The Living Force
I have been reading much on the SOTT site and other reading sources, occasionally go
back through the C's transcripts for review and thought to post this for contemplation:
Note: I have condensed (modified) the specific transcripts as follows:
general blueprint/guideline/aim for us to follow?
Does step 14 relate to the members of this forum as "Family"?
A very interesting list, indeed!
back through the C's transcripts for review and thought to post this for contemplation:
Note: I have condensed (modified) the specific transcripts as follows:
Have the C's have given "the seekers of objective truths" aC's: 950507 said:Crop circles:
1. A planetary "window."
2. Astronomical "twin" phenomena etc.
3. Alternating current.
4. Means: Expect to be rewarded at harvest time.
5. Buried memory.
6. Train.
7. Longing.
8. Knowledge through conception.
9. Sight provides confirmation.
10. Relay learnings.
11. Communication.
12. Passage of knowledge.
13. Find necessary clues by studying cyclical patterns.
14. Family.
15. Season of change.
16. Grand advance.
17. Universe as laboratory.
18. Dimensional crossover.
19. Physical life pictorial.
general blueprint/guideline/aim for us to follow?
Does step 14 relate to the members of this forum as "Family"?
A very interesting list, indeed!