Cut and paste could be outlawed?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

article said:
A US COURT CASE against Youtube could threaten the ancient media practice of cutting and pasting news.

According to AP, the billion dollar copyright infringement case from Viacom is over Youtube's inability to keep copyrighted material off its site.
Just thought I'd bring this up in case this does end up going somewhere. Not yet sure about the full extent of such a ruling, but if the PTB decide to use this as a means to inflict a major blow to the internet (and sites like SOTT), that would be pretty depressing. I suppose the way around that would be to paraphrase news then?

A reader commented that this would only affect the US, and maybe he's correct, I don't know. Anyway, hopefully this will be thrown out of court for the insanity that it is, but you never know.
It seems like that would be awfully difficult to control (I guess anything's possible these days though)

Couldn't you get around the copy-paste law by citing your sources?
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