Darpa’s Quest to Find You by Your Heartbeat


The Living Force
Do you need anymore evidence that we really are living in 1984, they are still fine tuning the technologies that they will use to have a stangle hold on their slaves, WOW, this is real folks, all of it.
The U.S. military can see you breathing on the other side of that wall. It can even see your heartbeat racing while you crouch behind the door. But if you think running farther away or hiding in a crowd will make you invisible to the Defense Department’s sensors, you might be in for a surprise. The Pentagon’s geeks are looking to tweak their life-form finder so they can spot your tell-tale heart no matter what you do.

Darpa, the Pentagon’s mad-science shop, announced last week that it’s looking to improve on technologies that sniff out biometric signatures like heartbeats from behind walls. Dubbed “Biometrics-at-a-distance,” the program seeks to build sensors that can remotely identify humans from farther away and tell them apart in a crowd.


Picking up “life-form readings” may sound like science fiction straight out of Star Trek, but the Defense Department has been able to do it for years now.

In 2006, Darpa developed Radar Scope,which used radar waves to sense through walls and detect the movements associated with respiration. A year later, the Army invested in LifeReader, a system using Doppler radar to find heartbeats. More recently, the military’s been using devices like the AN/PPS-26 STTW (“Sense Through the Wall“) and TiaLinx’s Eagle scanner, which can sense the presence of humans and animals through walls.


Finding humans hiding in a particular room is nice, but being able to tell them apart is even better. Like your fingerprints, irises and even your veins, your heartbeat can be a unique biometric calling card to distinguish you in a crowd. Darpa’s hoping its sensor can capitalize on this by using electrocardiography — the analysis of the heart’s electrical activity — to identify and track up to 10 different individuals.
Source: http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/11/follow-your-heart-darpas-quest-to-find-you-by-your-heartbeat/

Now, we all know, that all these projects are simply hand me downs from the secret government. Perhaps what they are doing is testing the concepts and primitive applications of technologies which they already have developed on society as a whole.

Balancing is tremendously needed and fast.
bngenoh said:
Do you need anymore evidence that we really are living in 1984, they are still fine tuning the technologies that they will use to have a stangle hold on their slaves, WOW, this is real folks, all of it.

If you're reading about it, it's already a hundred years out of date (or more). The C's mentioned quite a long time ago that everything we think/are can be as easily read as if it were displayed on a screen.

b said:
Balancing is tremendously needed and fast.

I think the Universe will take care of things in its own time. Whether or not 'balancing' occurs any time soon in this section of time/space depends on us (humanity), so, as always, we'll see.
anart said:
I think the Universe will take care of things in its own time. Whether or not 'balancing' occurs any time soon in this section of time/space depends on us (humanity), so, as always, we'll see.
Yep, exactly anart, "I" have recently undergone a rapid acceleration in my development, which brought home the knowingness that all is proceeding as it is meant to. "I" don't worry at all about anything anymore, "I" just "pay attention to objective reality right and left," and marvel at what "I" discover about Consciousness. Its all truly amazing.
bngenoh said:
Yep, exactly anart, "I" have recently undergone a rapid acceleration in my development, which brought home the knowingness that all is proceeding as it is meant to. "I" don't worry at all about anything anymore, "I" just "pay attention to objective reality right and left," and marvel at what "I" discover about Consciousness. Its all truly amazing.

That's a fine line to walk, so be careful. Personally, I'm quite concerned about a lot of things - I have a LOT that I want to accomplish before the lights go out on this show and there aren't enough hours in the day to give all that I am driven to give, and even fewer to learn all that I'm driven to learn. It is crucial to me that I make my 'time' spent here as beneficial as possible - so I take each day as an opportunity, knowing that every choice I make and every thing I do, every day, can have an impact in one way or another - on me and on those I care about and on things I can't even imagine yet. Nobody is a nobody, so don't get caught in the thinking that 'everything will work out how it's meant to', thus sidelining yourself from what impact you could have if you had a fire in your belly and a drive to make a positive difference, every single hour of every single day.
bngenoh said:
Yep, exactly anart, "I" have recently undergone a rapid acceleration in my development, which brought home the knowingness that all is proceeding as it is meant to. "I" don't worry at all about anything anymore, "I" just "pay attention to objective reality right and left," and marvel at what "I" discover about Consciousness. Its all truly amazing.

Hi bngenoh, be careful about making bold statements since this can lead to assumptions about yourself which never get questioned. The 'I' to which you refer to above could be an elation 'I' although this doesn't mean that you did not come to a true realization concerning reality from a deeper part of yourself. But then this seeing can make you feel elated and, in my view, this elation is experienced within another part of yourself, a part of your outer personality, which I think is still OK since this can certainly happen but if you identify with this elation then that part of you mistakes itself for the whole, the elation 'I' thinks it is enlightened all the time and begins to make assumptions about itself such as, for example, assuming itself to be a being that is fully conscious all the time and is never asleep.

You might have had a moment of enlightenment of sorts, but this is just a moment, and in this moment you are a little more awake, but that doesn't mean that what you say above will apply in another moment, within another context, when you are more asleep and not as awake. I think what is most important is to become more aware of how asleep we are (which is the vast majority of the time) and if a moment of greater awareness is experienced (such as what you had above) then that moment of greater awareness can be utilized to witness if even for a moment how asleep we are which includes seeing in glimpses those forces, within and without, that keep us so mechanical and unconscious.
anart & kenlee you are dead on.

The work still continues, for the journey within is never ending, and the journey without is never ending. It was a period of clarity in my life, but as Don Juan said, "clarity is the second enemy on the path of knowledge."

anart, the fire in my belly will never die, that "I" am sure of now. Its just that now, "I" know when and in what contexts "I" can apply it, and where "I" just need to allow people to do what they do because they are where they are, and "I" am where "I" am.

So, great feedback anart & kenlee, the battle continues, the learning continues, always. :D
When they find you by your heartbeat, and feel it unnecessary to drop a bomb on you from space, they can know shoot you from more than a mile away, thanks to their self guided bullets.
The U.S. military has been after self-guided bullets for years. Now, government researchers have finally made it happen: a bullet that can navigate itself a full mile before successfully nailing its target.

The breakthrough comes courtesy of engineers at the government’s Sandia National Laboratories. They’ve successfully tested a prototype of the bullet at distances up to 2,000 meters — more than a mile.


Each self-guided bullet is around 4 inches in length. At the tip is an optical sensor, that can detect a laser beam being shone on a far-off target. Actuators inside the bullet get intel from the bullet’s sensor, and then “steer tiny fins that guide the bullet to the target.” The bullet can self-correct its navigational path 30 times a second, all while flying more than twice the speed of sound.
Source: http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/01/self-guided-bulle/
I used to really really worry about all the DARPA/NSA/ALPHABETSOUP crap. Yes I know it exists, no there is not a damn thing I can do about it. I served in the military and understand that those are some of the most paranoid people on the planet. I, for the most part, gave up on worrying about it. Yea I know some invisible dude could be wandering around my house but can I stop it? HELL NO!!! I could spend my lifes savings trying to catch the little buggers with infrared cameras blah blah blah. It is good to watch whats going on(AND I DO) but it's better to try and live and find some happiness.
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