Conscious Drifting Into Sleep and Getting Stuck In Transition


A Disturbance in the Force
Just thought I'd share an interesting experience I had last night. I was having trouble sleeping because I'd been taking Ritalin the night before and when I finally started drifting off to sleep I was fully conscious of it and I went into that wake/sleep transition state where your logic starts to fade and you hallucinate a bit. Anyhow I heard the news. I could clearly hear a woman broadcasting the news. It was insane it sounded just like the news you'd hear on TV. I found it extremely interesting so I lay there and listened. I lay in that transition state for at least 10 minutes and I couldn't really concentration on what the woman was saying but I was dead set on making making sense of at least one sentence and waking myself up and writing it down because while I was lying there I came up with a theory that I was able to hear radio broadcasts since I was in this altered wake/sleep state of mind. Unfortunately my efforts were hindered jagged objects being jabbed into my back. At one point I actually felt hands giving me a back massage but it was horrible like a gorilla massaging you and the idea of hands massaging me while I was lying in bed paralyzed and half asleep was a bit disturbing so I made it my mission to pull myself out of paralysis.

Does anyone else here get that bizarre thing where you start drifting off to sleep and your fully conscious of the whole thing but as you go into that borderline wake/sleep state and your logic fades theres something it gets really uncomfortable because you feel something jabbing you in the back and since your logic is fading your convinced theres something in your bed jabbing some pointy object in your back so you make it your mission to pull yourself out of paralysis to get some revenge against the bastard jabbing pointy objects into your back. Needless to say every time I wake up theres nobody in my bed jabbing pointy objects into my back. I've learned to just tough it out and let myself drift fully into sleep. I usually go into a lucid dream which is pretty cool because I only have spontaneous lucid dreams once a week tops.
Xochipilli said:
Does anyone else here get that bizarre thing where you start drifting off to sleep and your fully conscious of the whole thing but as you go into that borderline wake/sleep state and your logic fades theres something it gets really uncomfortable

Hi Xochipilli,

If you didn't read the threads dealing with "sleep paralysis" or "lucid dreaming" yet, you might be interested in typing those keywords in the search engine. There are already some very interesting discussions about those topics.
Xochipilli said:
Just thought I'd share an interesting experience I had last night.

Hi 'xochipilli' - I'm wondering if there is a reason you've posted this again, since you posted a very similar 'experience' under your previous username of 'crackbadger' - here - .

Your previous 'incarnation' was blocked from posting for a while due to your consistent reference to hallucinogen and opiate use which is strictly against forum rules, so I'm also wondering why you've chosen to repeat this behavior this time around? (  )  - note -- the paragraph containing description of hallucinogen use was removed by a moderator --  Any clarification would be appreciated, since it would appear that you might be deliberately breaking forum rules, which, hopefully is not the case.
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