David Weber, a Trilogy


Jedi Master
For relaxation I enjoy reading Sci-Fi books. Recently I came across the above mentioned trilogy
by David Weber. In my humble opinion he is rather perceptive as many artists are.
Here is a brief summary of what I have read so far:

Human colonists arrive at a populated planet.
They split into two opposing groups based on how they perceive
the situation and themselves.
One group wants to control the population (symbolic of STS attitude)
The other group wants to share knowledge (symbolic of STO).
In the ensuing struggle the STS group wins and murders the entire STO group.
But the STO group realized that they are fighting a losing battle and installed a
time delayed device on the planet that contained all their knowledge.
The STS group, after their success, imposed a religous system on the populace
by playing the role of Archangels themselves! (control system).
In volume two the time delayed hidden computer activates itself and sends out an Avatar
to inform some people of the real situation.
In volume three the struggle continues and I am looking forward to how the author resolves the problem.
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