Could this be our dark companion?


The Force is Strong With This One

At the other end of the size scale, small versions of these stars could explain dark matter. "The big bang would have created zillions of tiny dark energy stars out of the vacuum," says Chapline, who worked on this idea with Mazur. "Our universe is pervaded by dark energy, with tiny dark energy stars peppered across it." These small dark energy stars would behave just like dark matter particles: their gravity would tug on the matter around them, but they would otherwise be invisible.
the thing about dark matter, and anyone out there who knows better please correct me if this is wrong, but the impression I get about dark matter is that it is something astronomers just 'invented' in order to fill the gaping chasm between the current theories of how matter SHOULD behave and the observed behaviour of what ACTUALLY happens.

ie. the only reason that the concept of 'dark matter' even exists is because observations don't match expectations, so, well, there MUST be something out there skewing the results. otherwise the laws of physics would have to be wrong, so we can't "go there" :-)

the idea of plain simple 'matter' (as opposed to spooky 'dark matter') being out there, which doesn't emit light, so is almost impossible to see in the depths of space, that sounds more likely. So, yeah, the possibility of a dark companion star is an interesting one, explored in 'Secret History'
I'm totally new oh this forum so I don't know if this has already been up on another thread, but I would like to direct you towards plasma physics, which in my view may explain a lot of stuff that the C's spoke about, for example this "dark companion".
Google for "plasmatic universe" or "electric universe" and you will find interesting sites. I'll come back to give you more exact adresses.
If you read Lost Star of Myth & Time by Walter Crittendun he gives several explations and his best guess as to what our sun's companion star is. His methodology is very scientific and he cites multiple sources. He also speaks with some of the scientists in the field and compares their opinions. It's a quick read, i finished it in about a week, and it matches alot of the cass material. Id suggest it strongly for everyone here.

And vinny u r correct, Dark Matter and Dark Energy were invented because observable phenomena couldn't possibly account for all the gravity in the universe as currently measured. It's almost as if there's this huge chunk of our universe we just can't percieve, as if its in some 4th dimension higher then ours... okay i'm leading but you get the point. :-)
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