Daily Life Observations the Collapse of the Covid-19 Narrative


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
I thought it would be interesting to make a collection of daily life observations of the collapse of the Covid-19 narrative or what appears to me as the beginning stages.

News articles/media like the above have been coming in fast and furious the past couple of days!

I look outside my window, and it seems as though nothing has changed.... or has it? Here in Virginia our newly appointed Governor Glenn Younkin signed a series of executive orders on his first day which include getting rid of mask mandates at schools, "removing burdensome regulations" that appear directed at Covid restriction policy and, rescinding mandatory vaccines for State employees.

This is a staggering change of policy that changed overnight! I heard about these orders from reading SOTT, but kept my mouth shut around my friends and coworkers to see who knew and what they would say. Its been 4 days and I haven't heard a single person mention them! Turns out if you search Glenn Younkin on Google, pretty much all the top links are about Younkin choosing Angela Sailor for Virginia's Chief diversity officer. So the news media is deflecting and trying to hide what Younkin has done on the Covid front. For now, it appears to be working among my friends.

In other fun news, in the past couple of weeks several of my vaxxed friends have gotten Covid shortly after being boosted. Wonder if they will ever connect the dots? Rhetorical question. I think I know the answer.

Lastly, on the work front. Due to the nature of my job in a chicken production company, our policy has understandably been the upmost strictest to protect the business from lawsuits. Practically everyday there was some leader saying something about the need to get vaxxed, wear your mask at all times and over the nose, socially distance.... but the past few days... no one has said anything? It is almost unfathomable that the week before last the company was on the brink of firing (or putting on unpaid leave) 30% of the staff then this week all that changed, and the leadership (whom I largely trust and respect) has said nothing at all.

So to sum up what I've observed so far: complete and staggering ignorance. You would think that some petty tyrant would at least complain about their loss of power right?
New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) recently participated in a critical High Court case to challenge the Medical Council of New Zealand’s Guidance Statement issued in the context of the c-19 pandemic. This court case, held on 23-24 September in Wellington, marks a significant moment in our ongoing efforts to uphold medical ethics, patient rights, and informed consent for all New Zealanders.

The court case focused on several core issues:

  1. Medical Autonomy and Ethics: We challenged the Medical Council’s directive that all doctors must be vaccinated and must promote the benefits of the covid-19 vaccine while prohibiting ‘anti-vaccination messaging’. We argued that the Guidance Statement was used as a Standard that doctors would be required to adhere to, but it had not gone through the usual process to create a true Standard.
  2. Scientific Rigour and Freedom of Speech: The case highlighted the need for a clear definition of essential terms such as “anti-vaccination messaging,” “misinformation,” and “evidence-based medicine.” We believe that the lack of agreed clear definitions has led to the unjust silencing and censorship of healthcare professionals who raise legitimate concerns based on scientific evidence.
  3. Public and Professional Accountability: Affidavit evidence revealed that the Medical Council and Dental Council regarded the covid-19 vaccine as zero-risk, dismissing any contrary evidence presented by concerned doctors. This stance has far-reaching implications for public trust in healthcare and the integrity of medical oversight bodies.
  4. Off-Label Medicines: We also asked the judge to confirm and uphold the ability of doctors to prescribe off-label medicines using their professional clinical judgement.
We are awaiting the court’s decision and understand that it may take several months. Regardless of the outcome, NZDSOS remains committed to advocating for:

  • Transparent and Honest Communication: Ensuring that all medical interventions, including vaccines, are discussed openly, with both benefits and risks clearly communicated to the public.
  • Medical Freedom and Informed Consent: Upholding the right of every individual to make informed decisions about their health without coercion or undue influence.
  • Scientific Integrity:Promoting a robust and open scientific debate where evidence can be scrutinised and discussed without fear of retribution.
The absence of mainstream journalists at the court appearance of doctors challenging their regulator is noteworthy. This situation underscores the critical importance of transparency and accountability in the healthcare sector. It invites a thoughtful examination of the media’s role in reporting such significant matters.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our supporters, including those who have shared their personal stories and those who have stood by us through this challenging journey. Your courage and dedication inspire us to continue our work.

As we move forward, we will persist in our efforts to protect the health and rights of all New Zealanders. We call on the public, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to join us in advocating for a medical system that prioritises ethics, transparency, and the well-being of every individual.
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