Don't Fire Gonzales


FOTCM Member
The voting machine machine has an interesting take on the Gonzales hearings:

Don't Fire Gonzales
By Greg Palest
Before President Bush fired his sorry a**, US Attorney David Iglesias of New Mexico, in a last sad attempt to suck up to his Republican padrones, allowed his chief mouthpiece, Norm Cairns, to speak with me. He shouldn’t have.

That was two years back, while I was investigating strange doings in New Mexico and Arizona, where, simultaneously, state legislators, Republicans all, claimed they had evidence of “voter fraud.� Psychiatrists call this kind of mutual delusional behavior folie a deux. I suspected something else: I smelled Karl Rove.

In the New Mexico legislature, a suburban Albuquerque political hackette, Justine Fox-Young (her real name), claimed to have “several� specific cases of vote identity rustling. Like Joe McCarthy waving his list of “Communists,� she waived documents of “evidence� of illegal voting on the floor of the Legislature. I called Ms. Fox-Young and asked her to send me the papers.

The “evidence� never arrived. Maybe her fax machine was broken. I called Justine.

Q. Justine, you’ve uncovered criminals! Did you turn their names over to the US Attorney?

A. Well, no, but someone did.

Whose initials are Karl Rove?

She swore to me that US Attorney Iglesias would back up her story: he was investigating the evil voters and was about to indict them.

So I got Iglesias’ guy Norm on the phone. Was Iglesias prosecuting, or actively investigating, one single real case of voter fraud?

Norm went into a lengthy swirly-whirly river of diving, ducking bullshit. I dove in.

Me: In other words, you can’t back her story?

Norm: Well, yeah, uh, I guess you’d say that’s true.

I guess I will say that, Norm. Fox-Young had just plain made it up; fibbed, lied, faked the evidence.

There was a multi-state con in operation. But what was it? Each of these bogus claims of voter fraud was attached to a sales pitch for a state law to tighten voter ID requirements — to prevent these ne’er-do-wells from voting twice. In Arizona, one crack-pot Republican legislator, the Hon. Russell Pearce, claimed he had evidence that five million Mexicans had illegally crossed the border to vote.

The point: Rove knew that a “challenge� operation by the Republican Party, run from his office, knocked out 300,000 voters — mainly poor ones, voters of color. His crew wanted to hike that higher.

The notable thing about this crime of voter identity theft is that it doesn’t happen. You are more likely to encounter ballot boxes that spontaneously combust. I found cases of voters struck by lightening — but out of 120 million votes cast, I couldn’t find a dozen criminal cases of a bandit stealing someone’s identity to vote.

Since the Republicans couldn’t find such criminals, they had to make them up. Force prosecutors to bring false charges against innocent voters (one did just that in Wisconsin) or at least claim they were hot on the trail of the fraudulent voters.

Iglesias, though a Republican, wouldn’t bring bogus charges. And he wouldn’t lie about active investigations that didn’t exist except in Rove’s imagination.

That was his mistake.

Rove’s right-hand hit-man, Tim Griffin, added Iglesias to the hit list of prosecutors who were cut down on December 7, 2006.

Griffin himself, after the December 7 firings, was appointed by Attorney General Gonzales, at Rove’s personal request, to one of the newly-vacated slots as US Attorney for Arkansas. The sleeper cell of Rove-bot US attorneys is now in place to bless voter suppression games in 2008.

I’ve previously reported for BBC that Griffin was the Man in the Memos who directed the massive, wrongful purge of African-American soldiers in 2004 — the ‘caging’ list scam. Based on that expose, voting rights lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., said, “Griffin and Rove should be in jail, not in office.� That, too is another story — But the important thing to pick up here is:

1. It’s all about the 2008 election.
2. It’s not about Gonzales.

We’ve been here before. Gonzales is getting Libby’d. Takes the bullet for Karl Rove and the White House. If you wondered why the Republican jackals like the sinister Senator Specter piled on Gonzales — it’s because they were told to.

These guys learned from Richard Nixon. In 1973, when Nixon was getting hammered over Watergate, he threw the Senate Committee his Attorney General, a schmuck named Richard Kleindienst. Famously, Nixon’s own Rove, a devious creep named John Erlichman, told Nixon to leave the Attorney General, “twisting slowly in the wind.�

Rove and Bush are doing the Nixon Twist on Gonzales.

Look, I have no sympathy for Alberto the Doomed. He’s guilty of a crime I employed in racketeering cases: “Willful failure to know.� It’s a kind of fraud; Alberto was going way out of his way to not know what he had to know, that Rove and the President were toying with prosecutors.

Gonzales is their glove-puppet. Why fire him? The nation watches these hearings and wants to kill something. But why shoot the puppet? It’s time to fire the puppeteer. Eh, Mr. Rove?
Well, it seems that John Edwards is also going after Rove. Rec this today a.m.:

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Dear Laura,

There is a trail of rot making its way through our government -- and
it leads straight to Karl Rove.

New evidence shows that Rove has been methodically working to twist
even the most impartial branches of the federal government --
including the Justice Department -- to serve the Republican Party at
the expense of the American people.

Enough is enough. Impartial justice must be protected. Integrity in
government must be defended. Karl Rove must be fired.

Tomorrow, John Edwards is going on national television to take part
in the first presidential debate. And that night, he's going to call
on George Bush to fire Karl Rove.

Will Bush listen? Not to John alone. Not to you or me alone. But if
thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of us speak out
together to demand accountability for Karl Rove and end their era of
cynical, destructive, partisan government -- we cannot be ignored.

Please add your name, so when John speaks out at tomorrow's debate
it's clear that he's speaking for thousands. We'll keep a signature
counter online to show how many have joined the call.

Karl Rove's assault on our democracy is not new. We all know how
Rove's strategy of relentless deception has poisoned our political
debate and led to disaster after disaster for our country --
starting with the war in Iraq.

But these latest revelations show that no branch of our government
is safe as long as Karl Rove is in it.

It is now clear that Rove was at the center of the outrageous,
politically-motivated firing of eight U.S. Attorneys. When this
scandal broke, John Edwards was the first candidate to call for the
resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for politicizing
justice and betraying the public trust.

Some of these officials were fired because they refused to buckle
under to demands that they manipulate the timing of voter fraud
investigations, or because they were investigating well connected
Republican defense contractors.

And now it seems clear that the White House had its fingers all over
this purge. Whose fingers? Karl Rove's, of course.

And Rove's motivations may have been even more insidious than
rewarding party loyalists. There are indications that this was all
part of his plan to install partisan U.S. Attorneys that would help
Republican candidates in 2008 by interfering with minority voter
registration drives.

And now, evidence has emerged that that shows Rove has been
pressuring impartial federal agencies and employees to use
government contracts and other favors to help Republican candidates.

At some point, the very fabric of impartial justice and a government
that works for the people -- not political parties -- is so
threatened that we simply cannot sit back and wait for the next
election to clean house. That point is now.

In 24 hours John will speak out to the national media gathered
to cover the presidential debate and call on President Bush to
fire Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales. That means we have 24
hours to gather enough support to ensure that when John steps
forward, he's not stepping forward alone.

Thank you,

--David Bonior
Campaign Manager
John Edwards for President

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What neither of them realizes is that firing Rove, impeaching Cheney, etc, is just like cutting heads off the hydra. No sooner do you cut one off than another grows back.

The only way to deal with the hydra is with fire: destroy the elements of psychopathy across the board that keep it alive.
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