Mr Meowgi said:
Morning Organic bacon, free range eggs, buckwheat bread toast with hand churned butter. Dinner steak ( grass fed Scottish black and white ) locally grown beans from our local public market, golden potatoes mashed, butter added. As well, I have added the following supplements; multivitamins, glucosamine/chondroiten, MSM cranberry, golden-seal root and apple cider vinegar as well as cranberry tabs. The dream started off me swimming in a weird pool, details are lost to me. Friday was the first dairy milk I had drank since the first of the year. I added it to some gluten free rice cereal with real cane sugar
Perhaps it was the potatoes,
I believe that the diet has lot to do with sleep patterns, and getting the deep sleep necessary to combat some of the activity that promotes the issues you have described. i like your breakfast menu, as that is one of the most important meal's for combating the days challenge's one confronts by helping to maintain, to staying balanced emotionally, supporting enegry levels, and helping to eliminate sugar craving's till the next meal.
i think that there is perhaps a little spike in the sugar issue if the cereal is white rice based, and by adding the milk, which usally has a high sugar content (try almond milk with reduced sugar content) and adding potatoes, convert in to the blood faster possilbly causing problems, especially at night befor bed time. That might produce spikes in blood sugar level's, swing's in temperament, and maybe sleep issues down the way.
What i have been doing lately is that i have made the last meal (it is a challenge) the lightest but nutritional, meal of the day and try and consume no later then 1800 hours, or 6:00 pm. And then taking my repair, and replenish vitiman's at that time for the nights rest. This the time when the body repair's, and is able to utilize and better able to absorbing them if the diet is correct (gluten free).
Also i have been incorporating some sort rigorous exercise of at least (for me) if time allows 2 to 3 hours of hiking, biking, or swimming, (but any amount of time is better than nothing) routine every other day, during the day which seems to help a lot in reducing tension the in the mind, and body, like a discharge excess energies ( from the days stress) also it helps to promote detox, and burn some calories that have been taken in, and have accumulated during the week. It also helps to maintain muscle mass, and bone density, and promote cellular growth, again if the diet is correct.
And last is as I've stated, i take chromium picolinate with my melatonin before bedtime. Yes i want to dream, work through issues, and explore in the medium.
Added-Addtional links
Important threads for Diet and Health-by SuperModerator Adaryn,14212.0.html
Saturated Fats, Cholesterol Lard and Vitamin D-by SuperModerator RyanX,12850.msg92564.html#msg92564