Death of my mother


Jedi Master
I saw a dream some months ago but didn't really want to know anything more about it because it was so horrible.

I can't remember much about it, only what happened in the end and some singular details.

The surrounding was my mother's workplace. I remember stalking her and then grabbing her violently and injecting her with a syringe full of some blue substance. I don't know what the substance was, but I know that it had the effect of killing her. I woke up immediately after that and felt a distinctly icy sensation in my chest.

What an ugly dream. Still, I wonder what it means, is it positive or negative in nature.

I read from some online dream dictionaries that the blue represents a source of inner peace (or spirituality), while a forced injection is a kin to forcing your views on someone (well, that holds some truth in it :(). If anyone has some more ideas, I would appreciate hearing them.
Smallwood said:
I read from some online dream dictionaries that the blue represents a source of inner peace (or spirituality), while a forced injection is a kin to forcing your views on someone

Maybe there are some self calming (blue) programs that hinder (injection) the expression of your creative/empathy center (the mother)
Thanks for the input, it is likely true what you said.

At the point when I saw the dream and for years before that I had been extremely internally considerate in regards to my mother. To put it shortly, I was injecting her with what was the inner-peace for me (the truth about psychopaths) while she wasn't asking for it.
Smallwood said:
I saw a dream some months ago but didn't really want to know anything more about it because it was so horrible.
What an ugly dream. Still, I wonder what it means, is it positive or negative in nature.

It sounds pretty negative to me.... :( How is your relationship with your mother? It could be telling you to 're-evaluate' those negative feelings that you have for her.... and that these feelings may have been supressed or even very deeply buried to the point of being completely denied.

There are always problems with parents. Whether they are big or small. They may relate to past lives (karma), or simply that the parent is narcissistic and takes it out on the child. This happens a lot, and may be a symptom of that recent C's session which covered the fact that many souls desired to incarnate at this specific time. I guess the choices for many of us incarnating might then have been somewhat limited. :)

I have recently read 'Trapped in the Mirror' by Elan Golomb and yes, I now know what a 'negative introgect' is (the negative 'inner parent' who tends to take over from the narcissistic outer parent). This was a very helpful book for me and may be of interest to others. If anyone wants to borrow it, just send me your postal address.
I used to feed on her a lot, and still do to some extent but I try to seriously limit that. I'm happy that things are a lot better in that department than what they were a year ago.I don't think that I have many negative feelings towards her, atleast because of anything that she did. She is very decent a human being, my father not so much. He is not completely without virtues, but he can be terminally inconsiderate to other's feelings and belittling to no end.

I will certainly be reading 'Trapped in the Mirror' once I get my hands on it. Lots of reading to do, but now that I've getting a gist of what this whole Work is about I don't mind it one bit.

As somewhat related note, I experienced a semi-awakening of my emotional center while laying on bed. I'm certain now that I have deliberately tried to quell emotions in order "to think more clearly", and it still happens but I hope that I can reverse that process, now that I know what an importance it has in the Work.
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