Cosmology of the Fourth Way - Hydrogens and how life emerges from it


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I hope this is the right section to start the topic. If not, please move it to the correct section.

This is something I have been thinking about for about two weeks. Initially when I found an article in which several researchers found in their research that life, the energy needed to synthesize the building blocks of life comes from the metabolism itself, provided that an essential starting compound is included. The secret ingredient that releases the energy from within at the origin of life is the cleanest, greenest, newest and oldest of all energy carriers: hydrogen gas, H2.

When I read this, prior to an exchange of ideas in another section of the forum, it comes somehow concatenated to the idea / concept of hydrogens as exposed in the cosmology of the fourth way.

The article I mention is this: Early evolution: Publication in Frontiers in Microbiology

According to the fourth way everything that exists is seen in the context of a table of hydrogens, where the term "hydrogen" simply means substance in general. Some hydrogens are material, some are information, some are spiritual energies for which there is no general description in human language. (Casswiki p. 815).




The substance of the Absolute​


The first level of the created. Not in human experience.​


The energy of the higher intellectual center. Manifests very rarely with humans.​


The energy of the higher emotional center, generally energy of intense emotion. Occurs rarely in humans.​


The energy of the lower emotional center and moving center.​


Normal impressions. This is the start of the impression octave in the human.


Fire, rarefied gas, plasma, neurotransmitters, hormones, chemicals governing the biological organism. Abundance of H96 reflects as an impression of good health and radiant physical energy in humans.


Air, the beginning of the air octave in the human.​


Water, products of food digestion.


Food consumable for humans. Beginning of the food octave in the human.


Biological matter, generally not edible.​


Inanimate matter, minerals, metals.​

(In the table that I extract from page 815 I mark in bold what I find important for my argument.)

Continuing with the text on page 815:

When in the context of a specific process involving the Law of Three, the hydrogens will be referred to as carbon, oxygen or nitrogen, depending on the specific role they play in the process discussed.

The Ra term "intelligent energy" is somewhat similar to "higher hydrogens," but is less specific.

The conceptual system involving the hydrogens, triads and octaves is complex and is described in greater detail in P. D. Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous and Boris Mouravieff's Gnosis books.

We see that both the article and the concept of hydrogens in the table refer to the substance hydrogen as well as its role in metabolism.

The university article concludes that:

"As for energy in the origin of life, we can say that pure chemical energy is enough. We need no sunlight, no meteors, no ultraviolet light: just H2 and CO2, plus some ammonia and salts. Because of the extremely conserved nature of the chemical reactions in our biosynthetic network, we can get some interesting insights into the reactions that gave rise to LUCA*, even though it lived four billion years ago. "

What I think about this is that it would seem that there is finally a way to quantify and examine the role of hydrogens with current tools and that there is definitely a close relationship between the hydrogen table and the phenomenon of life. The universe as a great metabolism.

The second thing is that the human being, or in the human being there is an evolutionary capacity determined by the metabolic evolution possible in terms of the absorption of the hydrogen material. And that demonstrated by the article and its research, there is the possibility or theory that if man evolves esoterically, he would develop a metabolism that would allow him to capture more refined impressions such as those of the hydrogens H12 and H6.

For now I see this as a relationship and not a coincidence. It is a topic that I think deserves to be discussed and see if we can come up with something else. Maybe add it to the alchemical process as well.

*Last Universal Common Ancestor .
Thanks to bring this subject on the board. It reminded me something I've read years ago in a book, "The course for farmers" by Rudolph Steiner. In a section, "digression on the activity of nature - the action of the spirit in nature" ,he develop his views on the basic elements needed for life to arrise and hydrogen is amongst them. I will reread and come back...
This way is fascinating but I don't have the scientific education to enrich this reflection. And I had also had difficulty in understanding Mouravieff's text properly.
However, I suppose that there must be a link with the stars, these giant hydrogen machines, and that this reflects this process on a macrocosmic level. In the alchemical process, man seems to esoterically aim at his transformation into a "little sun".
Does the practice of breathing, for example, as we practice it with the Eiriu Eolas program, have a link with the production (or capture?) of a certain type of hydrogen?

I will transcribe the article so everyone can read it here in this thread. Then perhaps I can answer the questions, expanding the argument.

How did the first chemical reactions get started at the origin of life and what was their source of energy? Researchers at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) have reconstructed the metabolism of the last universal common ancestor, LUCA. They found that almost all chemical steps used by primordial life to piece together the molecular building blocks of cells are energy releasing reactions. This identified the long-sought source of energy needed to drive these reactions forward, which has been hiding in plain sight. The energy required to synthesize the building blocks of life comes from within metabolism itself, as long as one essential starting compound is included. The secret ingredient that releases the energy from within at life's origin is the cleanest, greenest, newest and oldest of all energy carriers: Hydrogen gas, H2.


The Metabolism of LUCA. The research team investigated 402 biochemical reactions that are required for the biosynthesis of the molecular building blocks of life. Each circle represents one reaction, its color represents the energy that is released at each reaction. Green means energy is released, violet means energy is required. (Image: HHU / Jessica Wimmer)


Comment from me: Looking at the graph at a glance, it would appear that there are more green circles than violet/purple circles. Of all the chemical reactions, there is more energy production than energy demand.
The team of Prof. Dr. William Martin in the Institute for Molecular Evolution at the HHU investigates how and where life arose on the early Earth. Their approach is experimental and computational. In the laboratory, they run chemical experiments to investigate reactions between hydrogen and carbon dioxide, CO2, using catalysts and conditions found in submarine hydrothermal vents. At the computer, they have developed a form of molecular archaeology that allows them to uncover the many different traces of primordial life that are preserved in the proteins, DNA and chemical reactions of modern cells.

In their latest work, they investigated the question of what kind of chemical environment fostered the chemical reactions that gave rise to metabolism, and later to LUCA itself, and where the energy came from that was needed to drive those reactions forward. To do that, they looked not at genes, but at the information contained within the chemical reactions of life themselves. They identified 402 metabolic reactions that have gone virtually unchanged since the origin of life roughly 4 billion years ago. Because these reactions are common to all cells, they were also present in LUCA. They shed light on how primordial life dealt with energy in metabolism and where it obtained the energy needed to make life's chemical reactions go forward.


Comment from me: Here things get interesting. We see that there is indeed a question of information. Yes, it is understood that it refers to information obtained from the analysis of chemical reactions, but still information. If we take into account for example the quantum information theory, the basic chemical / metabolic reactions can represent bits of information and in this we find another parallelism when we look at the table of hydrogens and their description.

Some hydrogens are material, some are information, some are spiritual energies for which there is no general description in human language.


Jessica Wimmer, a PhD student in the institute and lead author on the new paper, was particularly interested in the energy balance of LUCA's metabolic reactions, because all life requires energy. For that she made a catalogue of the 402 reactions that the simple and ancient among modern cells — bacteria and archaea — use to construct the building blocks of life: the 20 amino acids, the bases of DNA and RNA, and the 18 vitamins (cofactors) that are essential for metabolism. In the most primitive of modern cells, and in Wimmer's computer analyses, these compounds are synthesized from simple molecules that are present in the modern environment and that were also present in hydrothermal vents on the early Earth: hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia (NH3). The result was the metabolic network of LUCA.

When asked about the motivation behind the central question of the new study, Jessica Wimmer says: "We wanted to know where the energy came from that drove primordial metabolism forward. At the very onset of metabolic reactions some 4 billion years ago, there were no proteins or enzymes to catalyze reactions because they had not yet evolved. Metabolism had to arise from reactions that could take place in the environment, perhaps with help from inorganic catalysts. But catalysts or not, in order to go forward, the reactions have to release energy. Where did that energy come from? There have been lots of suggestions for possible sources of metabolic energy in the literature. But nobody ever looked into the reactions of metabolism itself." To find sources of energy in metabolic reactions, the team calculated the amount of free energy, also called Gibbs energy, that is released or consumed in each reaction.

The result: LUCA's metabolism required no external source of energy such as UV light, meteorite impacts, volcanic eruptions, or radioactivity. On the contrary, in an environment typical of many modern submarine hydrothermal vents, the energy needed for the reactions of metabolism to go forward stems from within metabolism itself. Stated another way, almost all of LUCA’s metabolic reactions liberate energy all by themselves: the energy for life stems from life itself*. Martin, senior author of the study, says: "That is exciting, because the 400 interconnected reactions of central metabolism, which seem so hopelessly complex upon first encounter, suddenly reveal a natural tendency to unfold all by themselves under the right conditions."

*I have searched the forum and the transcripts but cannot find it, but I remember that the C's had mentioned that the origin of life was life itself. If anyone can find the reference, please post it here.

To arrive at that conclusion, the team had to first investigate the energetics of the 402 reactions using computer programs that simulate different environmental conditions, so as to distinguish energetically favorable from unfavorable combinations. This is important because whether or not a reaction releases energy often depends upon environmental conditions. They surveyed conditions ranging from pH 1 (acidic) to pH 14 (alkaline), temperatures from 25 to 100 °C, and different relative amounts of reactants to products. They looked with particular care at the energetic role of hydrogen. Wimmer: "Without hydrogen, nothing happens at all, because hydrogen is required to get carbon from CO2 incorporated into metabolism in the first place."

The energetically optimal conditions fall within an alkaline pH range around pH 9 and a temperature around 80 °C, with hydrogen required for CO2 fixation. Putting this result in context, Martin explains: "This is almost exactly what we see at Lost City, a H2-producing hydrothermal field in the Mid-Atlantic. In an environment like that, about 95–97 % of LUCA’s metabolic reactions could go forward spontaneously, that is, without the need for any other source of energy. **In the abyssal darkness of hydrothermal systems, H2 is chemical sunlight. Modern energy research exploits exactly the same properties of hydrogen as life does. It is just that life has four billion years of experience with hydrogen technology, while we are just getting started."

Jessica Wimmer adds: "Regarding energy at life's origin, we can say that pure chemical energy is sufficient. We need no sunlight, no meteorites, no UV light: just H2 and CO2, plus some ammonia and salts. Because of the extremely conserved nature of the chemical reactions in our biosynthetic network, we can obtain some interesting insights into the reactions that gave rise to LUCA, even though it lived four billion years ago. “


**I think you hit on something important:

**In the abyssal darkness of hydrothermal systems, H2 is chemical sunlight.

In the alchemical process, man seems to esoterically aim at his transformation into a "little sun".

Regarding the Eiriu Eolas program, I can't say anything about it because I haven't entered it yet. I only know that I see a relationship between what is breathed materially and what is "breathed" as information in the form of impressions that are of a psychic nature: Food for thought.
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