Do It Yourself Impeachment


FOTCM Member

Impeach for Peace, a Minnesota-based impeachment group, has researched a method for impeaching the president using a little known and rarely used part of the Rules of the House of Representatives ("Jefferson's Manual"). This document actually empowers individual citizens to initiate the impeachment process themselves.

"Jefferson's Manual" is an interpretive guide to parliamentary procedure, and is included (along with the Constitution) in the bound volumes of the Rules of the House of Representatives. It is ratified by each congress (including the current one), and has been updated continuously through the history of our democracy. The section covering impeachment lists the acceptable vehicles for bringing impeachment motions to the floor of the House.

Before the House Judiciary Committee can put together the Articles of Impeachment, someone must initiate the impeachment procedure. Most often, this occurs when members of the House pass a resolution. Another method outlined in the manual, however, is for individual citizens to submit a memorial for impeachment.

After learning this information, Minnesotan and Impeach for Peace member (Jodin Morey) found precedent in an 1826 memorial by Luke Edward Lawless which had been successful in initiating the impeachment of Federal Judge James H. Peck. Impeach for Peace then used this as a template for their "Do-It-Yourself Impeachment." Now any citizen can download the DIY Impeachment Memorial and submit it, making it possible for Americans to do what our representatives have been unwilling to do. The idea is for so many people to submit the Memorial that it cannot be ignored.

Feel free to download it, print out TWO copies, fill in your relevant information in the blanks (name, State, notary is optional), and send in a letter today. There's also extra credit for sending a DIY Impeachment to your own representative.

Hold on to the other copy of the letter until Jan. 15th (after the new congress) when we're having everyone send them in.

That's right - to make a big impact, we're having everyone send it in on the same date (Over 300,000 downloads so far representing over 1 million mailings). We hope to flood the congress with sacks of mail and cause a newsworthy event to further pressure them to act on the memorials. Although, it's important to keep in mind that in the 1830 precedent, impeachment resulted as a result of a single memorial. Yours might be the one.

Get the PDF to send in, and DIRECTLY initiate the impeachment of Bush:

Go to the website to download the letters:
Can't remember who said it, but it was a leading Dem who recently said on the news that impeachment would be a waste of time and not worth doing. If s/he was comfortable saying that, then it suggests, of course, that there may already be a consensus among Dems not to pursue impeachment, which would shut down one very public avenue of beginning a serious investigation into administration criminality. We'll see.

Footnote: house candidate Dennis Morrisseau (who garnered a vote of mere hundreds in Vermont) is an indie candidate who listed his party as "Impeach Bush Now."

He wrote in his blog about the Democrats:
they are NOT A TRUE OPPOSITION PARTY to the Republicans who have clearly and obviously decided to rule the country and rule the world (A Fascist Pipedream but a very dangerous one).

Democrats believe that people must be coddled and led and spoon fed pap "for their own good". (Which is to say that Democrats see us pretty much the same way as Republicans see us: we're stupid and must be shown how to behave, must be led by our Oh so sophistocated "Betters"---people like John Kerry, and the Gore family, and RFK, Jr.)
Arent there already impeachment resolutions circulating their way around though? Like HJR0125 put up in Illinois by Karen Yarbrough, or AJR39 put up in California by Paul Koretz... Is the point here to create a certain volume of requests to apply pressure on Congress?
1/2Hawk said:
Is the point here to create a certain volume of requests to apply pressure on Congress?
I think the point is to make such a noise that the MSM simply cannot ignore the outcry. The HR bills currently are not impeachment bills, they are bills to "perform investigations". What is needed is the realization that if we can impeach a president for getting sexual favors under his desk in the oval office, we can impeach a president for fabricating intelligence, selling an invasion, invading a country for illegal and incorrect reasons, and then so thoroughly botching the occupation that it demonstrates the true meaning of the military acronym "FUBAR". (Look it up at if you don't know).

We impeached the wrong president. But in doing so, we succeded in politicizing the process so much that impeaching the next president (specifically GWB) will be almost impossible without an extreme outcry from the populace. If what GWB does not meet the standard "high crimes and misdemeanors", I don't know what does...
Can a non-american citizen impeach the US president? His work affects us all.
No. You foreigners have no rights here ;) Impeach your own president.

Hey, there's an idea. Everyone all over the world impeach ALL the leaders.

Irini said:
Can a non-american citizen impeach the US president? His work affects us all.
The last few days of news has featured a parade of interviews with giddy Democratic leaders. The common thing about these interviews is that they all avoid mentioning that CORRUPTION was found to be the top concern of voters when questioned in exit polls. I've heard them recount a long, long list of issues that "need to be addressed," but not this one -- the top one. Because investigating crimes and seeking justice would apparently satisfy the public so much, my eyebrows are raised.
Well, perhaps what is needed is a drive to bury Washington in paper - letters and faxes - demanding repeal of the Patriot Act, the Eavesdropping legislation, the Torture Bill, the Military Tribunal act, AND an immediate INDEPENDENT (no politicians involved) investigation into corruption in government.

Possibly the best way to get a really independent group together would be by lottery; random selection of qualified individuals from various fields that would bear on the investigation like jurists, scientists, philosophers, small business owners, and just plain ordinary citizens.

But heck, those in charge are SO corrupt, I'm not even sure if they could do such a selection non-fraudulently.

Some really basic things about the American "Democracy" need to be changed also: such as term lengths (so that special interests can control government by controlling elections), campaign laws, a truly democratic voting process with a paper trail and no electoral college: one person, one vote. The rules need to be changed so that it isn't money that gets a person elected, or even that makes it desirable to be elected. There should be NO outrageous perks for government officials (the TRUE "Welfare society" and "useless eaters.")

Lobbying needs to be outlawed, corporations need to be reined in sharply, and government needs to be placed in the hands of the governed.

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