Covert Hypnosis (NLP) Attack

Dorothy Minder

Padawan Learner
[Note to Mods: I wasn't sure where to post this. Feel free to move it wherever appropriate.]

I'll start by recounting what happened. Then I'll give a bit more background. Then I'll offer my provisional conclusions, and finally, I'll ask a few questions of the group. I am very interested to hear if anyone else has had a similar experience, or has any advice. Perhaps this post can also serve as a example case for others.

What happened

A few days ago, I had an experience I am still coming to grips with. I was walking to a meeting in the city, when a man in a wheelchair stopped me and asked for some money. I looked at him, taking measure of the situation and my feelings, and decided to give him five bucks. Big mistake, I think.

I put five dollars in his cup, but he didn’t look at it. He started talking about himself and his situation and then asked me my name and offered his hand. When I reached to shake his hand, “Ben” (the name he gave) grabbed my fingers and squeezed them painfully hard, all while talking in a very relaxed, personal voice. Still holding my fingers, he started telling me stories about a particular close relationship of his. He soon let go of my hand but kept talking, describing how this person never loved him, betrayed him at any opportunity, and ultimately made an attempt on his life. He punctuated these stories with violent gestures and twice even pushed me and slapped me on the arm for emphasis.

At one point, I said I needed to leave, and he launched into the lessons that he learned and how his life has changed. I listened for another 5 minutes or so, and then said I really needed to leave. Saying goodbye, I reached out to shake his hand again, this time ready for a strong grip. Instead, this time he offered me a very soft hand and yelped when we shook – even though I squeezed for only the briefest of moments before realizing his grip was much softer this time. I apologized, told him to take care, and walked away.

Here is how I remember my mind working through this whole interaction. When he asked for money, I was prepared to give freely. I registered that he was in a wheelchair, appeared to be homeless, and was black. All these things together evoked my compassion. Unconsciously, or semi-consciously, I think I also felt indebted. When he squeezed my fingers, I became confused. Though uncomfortable, the pain was bearable, and he was talking in a calm, friendly voice with no sign of malice. I wondered if he knew he was hurting me, and I wondered what I was supposed to do – pull my hand away, say something?

As his stories quickly developed, I began to see more and more connections to my own experience with the relationship in question, like he was telling these stories for my benefit, to teach me something or to draw out certain similarities. At the more emotional points, he would make forceful gestures or push or slap my arm. These moments always felt shocking but not uncomfortable.

Throughout the interaction, I felt aware of myself, even returning to my breathing a few times, but looking back I see that I was mostly entranced, and that when I would start to pull myself out of it, “Ben” would adjust his delivery.

More Background

Two important points to note are 1) this is not the first time I’ve met a remarkable “homeless” person, and 2) I had been seeking to clarify certain aspects of just the close relationship in question.

Over the past year, I’ve had several profound interactions with apparently homeless people. I call them dervishes, thinking of the Sufi tradition. These interactions have usually involved Green Language and/or interpreting symbolic aspects of physical reality. I figure at least a couple of these interactions have been with 4D STO, though some surely have simply been wise men and women farther along the path. In each case, reflecting upon these conversations, I learned a great deal about myself and how to become a better person. I am still striving to put these lessons into practice.

The particular relationship that “Ben” addressed has been a difficult one for me since I began seriously pursuing conscious spiritual development. Lately, I have sought understanding and guidance through meditation, prayer, and good old fashioned analytical thinking.

Considering both of these points, I think I carried the assumption of possible guidance from a dervish about just this issue into my interaction with “Ben.”


I spent the next two days after my interaction with “Ben” very confused. From previous research, I knew enough about covert hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) to understand that he had used a number of techniques on me, but I wasn’t sure about his motivation. I wondered if he had been trying to help me, to push my lessons along and warn me about a dangerous relationship.

I spoke with a trusted friend, someone also undertaking serious self-work, and he gave me much needed perspective. Essentially, he said that the relationship in question hasn’t held me back so far, that I continue to progress, and that so long as I act on my principles and use my discernment, problems will find solutions.

More notably, though, he said this: “Sometimes we project our own inner obstacles onto others.” That really found the mark. I’ve noticed this in others, and in myself in other contexts, but this time I’d missed it. I need to step my game up, and it won’t do to blame anyone else for what I haven’t done.

Trying to process my interaction with “Ben”, I also dove back into research on hypnosis and NLP. As I began to put names to the many techniques he’d used on me, I saw more and more clearly how manipulative that whole interaction had been – especially compared to more positive interactions with dervishes. A couple of those positive interactions were really more like tests that taught me about conscious morality in action. Others were more like multi-layered puzzles (delivered in Green Language) that rewarded the effort I spent decoding them with joy, insight, and courage.

The experience with “Ben”, though, was different. He provoked a hypnotic trance and started implanting suggestions that would create doubt and fear. He emphasized an external “threat” and suggested that my only recourse was to run away. He told me I “deserved better”. Together, these negative aspects have convinced me that it was an attack.

The attack was very sophisticated, tailored specifically to my blindspots and weaknesses, and successful to the extent that I was open to it. It has also proven an amazing lesson because it exposed exactly those blindspots and weaknesses and brought them to consciousness. This episode helped me see very clearly the flip side of “knowledge protects”. That is: The universe can provoke and punish to the extent that we misunderstand or misidentify. Michael Topper notably discusses this in “What is Christ Consciousness?” Of course, Laura has made the same point in numerous places. Attacks are powerful lessons, and can provide just the "shocks" we need.

A Zen story came to mind:

Three Kinds of Disciples

A Zen master named Gettan lived during in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say: “There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those
who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and clothes-hangers.”

Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying “A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”

(From "100 Zen Stories" compiled in Zen Flesh Zen Bones)

Life, of course, being the ultimate teacher.


Any similar experiences with a powerful, manipulative hypnotist? This guy struck me as a real pro. Derren Brown comes to mind…

Any advice on “alarm clocks” to combat hypnotic trances? One of my alarms clocks is “any pain or discomfort” but “Ben” actually used pain and confusion to induce the trance.

What would people here consider permissible uses of NLP? When, if ever, is covert hypnosis justified? And more broadly, what is the role of persuasion in the work?

Other thoughts?
Here is my view of the situation:
You are aware of your weakness (sensitivity to mental manipulation), so do not expose yourself the next time. Learn to recognize the situation and to have the energy to escape it. You have to work on "this weakness" on a safe way I guess by increasing your self confidence I suppose. POTS and EE is a point of choice to start.

I figure at least a couple of these interactions have been with 4D STO,
Hmm, how can you be sure ? :shock:
This is totaly contradicting with what you say a bit latter :
and good old fashioned analytical thinking.
You've described the sensations of the normal person coming into contact with psychopathology, a topic that Lobaczewski covers in "Political Ponerology." It is probably the most devastating feeling one can experience because it induces a state of complete helplessness in the individual. He describes it as follows:

When the human mind comes into contact with [the psychopath's] reality so different from any experiences encountered by a person raised in a society dominated by normal people, it releases psychophysiological shock symptoms in the human brain with a higher tonus of cortex inhibition and a stifling of feelings, which then sometimes gush forth uncontrollably. Human minds work more slowly and less keenly because the associative mechanisms have become inefficient. Especially when a person has direct contact with psychopathic [individuals], who use their specific experience so as to traumatize the minds of the “others” with their own personalities, his mind succumbs to a state of short-term catatonia. Their humiliating and arrogant techniques, brutal paramoralizations, and so forth deaden his thought processes and his self-defense capabilities, and their divergent experiential method anchors in his mind. In the presence of this kind of phenomenon, any moralizing evaluation of a person’s behavior in such a situation thus becomes inaccurate at best.

Only once these unbelievably unpleasant psychological states have passed, thanks to rest in benevolent company, is it possible to reflect, always a difficult and painful process, or to become aware that one’s mind and common sense have been fooled by something which cannot fit into the normal human imagination. Man and society stands at the beginning of a long road of unknown experiences which, after much trial and error, finally leads to a certain hermetic knowledge of what the qualities of the phenomenon are and how best to build up psychological resistance thereto.
Hi Dorothy Minder,

Dorothy Minder said:
Over the past year, I’ve had several profound interactions with apparently homeless people. I call them dervishes, thinking of the Sufi tradition. These interactions have usually involved Green Language and/or interpreting symbolic aspects of physical reality. I figure at least a couple of these interactions have been with 4D STO, though some surely have simply been wise men and women farther along the path.

I am not exactly sure of what you meant with the above, maybe it's very clear and I just didn't get it, but would you mind clarifying? Ellipse's question also crossed my mind, how did you figure that some of these interactions have been with 4D STO?

Dorothy Minder said:
Any advice on “alarm clocks” to combat hypnotic trances? One of my alarms clocks is “any pain or discomfort” but “Ben” actually used pain and confusion to induce the trance.

Perhaps the most effective way would be not to allow yourself to be entranced. When you approached him, and he gripped your hand so hard, the oddity of the situation and the fact that it made you feel uncomfortable could have been an alarm clock. Right then and there, was perhaps your cue that something was off and that was time to leave.
Funny that I'm reading your post today, yesterday a salesman came over and spent a ridiculous amount of time explaining the pros of his product, because I allowed it. Today I feel like an idiot, had I heard that inner voice in the very beginning when he started by talking about this and that without going straight to the point, I would have saved myself some precious time. I didn't buy the product though :).

Dorothy Minder said:
What would people here consider permissible uses of NLP? When, if ever, is covert hypnosis justified? And more broadly, what is the role of persuasion in the work?

I have studied NLP and I have many, many doubts about its uses. It seemed to me as a fast track solution without ever dealing with the real core of the problem. I've only done the first levels though, the masters goes into hypnosis and apparently the practitioner is given a lot more strategies to work with. However, having such fast track solutions as a premise doesn't look promising, at least to me.

Hypnosis would be justified when under the consent of the subject being hypnotised osit. Being in any form hypnotised by someone that has not asked for your consent, seems to me as pure plain manipulation and violation of your free will.

About persuasion, I see it in the lines of what I wrote above. A sort of "hypnosis" forcefully imposed upon others where the last thing in the persuader's mind is to respect the listener's free will. The persuader does not question his view on whatever he is persuading you with, and is there to impose it. Persuasion, doesn't leave space for changing ideas, the persuader is not there to listen, but to simply pass on his beliefs. Assuming that I'm on the right track, I would say persuasion's only role in the work would be to notice it, and learn how not to be entranced by it by fighting it in another or within oneself.
Based on the good advice above, you may now have tools to further analyze the situation:

DM said:
I put five dollars in his cup, but he didn’t look at it. He started talking about himself and his situation and then asked me my name and offered his hand. When I reached to shake his hand, “Ben” (the name he gave) grabbed my fingers and squeezed them painfully hard, all while talking in a very relaxed, personal voice. Still holding my fingers, he started telling me stories about a particular close relationship of his. He soon let go of my hand but kept talking, describing how this person never loved him, betrayed him at any opportunity, and ultimately made an attempt on his life. He punctuated these stories with violent gestures and twice even pushed me and slapped me on the arm for emphasis.
Reminds me of mental conditioning. This person sized you up just as you were sizing him up. His squeezing your hand was an attempt to control. The assault was the mechanism used.

DM said:
At one point, I said I needed to leave, and he launched into the lessons that he learned and how his life has changed. I listened for another 5 minutes or so, and then said I really needed to leave. Saying goodbye, I reached out to shake his hand again, this time ready for a strong grip. Instead, this time he offered me a very soft hand and yelped when we shook – even though I squeezed for only the briefest of moments before realizing his grip was much softer this time. I apologized, told him to take care, and walked away.
Attempt at control by ignoring your needs/wishes.

DM said:
Here is how I remember my mind working through this whole interaction. When he asked for money, I was prepared to give freely. I registered that he was in a wheelchair, appeared to be homeless, and was black. All these things together evoked my compassion. Unconsciously, or semi-consciously, I think I also felt indebted. When he squeezed my fingers, I became confused. Though uncomfortable, the pain was bearable, and he was talking in a calm, friendly voice with no sign of malice. I wondered if he knew he was hurting me, and I wondered what I was supposed to do – pull my hand away, say something?
Perhaps a more accurate view was that he evoked your pity? And yes, you have the right to pull your hand away and/or say something. We are conditioned in this society to not speak up out of fear. Pathological types rely on this response which allows them to do what they do. It is through our unwillingness to speak up that they gain feel they have the right to treat people as they do.

DM said:
As his stories quickly developed, I began to see more and more connections to my own experience with the relationship in question, like he was telling these stories for my benefit, to teach me something or to draw out certain similarities. At the more emotional points, he would make forceful gestures or push or slap my arm. These moments always felt shocking but not uncomfortable.
Hooks. The pathological "I'm like you" followed up with more conditioning.

DM said:
Throughout the interaction, I felt aware of myself, even returning to my breathing a few times, but looking back I see that I was mostly entranced, and that when I would start to pull myself out of it, “Ben” would adjust his delivery.
I agree with the input given thus far. I also think you've evidenced a tendency toward 'magical thinking' and critical correction when examining these interactions. I think this can be a slippery slope away from objectivity. fwiw.
Thanks to all for the replies.

[quote author=Ellipse]
I figure at least a couple of these interactions have been with 4D STO,
Hmm, how can you be sure ? :shock:
This is totaly contradicting with what you say a bit latter :
and good old fashioned analytical thinking.

I cannot be sure, and I'm not certain. It was a strong feeling that a couple of these people that I met were "otherworldly" in a very good way. The 4D STO label is speculation. It could just be magical thinking, as Anart suggested.

Laura, thank you. That does describe how it felt.

Gertrudes, he actually used the pain and confusion of the handshake to induce the trance, like a version of the Miltonian Handshake. You're certainly right, though, that the overall oddity of the situation should have been enough to alert me.

Truthseeker, that seems like a good analysis to me.

Anart, I see how I have done that, yes. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes
Thanks to you to have shared this experience because with the network and, especially the quote of Laura, we bring this kind of possible attack in our full consciousness.
Hope you will heal rapidly with the pipe breathing. :)
Hi DM, after reading your intial post, the questions related to nlp of possible benefits and the replies, I noticed that you are or have been interested in this topic(nlp). The fact that you have been aware of it after the incident, suggests that you were maybe looking to try it out yourself and see what's what. As I see it, it looks like your wish has been granted and you had a glimpse as what it feels like. Ther is good chance that I completely misunderstood this and I'm sorry in advanced.
Dorothy Minder said:
I figure at least a couple of these interactions have been with 4D STO

How does an STS being know he/she is interacting with an STO being? Is it possible to know?

Also, on a slightly different topic, regarding the question of STS and STO, why does STS act the way it does knowing full well that it is plagued by wishful thinking? For example us here are 3D STS and we have knowledge of STO and STS nature, thanks to help of Cs and others. I assume STS on other level also have this knowledge and if they are 4D or higher level, I take are more intelligent than us on 3D, so why do they persist in there ways instead of looking for a correction? Is it that the nature of a hierarchical systems does not permit such work being carried out on a large scale and so instead it is left upto individuals to seek there own change in there own free time?
[quote author=luke wilson]
I assume STS on other level also have this knowledge and if they are 4D or higher level, I take are more intelligent than us on 3D, so why do they persist in there ways instead of looking for a correction?

Probably their nature; some love light some darkness. They are probably not on the top of the food chain either.
regarding the question of STS and STO, why does STS act the way it does knowing full well that it is plagued by wishful thinking?

Hi luke,

It's my understanding that STS does not know full well that it is plagued by wishful thinking.

It is wishful thinking after all.
so why do they persist in there ways instead of looking for a correction?

STO, being of an objective outlook is capable on higher densities to see the bigger picture and eventual outcomes.

STS, being subjective loses this ability, but isn’t concerned because of wishful thinking. -fwiw
What about the insatiable hunger analogy? Even when you know, you can't stop absorbing and absorbing, then you justify it to yourself that that's the way to do it.
jerry said:
It is wishful thinking after all.

Do you think that the higher up in density STS goes, the higher the degree of wishful thinking it exhibits compared to the previous density?

mkrnhr said:
What about the insatiable hunger analogy? Even when you know, you can't stop absorbing and absorbing, then you justify it to yourself that that's the way to do it.

Taking us as an example and our needs for consumption, I suppose that can keep one locked in a specific mode.

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