Deja Vu Recorder


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi everyone.

After reading the mention of deja vu in the 3rd January '09 session, I thought I'd start a separate thread on deja vu specifically for people to record whenever it happens to them. I though it would be interesting to see if any connections appear; regional, temporal, event-connected, etc.

Maybe like...



Intensity: (mild; strong; etc.)

Lasted for: (5 secs; 10 secs; etc.)

Region: (U.K. etc.)

Other Details: (on the computer; laid in bed; etc.)

This could be an interesting thing to try. Who knows, maybe something might come up?

I had a little file of deja-vus on my computer, but at the moment it's broke, so I can't post anything until I get it fixed or new deja-vus appear.
Not sure if this quite counts....but I did catch myself saying 'deja-vus' outloud.

Date: Jan 29th (I was either wed/thu/fri of last week).

Time: 9am

Intensity: very mild, but very odd

Lasted for: About 30 seconds

Region: U.K.

Other Details: Driving to work, and passed a car going the other way of exact same make/colour as mine. The next car I passed (within 10seconds) was Also identical (to which I said 'deja-vus')....I did start to wonder if the universe was trying to tell me I was 'going the wrong way' with some aspect of my life.....the 4th/5th car I passed (20 seconds later) before turning left onto the main road was Also identical! (this isn't exactly a common car) turned and followed me down the main road.
My deja-vus are connected. I won't just have one but when I have the first it will be connected to one or more other occurences.

What I mean is this: I will be standing outside an office and have a feeling of deja-vu. I will know instinctively that it is connected to another deja-vu I will have in a few months or years. If more than two I can count down. 'Ok that was number one, 3 more to go...'

I've thought about recording them but haven't up till now.
Date: Feb 3th, Tuesday

Time: About 9:20 AM

Intensity: Mild

Lasted for: Five seconds.

Region: Finland.

Happened while I was reading the description of Enneagram in ISOTM, page 286 of the edition with a foreword by Marianne Williamson. It was very mild, but noteable.
Date: 6/2/09

Time: Approx 5pm GMT

Intensity: Mild

Lasted for: Approx 4 secs

Region: UK

Other details: Happened while eating at a restaurant with Mother and Grandmother.
Date: 7/7/2011
Time: About 3:20 PM American Central Time (UTC-06)

Intensity: Mild

Lasted for: About a second

Region: US (Texas)

Other details: Happened while reading SOTT.
Can a dream be related to Deja Vu? there are dreams that I go crazy because I see in the synchronization during the day, sudden. Past few weeks ago, I remembered a dream about a place I felt like my house. But something prevented me reach the site. A few days, as I walked the path to where I start work tomorrow. I saw a residential area from the same point where I look in the dream. That feeling of dizziness and headache Thin, has something to do with Deja Vu?
Yeah, one kind of deja-vu is when you feel like you have already seen something you are experiencing in a dream. We don't know why it happens. Deja-vu is being discussed in this thread:,4081.0.html
Al Today said:
Alma.Innovadora said:
Can a dream be related to Deja Vu?

Sure, why not? Weird is when I have had Deja Vu in a dream.
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:

:jawdrop: Oook!.... That explains a lot! wow! I thought about the possibility of a memory of an impression as a child. In a place visited only once and caused a strong impression on my mind and go back to that place, create any effect by the sudden memory "I have been here," confusion and something else. A particular feeling for a place, dream and particular person ... particular situations, this interesting...
Hi !
I want to share a "deja vu" experience that occured to me and my friend, same time, same place. This exprience took place during a EE training (Eiru Eolas training), the second day, just after the Beatha breathing. At this moment, I was sat close to my friend and we were listening to Pierre who was talking to a member. When I felt this "deja vu", I didn't say anything. Then, after the training, on the road, my friend and I discussed and I told her that I felt a deja vu just after the Beatha breathing. She told me that she felt too a deja vu. After some explanations, we found that this experience occured at the same time for both of us.

Date : 07 august 2011
time : maybe 6-7 pm
intensity : strong (like a wave)
lasted for : 5s
region : France
detail : 2 persons concerned

Limbic resonnance due to the beatha breathing ? connection between us ? maybe we changed something for us ?


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