Took me a while of thinking about it, but figured I would go ahead and share a recent dream of mine.
I dream a lot. I often quite enjoy it, and feel almost in control and sometimes they feature really great, long, in-depth conversations about all manner of topics, with people/beings I feel I know, but have never met. I'm guessing the mind has a way of projecting another character outwards in drams, in order to create dialogue. This I enjoy.
Anyway, the one I'm going to share doesn't fall into this category. It's different kind of dream; almost like sleep paralysis in the sense that I am aware I am dreaming and it feels very "real" but I am not ultimately in control (or so it seems). And I can't seem to "snap out of it" and wake myself up.
This dream was a few nights ago, and started as soon I was drifting off. All I can describe it as being like, is as though I flew "out of my body", but still inside my actual bedroom. I floated over to my drum kit and hovered above it, but I felt accompanied by a "presence" - a very negative one at that. So I'm above the drum kit and then I feel an immense pressure on my whole head, pressing down, which feels external. Then a voice, which seems to be coming from inside my skull, shouts "WHO ARE YOU?!" and demanded a justification of who I am and the thoughts I have. I attemped to answer with my thoughts, but felt ridiculed. It felt like a pretty short dream, and I woke up shortly after, but thankfully managed to get a decent night’s sleep after.
Just so you have a bit of background, I've had similar dreams on and off for I'd say the last year and a half. They follow a similar pattern; out of body type experience, negative feeling, accompanied by a disturbing, aggressive voice. I have suffered with depression in the past which lasted the best part of a year. Thanks to the help of friends and loved ones, I'm not in that place anymore. But I feel like this is perhaps connected though; possibly attempting to address things I have thought about or repressed in the past. But just so you know, I'm in a much better place these days (happy in my job, busy with music, sleeping okay, etc.) I don’t feel any great anxiety over identity at the moment, it’s not really something I worry about. I'd like to think of myself as someone who only ridicules people who I feel deserve it, ie. bigots, etc. And I don't feel like I have to deal with any ridicule in my life, thankfully (other than good natured stuff with friends). Therefore I can’t seem to derive much meaning from the dream, which may well indicate that it is meaningless.
So yeah. I realise this is all very subjective, but any input/similar experiences would be appreciated :) Cheers.
I dream a lot. I often quite enjoy it, and feel almost in control and sometimes they feature really great, long, in-depth conversations about all manner of topics, with people/beings I feel I know, but have never met. I'm guessing the mind has a way of projecting another character outwards in drams, in order to create dialogue. This I enjoy.
Anyway, the one I'm going to share doesn't fall into this category. It's different kind of dream; almost like sleep paralysis in the sense that I am aware I am dreaming and it feels very "real" but I am not ultimately in control (or so it seems). And I can't seem to "snap out of it" and wake myself up.
This dream was a few nights ago, and started as soon I was drifting off. All I can describe it as being like, is as though I flew "out of my body", but still inside my actual bedroom. I floated over to my drum kit and hovered above it, but I felt accompanied by a "presence" - a very negative one at that. So I'm above the drum kit and then I feel an immense pressure on my whole head, pressing down, which feels external. Then a voice, which seems to be coming from inside my skull, shouts "WHO ARE YOU?!" and demanded a justification of who I am and the thoughts I have. I attemped to answer with my thoughts, but felt ridiculed. It felt like a pretty short dream, and I woke up shortly after, but thankfully managed to get a decent night’s sleep after.
Just so you have a bit of background, I've had similar dreams on and off for I'd say the last year and a half. They follow a similar pattern; out of body type experience, negative feeling, accompanied by a disturbing, aggressive voice. I have suffered with depression in the past which lasted the best part of a year. Thanks to the help of friends and loved ones, I'm not in that place anymore. But I feel like this is perhaps connected though; possibly attempting to address things I have thought about or repressed in the past. But just so you know, I'm in a much better place these days (happy in my job, busy with music, sleeping okay, etc.) I don’t feel any great anxiety over identity at the moment, it’s not really something I worry about. I'd like to think of myself as someone who only ridicules people who I feel deserve it, ie. bigots, etc. And I don't feel like I have to deal with any ridicule in my life, thankfully (other than good natured stuff with friends). Therefore I can’t seem to derive much meaning from the dream, which may well indicate that it is meaningless.
So yeah. I realise this is all very subjective, but any input/similar experiences would be appreciated :) Cheers.