Dead Poets Society


Craig H

I've just watched one of my favourite films, Dead Poets Society, that stars Robin Williams as a teacher with a difference, one who sees his job as being to teach his pupils to "think for themselves" and to "swim against the tide". I got to thinking about many things while watching this film, one being, just how far from the will of the absolute we are here on earth in Gurdjieff's world number 48. For this reason ours is a mechanical world where the will of the manipulative psychopath is more likely to be done than that of the absolute. A scary place indeed. In the film, a boy who is inspired by his teacher to successfully follow his dream, is driven to suicide by his oppressive father who intends that his will be done. The teacher is made the scapegoat, lest the system be acknowledged as flawed in any way. Those in power have plausible deniability as long as critical thinking is never allowed to grace the stage. A triumph of entropy over creativity; the general law ensuring normal service is resumed. However, despite the whitewash, at the end of the film some pupils show that they have been awoken to some extent, some to slumber again no doubt, whist one or two may remain awake to wake others. It seems that only in small numbers, and then only at a price, will the general law allow this to happen. This I understand to be the law of exception.
How dangerous, for those who seek to keep themselves in power and in clover, and the rest of us ignorant and conformant, an informed critical thinking population would be. Even in this world, far removed from the will of the absolute, a government of the people, for the people and by the people is possible, but we have to want it and to make it happen. Expecting it to happen is to be asleep while others without our best interests at heart make their kind of government happen. However without enough just men it's impossible to imagine that a just government and system of managing human affairs can ever happen, but without the right knowledge and education enough just men will never happen either. A catch-22 situation. I'm unable to make a case for myself, but there must be better people out there than those who are running the show at the moment. We really are at rock bottom aren't we?
Great post Craig. I haven't seen this movie before - might have to rent it out now. :)
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