Coughing remedies

A thing i found on Pinterest. Below is translation

Take care :)


Don’t throw the substances that are in walnuts. These substance have the appearance of human lungs. You may obtain a natural antitussive and expectorant by boiling these with 1 glass of water for 2 minutes. It’s a perfect source of remedy for our children whom we don’t want medicine. You may also add honey as sweetener in this herbal tea whose color is like that of a normal tea and whose taste is pretty nice when brewed.
Also this :)

Our foot soles have a special structure that absorbs liquid and semi-solid oils. Therefore, if you rub your sole with garlic, you would get its taste approximately 20 minutes later. The scientists who discovered that don’t know the reason yet; however this effect returns as an effective treatment.

Mostly in children (and of course in grown-ups), in case of a severe coughing that doesn’t let you sleep, rub your sole properly with Vicks ointment and wear thick socks. You will see that the coughing will pass away by itself within 5 minutes. It always works 100 percent and is more effective than giving indigestible coughing medicine to children.
Our foot soles have a special structure that absorbs liquid and semi-solid oils. Therefore, if you rub your sole with garlic, you would get its taste approximately 20 minutes later.
That's interesting.
A similar thing: my friend would put raw onion slices on his children's feet at night (in socks) when they were sick. He said it would help cure. I thought it was a weird thing and was skeptical.
Here is one tried out granny´s bay leaf (laurel) syrup for cough.
She cooked several (7-10 depends on the size) dried bay leaves in about 250-300ml water, after it cooled down a bit, she added honey (one can add also Xylitol or similar) and she put in a juice of 1 lemon (2 if they are small). Store it in the fridge and take one spoon of the syrup couple of times during the day (3-4).

Bay leaf teas and tinctures have traditionally been used as a natural remedy for respiratory conditions such as coughs, colds, and congestion.

Because bay leaves are a natural antibiotic, the use of antibiotics drugs to treat bacterial infections may be avoided, which lowers the risk of antibiotic resistance, a significant issue that can result in bacterial infections that are unresponsive to conventional medical treatment.
I recently made a respiratory tincture using 2 herbs from my garden: mullein and horehound.
I think it will be a good one to have on hand for coughs and congestion.
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