Cool It


FOTCM Member
Looks like some more global warming disinfo is on its way around with the new movie called Cool It :


I haven't seen it, it's not showing around my area. The gist appears to be that 'Gore is right about global warming, but we're going about addressing it the wrong way' - in other words, nothing about comets, planetary rotation, volcanos, quakes, etc. That's what I've gathered from reading a few reviews.

It's made by Bjørn Lomborg, a young man who founded 'Copenhagen Consensus Center', which they state 'is a think-tank in Denmark that publicizes
the best ways for governments and philanthropists to spend aid and development money.'


Looks to me like it's a film meant to lure in the stragglers that bought into Gore's hype, but not Gore's projected urgency. In other words, 'don't worry we can fix it'

I could be wrong, having not seen the film.
Hi M.
I happen to know a guy who works with Bjørn Lomborg and the way I have understand it, the main issue is something like: We do agree on the fact that there might be a lot of truth in the "climate cooling concept" but if we publish anything which clearly states that. We won't be doing business anymore or anywhere again. So they are being skeptical and handle and suggest to deal with things in another way, but ..... like so many others i think they somewhat stick to the mainstream.
But from what I am aware of he is absolutely not promoting Al Gores ideas and approach towards things. on the contrary

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