Danish TV says goodbye to Analogue watchers

The rabbit

The Cosmic Force
Well not that we watch tv much in this house , but last night at the stroke of midnight (Halloween) we saw the last of programs on our Television. Every channel turned to snowy static stuff and that was that. It was the best program i have ever seen on television. So final.

Danish tv can now only be watched by the new digital signal. Whoo hoo no tv licence needed for us. Or is there?
Well Danish law says that you have to still purchase a tv licence if you have internet because you can potentially watch some Danish chanells on your computer. DUH!

So this means that i can charge Danish tv companies the same amount in reverse because they can potentially watch my uploaded yooootube vids.Surely ?

What a diabolical liberty. This rule is basically saying its illegal not to watch TV. ....scary.
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