Cosmic Serpents


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I've wanted to share this dream since I had it on the morning of December 23rd.....finally getting caught up with the forum it seems relevent in some way (even if its just personal to me). Given the odd nature of the start of the year....I can't help wonder if this dream was not about me for a change.

The dream started with driving my car down motorways and side roads.....taking a looping route and eventually back tracking to reach my destination. It appeared to be a small town on a river in France, with lots of buildings made of sandstone with archways over the roads by the river.....I was working on a personal project in one of the buildings.
Outside was a sunny day with a thin layer of white cloud in the sky. The following part was so vivid I actually thought I was awake for a moment (I have never had that happen before)...
It started with a distant rumble of thunder, then a clap/crack of thunder in the sky above me.....this sound caught my attention as being strangely sounded wrong.
I went outside and looked up to see a black cloud forming rapidly above, the crack of thunder came again and seemed to last longer than it naturally should (it echoed like it would in a tunnel)...and in the black cloud I saw a white/yellow flash of lightning......that seemed to move organically and did not dissipate.
It was like watching a snake made of lightning move around in the sky.....the black cloud was still growing larger.

At this point I heard a massive boom overhead and the ground shock beneath my feet. "This is it" I thought "the comets are here"....I felt strangely relieved and did the only thing I could think of and switch on my mobile phone so I could video it :lol:

More booms overhead, and the snake of lightning grew in size and length and swam/snaked back and forth across the sky...more flashes in the sky....then the most bizarre thing, the booms became so close together that it sounded like a stampede of horses....only the entire earth beneath my feet was shaking to it. The entire sky was now black as far as I could see.
I was busy trying to get my phone to start and the camera to focus on the show.....

Then just as it was getting going, it was over and the noise and ground shaking stopped, the cloud in the sky faded back to white and the sound of thunder/booms echoed into the distance. "Is that it?" I thought....along with "Stupid phone..." because I only managed to record the sound (and my verbal comments) and not the show in the sky.
"People can't ignore this many people will have had to have seen and heard this" is how I signed off the video recording. I couldn't wait to share it on the forum...

Strangely though everything seemed normal afterwards...I had to step out of the road to avoid a driver in a car (who looked a little confused as to why I was stood their).
mkrnhr said:
you mean the car driver didn't see what you saw?

Initially I got the impression they didn't (which confused me), but they could have just been in shock and carrying on as if nothing had happened? The driver seemed a little surprised, but I'm not sure if that was with me or with what had happened. The road they drove in on may have had the view of the sky obscured. They should have heard/felt it was like an earthquake almost. I didn't notice them on the road until after the event had cleared......
Thinking about it, that part of the dream was quite odd....I felt a little deflated thinking that they hadn't noticed it.
Their was no one else around, which is why I was annoyed my phone didn't seem to pick up what I was seeing.....I just thought it was having technical problems.
I hadn't realised that until now...perhaps I was the only person to see it and everyone else (including my camera phone) couldn't?? That just makes the whole thing even weirder!
RedFox said:
Their was no one else around, which is why I was annoyed my phone didn't seem to pick up what I was seeing.....I just thought it was having technical problems.
I hadn't realised that until now...perhaps I was the only person to see it and everyone else (including my camera phone) couldn't?? That just makes the whole thing even weirder!

And would tie in with people still not seeing what's actually going on. Maybe there will be a sequel to this dream? Have your phone prepared this time. ;)
I had a strange dream the other day regarding serpents too.

In a quick nutshell, it was early afternoon and after getting home from work sat in a chair I often use to read. Drifted off to nap for maybe an hour or so.

But I was aware in the dream and this is what was so strange....

A dragon appeared. That is the only word I have to describe it, a dragon. The face, long and sinewy snake like form, but the face of a dragon, for sure.

It also seemed like billowing smoke or cloudy in essence.

It seemed to rise up and was looking right at me. It appeared bluish or charcoal in colour.

In the dream I had a sword and "cut" through the serpent. Cut is maybe not quite the right word,
if you have ever seen Hellboy II and remember the character Johanne Krauss, that is the type of
smoke like or billowing substance it appeared to be.

It almost seemed connected to me in some way, like it was arising in and out of me?

Sounds strange, but have been thinking of this today and saw your post in dreams on cosmic
serpents, which was where I considered posting this, so figured I would chime in too.

with kind regards.

PS - this was the first time I have ever seen or dreamt of a dragon before. :/
Fwiw, I also dreamt only once about a dragon. It was however related to a man, who was my boss for a few months, in a call center. He seemed to have clairvoyant abilities (told me about a dream he had about me which revealed an aspect of my life, he could have had no way of knowing, and when I denied the content to protect myself he said that he's always had clairvoyant dreams and that his dreams have always turned out to be true). In any case, this boss was a manipulant, controlling and cunning predatory guy. Later it turned out his whole company was a bogus - he let us employees work for him for many months (though I only worked there for a month), and either didn't pay us or paid only a small amount, giving excuses such as, he's waiting for the money himself. Later, he simply disappeared. I did sue him, but nobody could find him. He was up and away with all the money.
In the dream he was depicted as a huge dragon, very dangerous and throwing fire. Everybody around him got badly hurt. I was at the scene, too, but didn't get hurt. An old man showed this scene to me, he himself was hurt, and limping.

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