Disc around the sun


The Force is Strong With This One
(I hope it's in the good topic, and also that my translation with Babelfish help is sufficient good to be read)

Observation of an exceptional phenomenon on September 20, 2004


This morning, September 20, 2004, looking for Internet sites relating to free energy, it suddenly need to go on a " high lieu" that I attend from time to time and who is located at about fifteen kilometers of my residence.
I did not go there for some time, and the speed between the thought and the departure (less than a quarter of hour) surprises me. But I do not forget my numerical camera.
Another odd thing, I wish to go there by a secondary road that I did not use for a rather long time.
Having noted in the past some events being able to be regarded as rather disconcerting personal signs, I think that taking into account my research in progress, that I perhaps will see another sign, cloud kind which resembles an UFO, or why not a real UFO .
It is the kind of event for which I made little illusion, but I remain however open and attentive.


I arrive on the site. The weather is been overcast. The wind is rather cold.
As with my practice I admire a few moments the point of view that one have on this small height. There is several " chemtrail" (traces left by the planes) in the sky, including one in particular which is in form of 3/4 of ellipse.
Then, I walk around of the headland by the left by a small way underwood. The wind seems to rise, I must close my wind-breaker. Of return to the starting point, this achieved preliminary, I joined the culminating point (in height and energy) which is at the foot of a small vault. The wind is now calmed, and the sky seems released.

I've just taken place at the usual point in attitude of relieving when some roucoulement with beat of wing (like if awaked in a hurries) makes me turn the head towards the vault.
At an opening in the wall a pigeon appears which install himself and will not move any more until my departure.
I speak to him, l call, incite to come, it remains stoical, changing sometimes the eye to look at me. Its blinking of eye oddly reveal a small gleam though it is in a place without direct lighting.

Having never noticed presence of pigeon in a so direct way in this place, I was satisfied with this contact and breathed the air and the energy. I observed lengthily the places and mainly the sky now well released with chemtrails in triangle which completed to be dissipated. It was 15 past 11, the high sun vis-a-vis me, masked just enough by the top of a tree so that I would not be dazzled, when, after having challenged my companion with feathers once again, I raised the head towards the sky to notice this spectacular phenomenon.

An immense perfectly circular soft gray disc bordered with a light fringe gold but with light fluctuations of rainbow's colors, was centered on the sun. My immediate impression was that it was an eclipse, but the sun was shining in its medium and splashed with light like if the disc was not there and I don't notice any difference in clearness on the ground. It is as if this disc appeared without interfering.

From my place, I could see only a little more of the half-circle with the sun centered perfectly because of the trees (30/35 m in height) at some distance. But it took a major part of my visible sky.
I notice that if the sun really seemed behind the disc, though he is not attenuated, the clouds or rather the fogs which remained were they well ahead. I imagined the fantastic dimension of this disc which seemed to me at the very least with highest of atmosphere. It seemed me to distinguish some light curve borders, but I could not confirm it was a volume because although I have impression of an object, it seemed rather a light and uniform veil.

I saw a very high airliner passing in front of this disc (perhaps the point that one sees on one of the photographs). It seemed tiny and allowed me to notice that the disc seemed much more far from the plane than me from the plane. So I had to imagine a disc even more gigantic.

The phenomenon installed itself quickly while revealing uniformly, it remained that seemed to me long minutes, perfectly stable in form, color and position, which allowed me to photograph it on several occasions. It blurred in the same way without it remains unspecified trail.
I turned towards the bird with the malicious blinking of eye, always on faction at the entry of its niche, it did not want to make comment. I went down again the way, it always observed me until we are out of sight one from the other.

You can see the pictures (and the french version) on my blog at the address : http://amedee.over-blog.net/categorie-649737.html


If the phenomenon is exceptional, even more exceptional is the manner I've been led, almost by obligation : by which, what, with which objective?
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