Do we have to believe the experts in global warming

I found this week-end an article in le "Monde" I hesitated to post this article in "Tickle me"
Amazing paradoxe . We are in the middle of an intense controversy over the credibility of the group GIEC ( intergovernemental group of experts on the evolution of the climate). This group launched on february 10th a call to authors for the wrinting of its next report planned for 2014
But since two months, GIEC ondergoes a lot of critics. First it was accused of committing errors in his report (2007) indeed the authors of GIEC wrote that the Himalayan glacier will disappear in 2035 it is a crucial importance for the flow of the big Asian rivers . But this article was not really from GIEC but first from a report from WWF in 2005 which was self inspired from an article of New Scientist and also a command of UNESCO in 1999 to the glaciologist Vladimir Kotbakov .(are you following ? :cry: ) This glaciologist considered the quasi-disapearance of Hymalayan Glacier in 2350 and not in 2035 ;D
The president of GIEC Rajendra Pachauri was questionned about conflicts of interests between his post at the head of the panel of experts and his function of director of a centrum for search.

And thursday "Nature" magazine has opened its columns to five climatologists, four of the five have suggested reforming deeply the institution of
GIEC. It must be ennuyant for the governements who find their arguments in GIEC over the danger of the climate change ;)


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