Curious interview with Gordon Novel


The Force is Strong With This One
Check out this interview with Gordon Novel, a man mentioned in the "Star of the Sorcerers" article ( He was involved, in various ways, with the JFK assassination, Waco and Watergate.

Topics include: Illuminati, alien technology, time travel, Majestic, CIA, UFOS, Jack Sarfatti, JFK, Cointelpro, Watergate, Waco, 911, Saddam's trial, and free energy technologies and their use to transform the world into something resembling a civilisation more akin to that of alien "utopias".

Very curious stuff considering this man's background. He is talking very openly concerning subjects usually only found within conspiracy-related fields.

According to this interview, he is actively engaged in reverse-engineering alien technology within his own companies, and using it to produce technologies that will solve the world's energy problems and overthrow governments, in the process creating a new world civilisation based on alien principals... with some backing from the CIA.

Some interesting points of note are his views on aliens and time travel. He seems to be of the opinion that when one looks into the future using time travel technologies, that it becomes clear that there is a pre-destined script for everyone and everything, and that he is quite happy to go along with this script in the faith that it is written by God.

Check it out here:

The interview originates from this website:

- Leon
look at http_colon__2slash_www_dot_projectcamelot_dot_net/about_us_dot_html

project serpo, dan burisch, BAE, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, HP, John Lear, "our purpose is to help" are pretty good recommendations, or ?
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