the ages. So what's the difference between what the Cassiopaeans are saying and what has already been said?

Perhaps we can answer that question with another one: what good is it to know all the other things that the Cassiopaeans have told us? What practical purpose does it serve?

I am a VERY practical person. For me, and for my husband, Ark, it is RESULTS that count. I guess you could call it the "Fruits Agenda" derived from the saying: "By their fruits you shall know them." It's all fine and good to have a philosophical view of the world that admits to an underlying unity of everything, but for all practical purposes, despite the claims of numerous teachers and gurus down through history, including a plethora of New Age promoters of the "You create your own reality" ilk, we can see that this is somehow not precisely applicable in our world.

Yet, the Cassiopaeans have just said it. But, they said something else: "IF YOU KNOW HOW."

Then there's the issue of earth changes, climate change and comet threat. Based on my current understanding, is it correct to say that the more "we" as humanity get on the same page about "seeing" the world as it is, objectively, the less impact these threats will have on us? Or in other words, the more we believe in lies and are stuck in our subjective tunnel vision, the more we will create chaos and increase entropy, the threat of an ice age, comet impacts, etc.... , the "metaphysical Aspects" of believing in lies so to speak that result in entropy.

I also remember in the RA Material where Ra mentioned that the earth changes are a result or mirror/manifestations relating to the distorted "social memory complex" of humanity, meaning that since humanity is not collinear in their understanding, the disharmony and friction causes the earth changes. Does that relate to Climate Change and Comets as well?

Michael Topper writes in "Why You Don't Create Your Own Reality":
[...]It is, then, the standard of the Whole which weighs the balance of thought and Rules on the quality of experience. As long as one is taking an interpretive perspective on that whole which isn't directly aligned with It, the resultant reflection of one's personal self- estimates in the form of experience will resemble a maze of fractionated mirrors, first one side and then the other of one's total Presence being represented in the medium first the overt and then the hidden phase of the overall figure being shown to view.
The converse implication of this, of course, is that only in alignment and integral consonance with the Whole-value of Being may Reality be accurately manifested through the medium of "personal expression" for then there is no discrepancy between "personal" and Universal, the perspectival "part" and the indeterminate Whole. It is under this condition that the "impossible" can be manifested (i.e. that which is self-evidently beyond the power of anyone to "personally" manipulate or control).[...]

So, it is about aligning one's personal will of the little "I" with the Will of the Whole, the higher self so to speak. This can only happen through sincere self-work and techniques such as the EE program that helps to cleanse and connect one to one's higher self. The question comes up how does one know if one is truly aligned with one's higher self and is not lying to oneself? Many people act in belief that they are doing "god's will" (even Bush did).
Then there is the issue of Karma and pre-destined purpose/mission, the soul's intent before incarnation (such as a "Wanderer"). I remember the C's also saying not to "forget about Karma" and that humanity is working out Karma related to Atlantis. That's a touchy subject for me, because how do we know that some of the people who are being killed and suffer are not simply "working out" their Karma? I know this is over-simplified idea and I don't like to use it as an excuse (as some people, especially in the New Age arena, like to do), but I wonder what part Karma and Destiny plays in Reality Creation, Objectivity and the "Future". Is "destiny" maybe related to the alignment with one's higher self? Then there is the question of free will vs. destiny, what can we really change and what do we have no control over (even in ourselves)?....or in other words, what came before, the chicken or the egg?

The C's also mentioned not to get "stuck in 3D thinking". So while it is important to be and stay objectively aware of our 3D reality, we should also apply "4D thinking"? (I just made this term up in regards to the C's comment about 3D thinking.) Would 4D thinking entail to "transcend" 3D and the threats by raising one's FRV? Or as Don Juan said, to let the "coat of awareness" grow back into its full size. It may also mean not to fall into the trap of linear time, as the C's said time is a 3D illusion anyway.
Then there is also the comment of the C's and in other material (Ra, the P's (Bringers of the Dawn)) that not everyone is going to make the shift, that some will re-experience 3D, while others "graduate" to 4D. In other words some may experience the comet impacts, while others will transcend it.

I'm sorry if this is a bit all over the place, but I'm trying to get a deeper understanding of "Reality Creation" and how our awareness affects the world "out there", personally and collectively.

Any insights in these matters are appreciated.
This comment is about karma.
In my limited understanding karma is a feedback system.
What you put out you get back. Your inner state, thoughts, emotions is reflected by the
outer events. Therefore, if you change your inner state, thinking and feeling the outer
will respond accordingly. If you don't change the lesson will be repeated with increasing
severity until you "get it" or not.
This is to me the only way to change anything; in short change yourself.
Leo40 said:
This comment is about karma.
In my limited understanding karma is a feedback system.
What you put out you get back. Your inner state, thoughts, emotions is reflected by the
outer events. Therefore, if you change your inner state, thinking and feeling the outer
will respond accordingly. If you don't change the lesson will be repeated with increasing
severity until you "get it" or not.
This is to me the only way to change anything; in short change yourself.

That's pretty close to my understanding as well. As Leo40 says - 'change your-self', or risk keep repeating the 'circular' 'Film of Life' until you make a significant change to 'spiral out' (see Mouravieff) to the next 'level' of the Film of Life, or to the next density.
Spiral Out said:
Michael Topper writes in "Why You Don't Create Your Own Reality":
[...]It is, then, the standard of the Whole which weighs the balance of thought and Rules on the quality of experience. As long as one is taking an interpretive perspective on that whole which isn't directly aligned with It, the resultant reflection of one's personal self- estimates in the form of experience will resemble a maze of fractionated mirrors, first one side and then the other of one's total Presence being represented in the medium first the overt and then the hidden phase of the overall figure being shown to view.

Well, the way I see it, Topper is saying as long as you are narrating your world view instead of 'experiencing' the world, the only 'creating' you can do is 'in your head'.

Spiral Out said:
The C's also mentioned not to get "stuck in 3D thinking". So while it is important to be and stay objectively aware of our 3D reality, we should also apply "4D thinking"?

I think the kind of thinking you can get 'stuck' in is the linear (deductive) mode. The non-linear (pattern identification/recognition) mode is still available to work with as you can see in the Wave.

Spiral Out said:
I'm sorry if this is a bit all over the place, but I'm trying to get a deeper understanding of "Reality Creation" and how our awareness affects the world "out there", personally and collectively.

Any insights in these matters are appreciated.

How is your awareness (or whatever) affecting the world 'out there' right now through your interacting on the forum? :)
Thanks Bud, Leo40 and Trevrizent!

I think the main point I'm trying to clarify is how awareness has an effect on earth changes, climate change and possibly comets coming this way. Is it correct to say that the more people become objectively aware and collinear, the "easier" the Transition as the Wave comes because it also "weakens" cataclysmic events? Or in other words, are the earth changes, etc, related to the level consciousness of humanity and since the majority of the people are non-collinear, believing in lies and caught in a subjective "tunnel vision", it creates disharmony/entropy which manifests (to a degree) in cataclysmic events at the Time of Transition?
I'm thinking in lines of the EEQT (Event Enhanced Quantum Theory) as Laura wrote about in TSOTH and which she also wrote about in this article:

What we learn from EEQT can be described in simple terms as follows:

Let us call our material universe "the system". The system is characterized by a certain "state". It is useful to represent the state of the system as a point on a disc. The central point of the disk, its origin, is the state of chaos. We could also describe it as "Infinite Potential." The points on the boundary represents "pure states" of being, that is states with "pure, non-fuzzy, knowledge". In between there are mixed states. The closer the state is to the boundary, the more pure, more 'organized' it is.

Now, an external "observer", a "consciousness unit", has some idea - maybe accurate, maybe false or anywhere in between - about the "real state" of the system, and observes the system with this "belief" about the state. Observation, if prolonged, causes the state of the system to "jump". In this sense, you DO "create your own reality", but the devil, as always, is in the details.

The details are that the resulting state of the system under observation can be more pure, or more chaotic depending on the "direction" of the jump. The direction of the jump depends on how objective - how close to the reality of the actual state - the observation is.

According to EEQT if the expectations of the observer are close to the actual state of the system, the system jumps, more often than not, into more organized, less chaotic state.

If, on the other hand, the expectation of the observer is close to the negation of the actual state (that is when the observer's beliefs are not TRUE according to the ACTUAL state - the objective reality), then the state of the system, typically, will jump into a state that is more chaotic, less organized. Moreover, it will take, as a rule, much longer time to accomplish such a jump.

In other words, if the observer's knowledge of the actual state is close to the truth, then the very act of observation and verification causes a jump quickly, and the resulting state is more organized; pure. If the observer's knowledge of the actual state is false, then it takes usually a long time to cause a change in the state of the system, and the resulting state is more chaotic.
Spiral Out said:
I think the main point I'm trying to clarify is how awareness has an effect on earth changes, climate change and possibly comets coming this way. Is it correct to say that the more people become objectively aware and collinear, the "easier" the Transition as the Wave comes because it also "weakens" cataclysmic events? Or in other words, are the earth changes, etc, related to the level consciousness of humanity and since the majority of the people are non-collinear, believing in lies and caught in a subjective "tunnel vision", it creates disharmony/entropy which manifests (to a degree) in cataclysmic events at the Time of Transition?
Perhaps. It is difficult to foresee non-linear effects.
Regarding reality creation, I remembered a French film called Happenstance that I saw quite a few years ago. It is about random, trivial acts of different people over a period of one day in Paris which affects others in a sort of causal chain - an illustration of the non-linear "butterfly wings" principle. It was unconscious reality creation in a sense. Thinking is similar lines, small acts of awareness performed in alignment with STO principles by a relatively small group of people can possibly have disproportionate impact on events. But having definitive answers as to what may happen is perhaps not possible at this level of awareness - osit.
Spiral Out said:
Thanks Bud, Leo40 and Trevrizent!

I think the main point I'm trying to clarify is how awareness has an effect on earth changes, climate change and possibly comets coming this way. Is it correct to say that the more people become objectively aware and collinear, the "easier" the Transition as the Wave comes because it also "weakens" cataclysmic events?

Weakens? In what terms? If the issue is 'awareness/perception', then it seems to me as one changes one's assumptions/beliefs about what is going on, the Wave is a welcome ride into 4th Density consciousness and variability of physicality, though it may be turbulent at first. IOW, the 'effect of awareness' is to the individual/group and concerns 'understanding', and not to the natural world/Universe. But that doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about. :/

Spiral Out said:
Or in other words, are the earth changes, etc, related to the level consciousness of humanity and since the majority of the people are non-collinear, believing in lies and caught in a subjective "tunnel vision", it creates disharmony/entropy which manifests (to a degree) in cataclysmic events at the Time of Transition?

You mean as sort of a negative feedback loop? Sounds reasonable, but I lack sufficient understanding to say with any certainty. :(

The quote regarding the "EEQT" understanding is more problematical from my point of view since I'm not at all well-versed enough in the details of the subject and that is where the devil is. :)

Having said that, it seems to me that this:

Observation, if prolonged, causes the state of the system to "jump".

...if the observer's knowledge of the actual state is close to the truth, then the very act of observation and verification causes a jump quickly, and the resulting state is more organized...

...implies the 'observer' is embedded in the system which is being observed. IOW, there must be energetic linkage between the observer and the observed in order for any observation to be a 'cause' of anything, OSIT.

If there is linkage by which an observer can effect the system under observation, then I would assume there is also feedback and it would follow (at least in my mind) that feedback from the system concerning 'state of the system' would also effect the '(perceptual)state' of the observer (so that the observer can see/understand what is happening).

I would think this state of affairs to be plausible, but it is not the typical understanding of 'the observer' in conventional physics as I understand the concept. The conventional observer seems to be a hoax because an observer who is not connected to a system under observation cannot, by definition, have any effect on that system (by what means would the effect be created?). If the observer is connected to the system in a way where the system can be effected by observation, then the feedback to the observer from the system might even mask the fact that a change has happened if the observer changed in a corresponding way, and therefore, might never even notice that anything happened unless he somehow noticed the change in self.

This is just how it all looks to me at the moment and I am simply commenting on your quote from my understanding of logic and not from any position of authority on the subject, so just take it fwiw as I am probably way out in left field. :)
Spiral Out said:
Is it correct to say that the more people become objectively aware and collinear, the "easier" the Transition as the Wave comes because it also "weakens" cataclysmic events? Or in other words, are the earth changes, etc, related to the level consciousness of humanity and since the majority of the people are non-collinear, believing in lies and caught in a subjective "tunnel vision", it creates disharmony/entropy which manifests (to a degree) in cataclysmic events at the Time of Transition?
I'm thinking in lines of the EEQT (Event Enhanced Quantum Theory) as Laura wrote about in TSOTH and which she also wrote about in this article:

This is basically my understanding. The C's did indicate at one point that increased human awareness/action could mitigate the cataclysmic events. They also said that cataclysms mirror the human experiential cycle, so, yes, I do think there is a link between human consciousness and cataclysmic events on Earth. If every human on the planet saw and understood the Universe and themselves EXACTLY as they are - then, it is my understanding that any upcoming catastrophes would be mitigated if not completely removed. The question is, what effect does only a small number of people with increased awareness have? That's where the non-linear aspect comes in, and, we'll just have to wait and see (at least I don't know the answer!).
anart said:
Spiral Out said:
Is it correct to say that the more people become objectively aware and collinear, the "easier" the Transition as the Wave comes because it also "weakens" cataclysmic events? Or in other words, are the earth changes, etc, related to the level consciousness of humanity and since the majority of the people are non-collinear, believing in lies and caught in a subjective "tunnel vision", it creates disharmony/entropy which manifests (to a degree) in cataclysmic events at the Time of Transition?
I'm thinking in lines of the EEQT (Event Enhanced Quantum Theory) as Laura wrote about in TSOTH and which she also wrote about in this article:

This is basically my understanding. The C's did indicate at one point that increased human awareness/action could mitigate the cataclysmic events. They also said that cataclysms mirror the human experiential cycle, so, yes, I do think there is a link between human consciousness and cataclysmic events on Earth. If every human on the planet saw and understood the Universe and themselves EXACTLY as they are - then, it is my understanding that any upcoming catastrophes would be mitigated if not completely removed. The question is, what effect does only a small number of people with increased awareness have? That's where the non-linear aspect comes in, and, we'll just have to wait and see (at least I don't know the answer!).

Thanks anart. "mitigate" is the word I was looking for.

I found the Ra quote that I was mentioning:

The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularized in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour. The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration. This causes the planetary sphere to be able to be molded by these new distortions. However, the thought-forms of your people during this transition period are such that the mind/body/spirit complexes of both individual and societies are scattered throughout the spectrum instead of becoming able to grasp the needle, shall we say, and point the compass in one direction.

Thus, the entry into the vibration of love, sometimes called by your people the vibration of understanding, is not effective with your present societal complex. Thus, the harvest shall be such that many will repeat the third-density cycle. The energies of your Wanderers, your teachers, and your adepts at this time are all bent upon increasing the harvest. However, there are few to harvest.


The fourth density is a vibrational spectrum. Your time/space continuum has spiraled your planetary sphere and your, what we would call galaxy, what you call star, into this vibration. This will cause the planetary sphere itself to electromagnetically realign its vortices of reception of the in-streaming of cosmic forces expressing themselves as vibrational webs so that the Earth thus be fourth-density magnetized, as you may call it.

This is going to occur with some inconvenience, as we have said before, due to the energies of the thought-forms of your peoples which disturb the orderly constructs of energy patterns within your Earth spirals of energy which increases entropy and unusable heat. This will cause your planetary sphere to have some ruptures in its outer garment while making itself appropriately magnetized for fourth density. This is the planetary adjustment.

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