December 21, 2012 Article


The Living Force
The article on December 21, 2012 was amazing. Wow! Thanks for that.

I can't help wondering if their (Mayan) vicinity has anything to do with all the UFO sightings...

I read an article in a sailing magazine in December that said GPS technology will be much influenced by the 2012 solar storm, possibly even unusable - the article was about modern day sailors neglecting the knowledge of conventional navigation techniques.
Yes I was really waiting for an article about the maya and 2012, very well written! I know lots of people who will find this interesting.

I read an article in a sailing magazine in December that said GPS technology will be much influenced by the 2012 solar storm, possibly even unusable
I think that majority of all devices that work on electricity just stop working, so it is very possible that everything becomes unusable.
The article presents an interesting viewpoint, but unfortunately it has no bibliography and no links into scientific papers from where one could check for data. One have to do search on some aspects (dates of crossing the galactic plane and so on...)
spin-orbit coupling is already documented elsewhere in thie website as I remember (I think in the "day after tomorrow" article).
the precision for the date of the sun crossing of the galactic plane is astounishing (the date is given to the day!). here is a recent article about the difficulty to define the galactic plane :
follow the "arXiv e-print" link in order to have the complete paper.
I must admit I'm skeptical that something special should happen then. If I assume that the article is all true and we (or our solar system) will cross the center line/axis of our galaxy, then I don't understand why suddenly at that date in 2012 something should happen.

Why should such a event of two huge objects aligning in space, where the light of galaxy needs many years to reach us and the other object is only a speck compared with the other, have only such a narrow timeframe of one day or even a month? Who can really tell where exactly the center of the galaxy is? I would assume that influences of galaxies if they exist influence over many years probably even centuries or thousands of years. What are one thousand years compared with the age of the galaxy.

So maybe the influences are already here and will continue after that date. What about "global warming" as a effect on our sun?
Notice SOTT comment at bottom:

This all sounds pretty dramatic, however SOTT experts have run several computer simulations and it seems that, because of the vast distances and sizes, the likelihood of "crossing" the galactic plane having any significant meaning is remote. It could be said that we are already there and will be there for some time.

In fact, the coming Winter Solstice of 2007 looks to be far more interesting since Jupiter and the Sun will be almost conjunct on that day.
I added:

As noted in comment, we've been - for all intents and purposes - in the galactic plane for a couple hundred years and will be for a couple hundred more. I don't that, considering the sizes and distances of the bodies involved, that being on some "exact line of sight," so to say, is going to make much difference.
I would say that this article comes closer to describing our present problem:

The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes - Climate Scientists Awakening

Where we read:

Whether it's a 3600, 4200, 6000, 20,000, 41,000 year cycle and that it was 3600 or is 4200, 6000, 12,000, 20,000, or 41,000 years ago doesn't make any difference to our "extinct by" date. As I noted above, the cycles are converging and the time is now. Indeed, Something Wicked This Way Comes.
This article was written by a climate scientist with access to the hard data. Yeah, there could be major solar flares, but it won't be because of an "alignment with the galactic plane." For all intents and purposes, we are already there.
agree with the comments about the crossing. heu...just one very naïf question (sorry for ignorance :/ ) : why is it that a Sun-Jupiter conjonction at winter solstice important? where to check informations about such phenomena?
In the late 1970's, the American TV program "In Search Of," hosted by actor Leonard Nemoy, first introduced me to the concept of the Mayan end times date of December 21, 2012. Back then, the date both facinated and frightened me. Now a days, I'm suspicious of exact dates...I agree with the fictional Yoda who said "Always in motion is the future"...all the while sensing "Something Wicked This Way Comes."

None the less, I found the article an interesting read...and spent most of yesterday afternoon reading the author Dan Eden/Gary Vey's linked account of his trip to Alaska in the late 1990's, (HAARP-related stuff) being co-opted briefly by the NSA, petroglyphs research, then fleeing to Vietnam where he now hosts his View Zone website. I did a forum search of the guy...not much there. Does anyone here have any insights, links, etc. into the article's get a better idea of where he's coming from?

Perhaps this 2012 business is just another example of 4D STS inserting their reality (with a really cool-looking calendar to venerate) into our thinking? Heck, if they can perform 'miracles,' 'signs,' 'wonders,' and make the Virgin Mary (or goddess, god, or whatever) appear to the 'true believers,' why not throw in another 'end of the world' artifact to amp up the fear factor. Could it be some sort of STS 'five year plan' only on a more cosmic, wishful thinking scale? Seems to me exact dates within prophecies have usually proven false. The knowledge alone of what will happen on a certain day, time, etc. would interfere with free will...or lessons...or something not exactly STO. Then again, if the calendar was conceived by the Mayans and has some truth to it...albeit it may be off in terms of time as we perceive it...what source gave them the heads up?

As a teenager in the seventies, I enjoyed reading about Egypt and Ancient Greece. I always wondered about the religious/social similarities in cultures, thinking there must have been a starting point...which eventually led to my interest in Atlantis and Mu. Because of this interest and the aforementioned TV program, I studied what was available regarding the Maya, but was never satisfied with the anthropological and archeological theories given the Mayan culture by the so-called experts. (I felt the same way about most historical literature...there was something big missing.) Didn't the C's have something to say about the Mayan peoples and why they disappeared? Looks like I'll have to rumage through the transcripts, since I'm having trouble remembering exactly what was said.
MKRNHR said:
agree with the comments about the crossing. heu...just one very naïf question (sorry for ignorance :/ ) : why is it that a Sun-Jupiter conjonction at winter solstice important? where to check informations about such phenomena?
It's just astrologically interesting; no other reason.

You can use an ephemeris or Starry Night.
Norma Regula said:
Perhaps this 2012 business is just another example of 4D STS inserting their reality (with a really cool-looking calendar to venerate) into our thinking? Heck, if they can perform 'miracles,' 'signs,' 'wonders,' and make the Virgin Mary (or goddess, god, or whatever) appear to the 'true believers,' why not throw in another 'end of the world' artifact to amp up the fear factor. Could it be some sort of STS 'five year plan' only on a more cosmic, wishful thinking scale? Seems to me exact dates within prophecies have usually proven false. The knowledge alone of what will happen on a certain day, time, etc. would interfere with free will...or lessons...or something not exactly STO.
I have always been fascinated by the Mayan calendar. That is until I stumbled onto the C's.

I have been wondering if it isn't just another distraction put up there by the 4D STS/PTB to keep everyone looking at that date for something to happen good or ill, while behind the scenes they carry on with their true plans which they will spring upon us unawares. Or at least that is what they hope.

The Cs mentioned Leo possibly having a trine relationship with an upcoming supernova and Leo does have trine relationship with Cass and the center of the galaxy so there could be lots of cycles and lots of astrological synchronicity including some obviously causal stuff (like supernovas or comets or the Wave, etc.) all occurring somewhere around now. The center of the galaxy is near Scorpio's tail and 180 degrees across is Orion (their relationship is mentioned in Cs sessions) so maybe a little Scorpio tail vs. Orion bow synchronicity is involved, who knows.
Sorry if that disturbs the thread, but I thought this post would go into 2012 stuff...

a friend sent me this email today:
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Pied Piper at the Grid of Fire

Check out this remarkable piece of New Age deception, behind which I
strongly suspect someone like the Lucis Trust - if not them themselves - is has all the hallmarks.
The YouTube talk by Shelley Yates is in 8 parts

A big jolly woman with an orobouros snake on her left arm and a crystal in her cleavage (both angelic inspiration, apparently) tells a story of how angelic miracles saved her and her son from certain death after drowning (14.11.2002) in a car in a lake (quite a baptism!), but this leads via an apparently simple plan for coordinated global meditation by millions (17.7.07 at 11.11 am or 12.11 pm; do the sums), involving the 'heavenly' music of Bradfield and Anael, onwards to Project CAUSE, which turns out to be something like a plan for a world government by Global Council in 2012 for the sake of the indigo children!! We do indeed live in "interesting times".....

Follow the links within the site (Bradfield, Anael etc and the links
recommended on The Plan page) and you get to some to some "interesting"
places. It's an ambitious attempt, either to use gullible idealists to make pots
of money or else an occult excercise to manipulate their thoughts and
etheric forces through mass meditation with the ultimate aim ("Project CAUSE")
being the establishment of a 'Global Council' in order to return us all to
'the ancient knowledge' and 'a tribal mentality' of ONENESS [sounds a bit
like Zion in The Matrix] so that we can "move forward" and save the Earth (!). (words in quote marks are from the website and YouTube lecture)
It's focused on 2012 and 'the indigo children' and is apparently growing quite rapidly. I would strongly urge you to alert any friends of yours who you might think susceptible to this tosh which is currently zooming round the Web, but on second thoughts, maybe you shouldn't...if they are susceptible, they might end up on "the Grid"....I'll leave the decision to you.
I have received a mail from an acquaintance of mine gushing with
enthusiasm about it and encouraging friends to go for it !
Pied Pipers everywhere these days....

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

What do you think? Is he onto something?
How do you acces sott articles older then 3 days?
Archive link gives you acces only for the last 3 days , and if you click on the month query nothing hapens...
Deckard said:
How do you acces sott articles older then 3 days?
Archive link gives you acces only for the last 3 days , and if you click on the month query nothing hapens...
Hi Deckard,

If you know the name of the article, tape it in the search box at the right top of the page and press the search buttom.

And bingo, you will have your article.
found it,
it was in The best of the web

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