Decision to free James Bulger's killer is 'wrong', says victim's mother


Jedi Master
While transcribing SOTT Talk Radio show # 18: The Empathy Trap, Joe mentioned Jamie Bulger murder in relation to the question "Can children be psychopaths?" This topic was also discussed here on the Forum,27805.msg342118.html#msg342118 and on Sott page One of the killers, Jon Venables, is about to be released _ From the article:
The mother of murdered child James Bulger said that the Parole Board had made the “wrong decision” by moving to release one of her son's killers.

Denise Fergus said that Jon Venables had shown he was still "a danger to himself and to the public".

She was speaking after receiving a call from the Probation Service telling her that Venables, now 30, had been cleared for release for a second time.

He returned to jail in 2010 after his parole was revoked, following the discovery that he had accessed indecent images of children. Venables admitted the offence and was jailed for a further two years.

He had previously been sentenced for life alongside Robert Thompson following the 1993 murder of two-year-old James, who was beaten to death on a railway line after being taken by Venables and Thompson, then both aged 10, from Bootle Strand shopping centre in Merseyside.

Both were released in 2001 and given new identities, with a legal ruling ordering that new photographs of them should not be published.
Thompson has not been heard of since his release. Earlier this year, Mrs Fergus, and James's father, Ralph, both addressed Venables's parole hearing, calling for him to stay in prison.

"I've been fighting for justice for James for 20 years now and I will continue to do so. The Parole Board have made the wrong decision," Mrs Fergus added.

She had earlier broken the news of the Parole Board's decision on Twitter, adding the message: "Just don't believe what I've got to go through. Again."

When he was re-arrested in 2010, it was claimed Venables had become a heavy drinker and had, in a paranoid state, revealed his past to friends.

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: "The re-release of life-licensed offenders is directed by the independent Parole Board once they are satisfied they can be safely managed in the community. They may be recalled to prison at any time for breaching their licence conditions."

A spokesman for the Parole Board confirmed Venables would be released. It is not known when this will be.

This is outrageous! These officials release these monsters deliberately into population, osit. The psychopaths in power protecting their own, so their reign of terror will never stop? I don't see any other explanation for that. After reading the details of this horrendous crime there's no doubt in my mind that these deeds could only be done by psychopaths. One of the killers, Robert Thompson, was already released and provided with new identity. His whereabouts are unknown. Now, the second one, John Venables, is about to be released and will be given new identity as well. From Wiki's page as above:
On 4 May 2011, it was reported that Venables would once again be given a new identity, following what was described as a "serious security breach" which revealed an identity that he had been using before his imprisonment in 2010.


A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice commented: "Such a change of identity is extremely rare and granted only when the police assess that there is clear and credible evidence of a sustained threat to the offender’s life on release into the community."[111] The incident occurred after a man from Exeter posted photographs on a website devoted to naming paedophiles, allegedly showing Venables as an adult and giving his name.[112

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