The head […] has a direct link with the I AM. If you have a headache (especially on the top of the head), it means that you hit yourself over the head with belittling I Am’s. You accuse yourself of not being this or that and especially of not being intelligent enough: you ask a lot of yourself.
You belittle instead of appreciate yourself. If you feel as though your head is going to burst, the message is to stop accumulating so much within yourself through fear of other peoples’ judgement of what you are or are not.
You may fear being ahead, in other words being in front, being first or leading the way.
Having a headache, especially in the area of the forehead, indicates that you try too hard to understand everything. You should give your intellect time to accumulate enough data in its memory for your intelligence to be able to make a synthesis and better understand[ing].
For some time I had pressure on top of my head but not the headache, and this post cleared some things to me, that maybe I was forcing things and wanting to control, not being more gentle and caring to myself, accepting myself as i'am, trying to hurry things up and not seeing that it leads to obsession, being artificial, not letting it to go in it's natural way,wanting things to be perfect, thinking i have to do that and that-planing and not acting on the knowledge that it won't work because it almost never work as you planed, and then I felt also an anger on top of my head, some kind of block because of that trap probably I put myself into not seeing or better to say not wanting to see it wasn't right way. This is part of my negative nature, and I see this makes you closed to some things like you're not accepting them. And there is also this feeling I have on the area of my belly, like it is connected to my head, where i feel very sensitively fear and desire, feeling urge to control-to compete, anger,it doesn't control me but I still feel it, lower emotional center maybe. This "need" for perfection was when i see it better installed in me when i was kid in primary school 6-7th grade, when I started learning seriously for good grades because I wanted to escape negative situations from my parents and because I didn't want for them to worry about that. Then I ended up trying to be perfect in school and in sport, in school it was perfect because of grades but in sport it was also almost perfect, it was perfect from beginning when I was still young and in a sense free, more in a touch of myself, but with time, with fear of growing consequences if I fail and feeling that I'am not worth enough if fail, so this was maybe thriving and blocking force, and with it there came anger and narcissism behavior. In sport later I didn't have that one thing that was "needed" to be "perfect" and now when I look that was maybe lack of motivation because it wasn't part of me, didn't had so much desire for it and there was fear of success maybe because that would require more effort from my side, and that all training, forcing and not being able to express my self got me stuck and angry, and damage was done, artificial program was being building for long time.Even now I still train it for myself, i say it is for a health but ask myself is it really and see how I don't know myself and how it is to deep in my blood. Maybe I was thinking of what would other say, I was to much concerned about others and not about me maybe not having courage, better to say not knowing that saying no could be beneficial for me. And when I started reading about different view of the world, that of C's, world started to collapse very quickly but there are some doubts I have if some things I'am still doing is a part of my being or is it only program of fear, or is it maybe trying to run from responsibility (being lazy) being in the middle not knowing if i really like what I'am doing in life and being not sure to continue or to change it, asking would it be a clever choice, like my college. I discovered that I'am not really person who cares about some status in society so I don't have some motivation in that area, never had, only was thinking of it and when I see now how the matrix and surrounding is ruthless when you don't play by the rules and don't fill their expectations and want to change some things, that frankly sometimes makes me real angry, destructive anger it is to change things by my own hands, but i manage to not identify with it, i deal with it in myself. I got much deeper with this post, it was not my intention, but it felt easier to share it and i know I'am not so open guy with sharing things like this but I see it had to be done, just want to thank Endymion for sharing this because it was something I searched for, I knew it was true but wasn't having belief that middle way is like Buddha said the best way.