Draining Loch Ness: Solving Monster Mystery


The Living Force

Drain the Oceans (TV Series)​

Episode: a visually and especially musically fantastically well done, grandiosely presented, excellently narrated Hot Air Balloon of a show. Along the lines of the dreamy and most ancient legend of the Hyperboreans. Which too is a fantastic story, - worthy of any childrens' tales - in the exact sugary manner of:

Secrets of Loch Ness (2019)​


Drain the Oceans solves one of the world's great mysteries - the identity of the Loch Ness monster. Using comparisons with the deepest lake on Earth - Lake Baikal in Russian Siberia - combined with military-grade scanning technology and a sonar curtain drawn across its entire surface, the plug is pulled on Scotland's famous loch. As the waters drain away, much more than a monster is revealed.
They used the latest submarine tech to scan the surface of Loch Ness and created a 3D model lakebed using the scans.
But to be sure they are telling us the most likely truth :rolleyes:.. they
s c i e n t i f i c a l l y
inspected Lake Baikal too, because its big, deep and ancient! Also Baikal has underwanter gas vents that warm up the water creating strong underwater currents..


Because of how warm & ice-melting currents - the two circles visible from ISS from space on Baikal - are generated, they determine that there is no Loch Ness monsters, only underwater waves. Wakes in Loch Ness - they the researchers say - do not disperse, but remain from miles and miles, capable of traversing almost the entirety of the Loch. Therefore if any tree log is swimming in water, they surely must encounter these underwater currents PLUS the long wake-waves that ships leave and these waves remain there traveling for a long time. Aand therefore all the peeps for many decades have seen were these traveling waves and nothing else.
High [camera] angle: seen from a balloon or a drone.
Because from a low angle - of the beach based observer - these traveling waves can be very well seen as some kind of monster, they say.

I think these very valuable Top Expert scientists now need to prove that there is no Statue of Liberty at all, its just accumulated dust from the atmosphere and concentrated pollution causing a Statue of Liberty-like mirage!

So, it has been proven irrevocably, - exactly how Gurdjieff rated them a century earlier - that these Scientists of the New Formation belong to a dust-bin, into a trashcan. I think, they would better serve the nation, if they worked as street sweepers, because then they would produce something useful: clean streets free of trash!
. . .

Showmanship versus real research:

Remember last year
[?] a group of real scientists - using their brains - determined that using sediments and fish remains and cellular matter and sea creature feces - there is a lot of cellular evidence of eel like creatures inhabiting Loch Ness? That sounds reality and of course that research somehow didn't get made into such a truly fantastic & audio-visually enthralling show as this one.. I wonder why..
It turns out there was a shocking amount of eel DNA found in Loch Ness, which Prof. Gemmell made the highlight of his expedition.9
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