C's: "There will be a miscalculation."


The Living Force
Many of you probably remember this C's quote from the 18 January 2003 session:

A: The situation looks bleak indeed. But remember the Achilles heel of STS: Wishful Thinking.

Q: In this case, how is wishful thinking going to help?

A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."

I was reminded of it while reading Gordon Duff's most recent article about Bush and other Americans facing arrest in Switzerland due to their support of torture. http://www.sott.net/articles/show/223630-Bush-Blood-Money-Tour-Cancelled

There was one particular part of the article that struck me. It is the last sentence in this quote:

Former President George "W" Bush has been forced to cancel a highly paid speaking engagement to an Israeli group in Switzerland. Bush was going to be arrested as a war criminal. He is now fighting extradition. This will not be reported in any American mainstream media.

Wikileaks, an organization many say exposes American hypocrisy while serving Israel's global ambitions, a hypothesis well supported by even a cursory examination of the carefully chosen material "leaked" to date, has had one quite positive result worldwide. Human rights activists around the world have been vindicated and government after government is prepared to use the legal process to lash out at the remnants of America's unilateralist policies during the Bush administration.

Bush, whose two term presidency saw a virtual takeover of most US government functions, both domestic and foreign, by Israeli interests, now faces imprisonment largely because of Wikileaks, an organization said to be directly controlled by Israeli intelligence.

Psychological warfare and disinformation are not perfect sciences. This may be the biggest "Wiki-backfire" yet.

These backfires from psychological operations may very well qualify as the biggest miscalculations, as they probably have some of the biggest effects worldwide.

The current wave of uprisings in Muslim countries may very well be heavily related to miscalculations regarding the effects of using Wikileaks for psychological warfare.

This also reminds me of this famous quote from Goethe that the devil (or STS) is "part of that force that always wants to do evil things, but actually always creates good things out of that." (a little paraphrased)

Here the German original quote, spoken by Mephistopheles ("the devil"):
"Ich bin ein Teil von jener Kraft,
Die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft."
Interesting thought axj but Wikileak seem to be already out of fashion and the Bush misadventure seem already forgotten too. The level of control is so hight.
Wikileaks may be out of fashion, but do not underestimate the psychological effect it had worldwide on people's attitudes by exposing at least some of the habitual lying and duplicity of governments. Wikileaks brought this realisation of government duplicity and lies into the mainstream, and now no-one can deny that it is there.

Also, just because mainstream media do not talk much about Bush anymore does not mean that his crimes are forgotten by actual people worldwide.
Google translates that text as: "I am part of that force, The Evil ever do, and ever does the Good."

I found it to be meaningful because STS and STO are, ultimately, part of the same cosmic mind. Two sides of the same source of all. And ultimately they do good, as STS creates self-destructive tendencies, not natural coexistence. This creates destruction and creation.

I read the phrase: "There will be a miscalculation".
Initially I had in mind a simplistic approach, one event, one mistake, one big miscalculation. But people, by the way, are stupid. Even if you show them a UFO on each city, a lot of people will not see ... and there is also an inner state of refusal, denial. The mind seeks an explanation to fit their state of comfortable position (view of the surrounding reality).

But at present day I agree with you. The miscalculation may not refer to a single event. I believe the miscalculation is about the plans, a lot of details there, a lot of events. The psychological warfare is not a predictable science, the targets are people ... some with free will, and some within a large groups are capable of changing things you never imagined. The falling of dictators apparently is good, but the transition is always painful!

This may be, as you expose, one big miscalculation.
jordifs said:
But people, by the way, are stupid. Even if you show them a UFO on each city, a lot of people will not see ... and there is also an inner state of refusal, denial. The mind seeks an explanation to fit their state of comfortable position (view of the surrounding reality).

Back in my Church days we used to discuss that "when" BeeGeeBus does float down from heaven, and seeing with their own eyes, they will still not accept the fact. There's a lot of stubborn people thriving with their sacred cow beliefs, to their death...

It Is What It Is
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