

Padawan Learner
I became aware of being in total darkness that was all around me. Strangely, I could move my head and look downwards revealing my self stood in thin air. Sound didnt work here - my mouth was mute. I thought of home,family and felt disconnected from all that. I feel fine here but worries about where I came from start to trickle into my mind. I have no aches or pains here that I have in 3d and I welcome that. After a brief period of time I decide that this isnt right and try to formulate a way to get back to my house on a well lit planet Earth. I fail in all attempts and give up...I pray to God.

I open my eyes and find myself back on the Sofa.

I dont believe in God via the bible but found myself looking to that in my confused awareness. I still dont think an old man with a beard controls all creation :)

Was that an abduction where say a strong willed person counters their natural approach to control which leads to them placing you "out in the cold"?

It occurred in 2000 shortly after an event Im thinking of sharing here when I feel brave enough. It involves Telepathy and someone using this to their advantage.
It's interesting that you felt fine there, it sounds rather scary. Not sure about the telepathy thing or it being an abduction screen memory; you probably need to give more data to get a better answer to your question.

I've had a few similar "dreams" where it felt like I was pulled out of my body on the verge of sleep, but instead of darkness I emerged into this realm of geometric shapes where I was endlessly falling and tumbling around. After a massive effort to wake myself up and get out of there (usually by shouting as loud as possible) I would awake feeling terrified and emotional.

FWIW these came after times when I would eat wheat, after being off it for a while.
Hi Virtualme,

That's another experience that reminds me of the second ring of power. In that book Castaneda describes an experience where he his floating through some sort of empty space with four women who are his four directions or four winds.

It also reminds me of etheric abductions, where the etheric body is separated from the physical body and taken aboard Orion spacecraft and worked on and implanted and stuff, but that doesn't mean that's what happened to you IMO. There's some stuff on this forum about etheric abductions I think, so you might have some luck finding some stuff by running a search.

The idea that you didn't feel much emotion is interesting to me also. There is a psychological theory that emotions come from the body, so if the theory is accurate and you were in your etheric body, then maybe that's why you didn't feel the "emotions of the body."

Here's what Wikipedia say's about the theory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%E2%80%93Lange_theory):

The James–Lange theory refers to a hypothesis on the origin and nature of emotions and is one of the earliest theories of emotion within modern psychology. It was developed independently by two 19th-century scholars, William James and Carl Lange. The basic premise of the theory is that physiological arousal instigates the experience of a specific emotion.[1] Instead of feeling an emotion and subsequent physiological (bodily) response, the theory proposes that the physiological change is primary, and emotion is then experienced when the brain reacts to the information received via the body's nervous system.

The theory has been criticised and modified over the course of time, as one of several competing theories. In 2002 a research paper on the autonomous nervous system stated that the theory has been "hard to disprove".[2]

As always I'm interested in hearing about your personal experiences, but I'm curious if you'd be open to keeping them all in one thread? I think it'd be easier for reference purposes.

Hi Carlisle,

I think it's interesting that you link your dream of falling through geometric shapes with eating gluten after not eating it for a while. I've been thinking lately that the reason the C's say that we shouldn't take drugs, but that it's OK to take melatonin because it's part of the human chemical makeup might be related to diet.

If gluten and sugar isn't part of the natural human chemical makeup, then maybe that's why we shouldn't eat it, because they're like drugs. And because you hadn't eaten gluten for awhile, your tolerance for "the drug" was gone. So when you ate gluten, it made you hallucinate, like what some drugs do.

That's just a theory though, I don't have any concrete evidence...
Carlisle said:
It's interesting that you felt fine there, it sounds rather scary. Not sure about the telepathy thing or it being an abduction screen memory; you probably need to give more data to get a better answer to your question.

I've had a few similar "dreams" where it felt like I was pulled out of my body on the verge of sleep, but instead of darkness I emerged into this realm of geometric shapes where I was endlessly falling and tumbling around. After a massive effort to wake myself up and get out of there (usually by shouting as loud as possible) I would awake feeling terrified and emotional.

FWIW these came after times when I would eat wheat, after being off it for a while.

The Telepathy thing is a horror of sending and recieving that Ive had to live with since 1998, erm thats a thread Im still too shy to share here. I wont lie, its the main reason for me being here - trying to understand how that happened. But it will be a cruel read, a tale of myself being pyschic attacked by a younger women.
Virtualme said:
The Telepathy thing is a horror of sending and recieving that Ive had to live with since 1998, erm thats a thread Im still too shy to share here. I wont lie, its the main reason for me being here - trying to understand how that happened. But it will be a cruel read, a tale of myself being pyschic attacked by a younger women.

Hi Virtualme,
Do not hesitate to share your story whenever you feel comfortable.
Perhaps writting it for yourself at first could help you to shed some light on what happened and perhaps it will help you to put things into perspective.
The Redirect thread will give more information about it.
Yes, thanks for that. Ive already started a thread on that situation but do need to write it out. Remembering what occurred springs all manner of occasions related to it which results in a mess.

This weekend I will start with pen and paper and my old diaries.

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