Confused and Disturbed by dream.


A Disturbance in the Force
This past night I had a dream that made me want to keep dreaming to make it right.....It was so awful.
In my dream I'm standing outside of my house. It's about dusk in the winter time. There is snow on the ground and for some reason there are all of these kids marching down my street. I find myself handing out hot chocolate to them when school buses come and all fill up my street. All the kids are getting on when all of the sudden one bus starts backing up when a kid is trying to pass between the buses. I start screaming and running but he smashes the kid in between. It seems like forever I'm banging on the back of the bus holding on to this kids jerking hand and screaming at the bus to move forward. Finally it does and I use every tactic I learned from being a lifeguard to make sure he is eased down on to the grass away from the buses, because I'm worried about neck and spine injuries. He's a blonde haired blue eyed little kid around 9 I suppose. I have one hand around his wrist checking his pulse and I'm asking him questions. I find out his name is Quinton. He can move his toes and legs but his chest hurts really bad. His lips are cut open from the bus smashing them against his teeth, and he's having trouble breathing.....Then I just wake up.

I have no children of my own. I don't even want children at this point in my life but I can't help but wonder what the hell that dream was all about. It leaves me unsettled and my inexperienced motherly instincts on edge not knowing what happened after that. Can anyone help me??
Hi Nasrin,

I'm sorry that dream was so upsetting for you. Quite often, dreams aren't meant to be interpreted literally but can be seen as symbolic of things going on inside of us. Many times, people in dreams are representative of various aspects of ourselves. While I can't say for sure, perhaps your dream may be a reflection of you attempting to save yourself - the inner child inside you or a part of yourself that is vulnerable. Hopefully that's clear, if not, feel free to ask for clarification. :)
Truth Seeker,

Thank you for responding!! while I do realize that dreams aren't ment to be interpreted literally I am having trouble interpreting the symbols in this one. :/ I'm so blindsided by the sheer horror of what I dreamed I really don't know what to make of it :/

truth seeker said:
Hi Nasrin,

I'm sorry that dream was so upsetting for you. Quite often, dreams aren't meant to be interpreted literally but can be seen as symbolic of things going on inside of us. Many times, people in dreams are representative of various aspects of ourselves. While I can't say for sure, perhaps your dream may be a reflection of you attempting to save yourself - the inner child inside you or a part of yourself that is vulnerable. Hopefully that's clear, if not, feel free to ask for clarification. :)
Nasrin said:
while I do realize that dreams aren't ment to be interpreted literally I am having trouble interpreting the symbols in this one. :/ I'm so blindsided by the sheer horror of what I dreamed I really don't know what to make of it :/
Yes, it's not always easy for us to interpret our own dreams yet interestingly enough, only the individual themselves really has the ability to do it as the symbols are personal to them. In other words, it can be a 'message' coming from their subconscious self.

It's especially difficult when the dream is horrific. Perhaps there is some situation/person in your life that you find threatening? That may be one place to start.
Nasrin said:
Truth Seeker,

Thank you for responding!! while I do realize that dreams aren't ment to be interpreted literally I am having trouble interpreting the symbols in this one. :/ I'm so blindsided by the sheer horror of what I dreamed I really don't know what to make of it :/

It might be worthwhile to take it as a warning and to scan your environment for anything or anyone that poses a danger of which you are currently unaware. It certainly couldn't hurt.
truth seeker said:
Nasrin said:
while I do realize that dreams aren't ment to be interpreted literally I am having trouble interpreting the symbols in this one. :/ I'm so blindsided by the sheer horror of what I dreamed I really don't know what to make of it :/
Yes, it's not always easy for us to interpret our own dreams yet interestingly enough, only the individual themselves really has the ability to do it as the symbols are personal to them. In other words, it can be a 'message' coming from their subconscious self.

It's especially difficult when the dream is horrific. Perhaps there is some situation/person in your life that you find threatening? That may be one place to start.

I think so, sometimes when we are stressed or concerned with some event in our lifes and feel powerless regarding it and try not to face it, dreams whith a sense of helplessness came up and we are left with the necessity to solve it as you explain here:

Nasrin said:
This past night I had a dream that made me want to keep dreaming to make it right.
Nasrin, I get the impression that, on some level, there's something you're deeply worried about. Something or somethings you sense coming, perhaps? And while you feel you have some knowledge necessary to manage, you fear that it isn't nearly enough.

Try not to worry. You will know what you need to know, when the time comes. Just keep looking and learning as best you can, day by day, and trust that that will lead you to where you need to be.
An interesting exercise you can do is write what is coming in your mind when thinking about this nightmare. Everything, without controlling your writing. Associations or ideas or images. Feelings, sensations, thoughts. Just doing this exercise will calm the horror of the dream. Sometimes the horror is just an excuse that helps the dreamer to remember the dream. The exercise will give you another perspective of the dream, giving you insights or new ideas about it. You can focus on certain parts of the dream. You can make a list of the objects that were in your dream: the buses, the children. Sounds, colors, movements. You can even draw your dream to soothe the sensation that this dream made on you. Then with all of this you have a map of it.

I hope this help. Nightmares are not funny, but they can be another expression of ourselves that (I think) need more attention.
Interesting dream. I'll take a stab at an interpretation:

*One's house represents their mind, so if your outside of it, then your looking at something that is either affecting your mind, or something you are not yet aware of, and cannot think about yet.
*It is dusk, so this means that we are more in the territory of emotions than thoughts.
*The snow is a condition you are helping the children with by giving them hot chocolate. This is a maintenance role.
*What these children represent is the key aspect of the dream. As TruthSeeker suggested, children in the dreamworld usually represent a part of you - in this case, they are presenting themselves at a noticeable age (you said 9) so that may mean that this has to do with your life at their age.
*The accident happens to a boy, so if this is part of your male aspect, then it could indicate something traumatic happening to your faculties for thinking, decision-making, or rational behavior in general.

I would consider that perhaps something happened to you around age 9, perhaps a traumatic event, and that it affected or is affecting your cognitive function somehow. That part of you may be showing this to you in an attempt to get you to address the issue.
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