Debtors Prison

Mr Meowgi

The Cosmic Force
My wife brought this topic up to me recently. It seems that the PTB wants to bring back debtors prison as a way to collect of defaults.Link below
Well, i might be way off, but i don't think with all they have accomplished so far with NDAA, FEMA camps, etc is about money or dissidents or any of the superficial stuff people dwell on, those are only a means to an end, and only the means that we know about i think it's more about getting possession of the human bodies themselves, whether alive or dead in centralized locations, for whatever their end is, the C's have given clues, but...
I thought it an interesting subject because it is another control being put into place. I do not know much of the history of debtor prisons or when they went out of vogue but to see them coming back is a bit scary.To a certain extent I believe it's just plain old greed. In another sense it could be more of the divide between the rich and poor. The have already changed the bankruptcy laws because too many of us were learning the TRICK. Between our rights being taken from us at an alarming rate and the great divide between the haves and have-nots all seems to be fitting into place quickly :evil:

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