Dirty Bomb Dream


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Last night I dreamed that a large, destructive bomb went off in my area. After the event (a dirty bomb of some sort), everyone that was in the shelter (an empty box store) went home as if things were OK. I did not have a sense of anticipating trouble, but for some reason many people were in there (maybe a hundred). When I left the store, I took note of the wind so as to avoid fallout. There was a strong wind moving in direction of the blast, so this is how I knew where it was. I thought it an odd location for a bomb drop, since I live near an actual military base and the explosion location was very rural, maybe 10-15 miles away. Any way, I went out and headed home to a seemingly different world, but I was just happy the town had not been hit. I experienced the place to be suddenly rural/primitive after the event, like maybe 100-150 years ago. It wasn't as if everything was destroyed, just different, over grown, wooded. Houses were mostly scarce, but the ones on the way were small and primitive, such as with bucket wells. I woke up while trying to make my way back home.
I chalked the dream up to having been at an interesting Civil War history lecture last night. Something interesting about location of the explosion in my dream, it was pretty much on the spot where this happened:

I'm told that it is impossible for that bomb to detonate now, even thought it was never recovered. Weird.
Yupo said:
I chalked the dream up to having been at an interesting Civil War history lecture last night. Something interesting about location of the explosion in my dream, it was pretty much on the spot where this happened:

I'm told that it is impossible for that bomb to detonate now, even thought it was never recovered. Weird.

Very interesting dream and connection to the Goldsboro crash, Yupo. Good thing the town didn't get hit in your dream!

I haven't heard about the Goldsboro crash before, it seems that if things didn't go right, the consequences would've been quite a disaster:

In 2011, Lt. Jack Revelle, the bomb disposal expert responsible for disarming the device, claimed "we came damn close" to a nuclear detonation that would have completely changed much of eastern North Carolina. He also said the size of each bomb was more than 250 times the destructive power of the Hiroshima bomb, large enough to create a 100% kill zone within a radius of 8.5 miles (13.7 km).

In a now-declassified 1969 report, entitled "Goldsboro Revisited", written by Parker F. Jones, a supervisor of nuclear safety at Sandia National Laboratories, Jones said that "one simple, dynamo-technology, low voltage switch stood between the United States and a major catastrophe", and concluded that "The MK 39 Mod 2 bomb did not possess adequate safety for the airborne alert role in the B-52".
It seems like we are somehow watched over and protected, or maybe is my wishful thinking. So much can go wrong that doesn't go wrong. I have said many times it is a wonder we make it beyond childhood. I'm sure we all have stories of near misses.
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