Computer systems going wonky - United Airlines, NYSE, Wall Street Journal


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
United Airlines computers went down today

NYSE computers down right now

Wall Street Journal down
Interesting. I wonder if the NYSE suspension was just a glitch or is meant to hide something. My "conspiracy gut" tells me there's many dollars being moved around in the background right now...
A friend of mine, a Canadian and a ex-banker and now a teacher just wrote in his wall:

RT just reported it is a computer gliche in NY-but no official confirmation. Situation is very fluid-the outlook is very grim. Huge losses on TSX exchange in Toronto to day-I am watching it as my retirement funds are evaporating fast-it is unbelievable!
Weird. WSJ is back up again. But according to temporary website ( is was definitely down.
There's also this: _

Apparently the Chinese market lost 3.2 trillion (with a t) yesterday.
I don't know if this site cited by zerohedge is of any value: _ , cite in _
but it's fun to watch: cyber attack on the US from Europe and China (and virtually everywhere in the world), and cyber attacks from the US on France and the UK? However, being right after the panic in the Chinese market, it is possible that the shutdown of the NYSE is more for financial reasons than for some unexpected? electronic one.
Jonathan said:
Interesting. I wonder if the NYSE suspension was just a glitch or is meant to hide something. My "conspiracy gut" tells me there's many dollars being moved around in the background right now...

I was thinking this as well, and for some reason I feel it's somehow tied to the whole Greece issue.
Also related, Anonymous made a curious Twitter post yesterday:

"Wonder if tomorrow is going to be bad for Wall Street.... we can only hope."

Don't know if related and what the source is, but this plot was twitted:
I was thinking that after the Greek situation that there was a potential for panic and a stock market crash - so if that graph is accurate and the red line is well below the average norm, it could be they pulled the plug on the stock market to prevent a crash.
RedFox said:
I was thinking that after the Greek situation that there was a potential for panic and a stock market crash - so if that graph is accurate and the red line is well below the average norm, it could be they pulled the plug on the stock market to prevent a crash.

Interesting. If that's the case, then will a majority take it as a "slap on the wrist" and change course, or is it intended to be a temporary move to secure some money? Guess we'll see how this unfolds.
Well, at least according to _ Eric Scott Hunsader, "Volume from NYSE started far lower than normal from 9:30 open". He posted this recently:
FWIW, another article from Rob Kall from Opednews suggesting that both sites might have been hacked.
Gawker site posts 'Is it time to panic?' article...

It's somewhat tongue in cheek, but not completely.... includes a laundry list of 'technical difficulties' that occurred all today (major websites being down, technical glitches halting stock exchange trading, power outages in D.C....)

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