Diccionario de supervivencia: ponerología
These people are Chileans, BTW. I am happy to see that the knowledge about ponerology has arrived there, as Chilean society is IMO in dire need of this knowledge after having served as the first example of "globalization".
A rough translation - far from perfect.
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The survival dictionary is a set of explanations about basic concepts for understanding the world in which we live.
This time we will look at the word "ponerology" and its derivative, "pathocracy" (pathos: sick, cracy: government)
Alaluz (to the light - the title of their publication)
Survival Dictionary
Ponerology is the part of theology which occupies itself with the study of evil. In his book "Political Ponerology", Andrew Lobaczewski explains the term. According to him, ponerology would be the new science within the psychology which is applied to the study evil. That is, why an organization with good intentions at the beginning, end up changed into something evil. According to Lobaczewski, all of it has to do with ailings of the brain.
We examined one of these ailings, psychopathy, in a previous video. This time we will see what happens when psychopathy and characteropathies take the power to themselves.
Is it possible to speak about psychopathic associations ?
(Beatriz Vallejo - psychologist)
I think that some organizations - according to their proposed values - favor the psychopathic personality, them becoming members as well as their (02:01 ????) development. I think that is the case. And, you know, they can also be identified along history. Take the case of the Nazis, and also the KKK ... it was a movement where they approved each other - and they looked for ways to have people who weren't 100% in line with them (02:30 ????). And I think that these groups repeat themselves along history.
For example in an organization, they are persons who climb ranks very fast, smothering in a certain way those who are in the lower ranks. But they are intelligent enough to obey social norms, but at the same time they seek, in quotes, the benefit of the organization. The benefit, generally said, for themselves.
Ponerization is the process by which an organization mutates its ideals and its structure due to the intervention of pathologic agents.
The process of ponerization begins when a climate exists in society which allows for its development.
The first step is the hysterization of society, that is, an excessive emotional response from of a group of people.
The second step is the appearance of spellbinders. Spellbinders are persons who have some degree of pathologies or personality disorders, but who are very skilled at convincing people.
These persons "enchant" the people around them. The spellbinders proceed to destroy the collection of ideas (ideario) of the organization and adapt it to their own pathological vision.
They seem to be the same, but they do not mean the same.
Contagion of the pathologic Vision (sickness).
The vision of the spellbinders roots in a big part of the base of the organization.
Selective replacement.
Later on, a selective replacement takes part
People who perceive the changes in the organization get out or are marginalized, while at the same time new people arrive who fit into the vision given by the spellbinders.
Once this happens, the way is paved for persons with more extreme characteristics enter the organization and take over its control.
Total separation between the elites and the base
And the creation of two circles in the organization: the inner circle and the outer circle.
In the inner circle are the spellbinders, the psychopaths, the sociopaths and all those who pervert the original ideas of the organization, but who present their ideas as being totally in accordance with the history of the organization.
In the outer circle is the base. As Orwell would say in '1984', they are the proletarian masses. Those without power but who keep the organization alive.
A kind of double language (double speak) begins to operate.
The things which are said have one meaning for the inner circle, and another one for the outer circle.
This is normally used to dissimulate the actions and ideas of the inner circle.
We speak about pathocracy when we refer to a society which has been totally co-opted by the process of ponerization. That is to say, all the fundaments of this society are ruled by pathogenic personalities.
What to do
To unmask such a person has to be done at a time - this is still very nascent - it is very difficult because the organizations protect them ...
The first line of defense is knowledge.
When we know about these concepts and processes, we can avoid becoming involved in them.
Here the responsibility of the mediums of social communication comes into play, as well as our individual responsibility.
We must spread this kind of material, bring it to the knowledge of others.
Spread it !
Learn about it !
Knowledge is the best vaccine.
(Small edit for clarity)