Dream about a sky full of spaceships

miguel angel

Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
I would like to share some memories of a dream I had the last weekend.

First of all, I want to tell you this is the first time I dream of sth of this nature. I usually dream about my friends or family or people I know, nothing really special.

Sometimes I've dreamed about bulls, they never hurt me though.

What I remember about this dream was that the blue sky was full of spaceships, I don't remember the shapes or didn't focus on them. The curious thing was that I KNEW (I don't know how) that an invasion was scheduled for Tuesday (which one, I don't know either). It happened in my family's town, North of Spain, which is 10 Km. from where I live, and I went to my grandmother's apartment (she passed away more than 8 years ago and I don't understand the connection) because I had to find some kind of paper with information (about the invasion, protection?) which was allegedly in some drawer.

That's all. Just to add that I am sleeping with the Dream Stone under my pillow since it arrived home in September.
Hi Miguel Angel, I also had those dreams, mainly in my childhood and some more cloudy in the years before starting with the ketogenic diet. How is your diet?
As for the dream itself there are many possibilities, one of the things to consider is that we are constantly bombarded with such images, whether on television, movies, books, music, etc. Do you remember seeing some kind of movie with that content ?. The mind often plays jokes with or without purpose
I had few years ago a dream about an invasion of spaceships. I remember this dream because is the only one I have had about spaceships. I was in the past, around the 30's and near a very chic hotel, I think the Ritz. Then the sky suddenly was full of big, huge spaceships. Very impresive. I have no idea what it means to dream about spaceships.

Thanks for sharing your dream.
Dave_posse said:
Hi Miguel Angel, I also had those dreams, mainly in my childhood and some more cloudy in the years before starting with the ketogenic diet. How is your diet?
As for the dream itself there are many possibilities, one of the things to consider is that we are constantly bombarded with such images, whether on television, movies, books, music, etc. Do you remember seeing some kind of movie with that content ?. The mind often plays jokes with or without purpose

Hello Dave_posse. Although I should not dismiss the influences you've mentioned because we are surrounded by an enormous quantity of them in a daily basis, at the moment I am not reading sci-fi books, I almost don't watch TV or movies and don't listen too much music. It is true that I've been an enthusiast of sci-fi serials (X-files, stargate, etc.) and books (Asimov's Foundation) in the past, 10 and 20 years ago.

Nowadays all the input I get about it is from Sott and a few years ago I started with The Wave, High Strangeness and so on. But this was about 8 years ago and I'd never dreamed about something similar before.

In anyway, I don't care too much BUT I wanted to share this info because if there are more people who share it maybe we could recognize a pattern, osit. I know the mind can be quite tricky because I've read some recommended books on cognitive science and if we consider that time doesn't exist and some of the info available on Sott and the forum, who knows if it could be some past, future, invented by my mind or a past/parallel/perpendicular/dimensional life event...

About my diet, I started a low carb diet 5 years ago, tried some ketogenic, could not go on with it due to my job driving almost every day and having lunch and sometimes dinner in restaurants who are not on the ketogenic or paleo realm. I try not eating too much bad stuff and don't remember having this kind of dreams ever, even when I started keto. Thank you very much for your comment.

loreta said:
I had few years ago a dream about an invasion of spaceships. I remember this dream because is the only one I have had about spaceships. I was in the past, around the 30's and near a very chic hotel, I think the Ritz. Then the sky suddenly was full of big, huge spaceships. Very impresive. I have no idea what it means to dream about spaceships.

Thanks for sharing your dream.

Hello Loreta, thanks to you for sharing your experience. Mine was no so chic ;) it was a bit more "rural". Well, it is Tuesday and we have no invasion... so far. :halo:
Hello Miguel Angel:

I have had these kind of dreams most of the time, as a matter of fact yesterday I had one, where I was in a plaza where most people where just talking and then I looked up and saw the sky, but it was completely full of stars, I could see lots of them, and far out; there were what I believe some galaxies, then I noticed this space ship which had some navy blue finish with like a silver stripe at the bottom, I tried to take a foto but it was fast and then it flew away... :huh:
I used to get these types of dreams a lot, in recent years they've died down but there are some that are specific to me, such as a recurring dream where the pilots of these craft are revealed to be human.

I agree with Dave_posse for the most part. Sci-fi film & video games make the 'hovering armada' a recurring dreamscape for most these days. To be honest, I don't recall having such dreams prior to the mid ninetees, after being exposed to movies such as Independence Day.

It's still note worthy to consider that the upsurge of this phenomena may unwittingly lead to waking experiences that resemble these events.
I've had dreams as well where I look up to the sky and see all sorts of strange looking spaceships. Would write more detail but I haven't been able to find my journal entries about the few I've had in the last so many years.
I had a similar dream last night where i saw the sky FUlL of fighter jets. Like alot of them about to rain destruction over a city. It was very vivid.
I woke up feeling a bit sour...
I also dreamed that related to sky.
In the dream(11/12/16) Saturday.

I was standing in outside of residential suburb, there were few houses I can see.
Suddenly getting so dark, and wondering what is happening, when I looked up to see the sky, the dark black clouds moving fast to filling the whole sky.
While I was looking at the sky, some things start to falling down, but it was metal power.

I ran fast to evade the metal rain and gotten into my house court yard, the house was U shape and have lots rooms( the house looks different than my actual house in life )
Then I open the door near to me, and got in and close the door.
Thanks for sharing Miguel Angel, I don't think I've ever had spaceship dreams (from what I can remember).

In anyway, I don't care too much BUT I wanted to share this info because if there are more people who share it maybe we could recognize a pattern, osit. I know the mind can be quite tricky because I've read some recommended books on cognitive science and if we consider that time doesn't exist and some of the info available on Sott and the forum, who knows if it could be some past, future, invented by my mind or a past/parallel/perpendicular/dimensional life event...

From my current understanding dreams are symbolic, so you would have to figure out what spaceships represent for you. And as you're aware there is also the time factor and other possibilities you've stated. In case there is more to this dream, the only dream I can remember lately is; I just had a dream about moving homes since there was lava burning everything. There was more to the dream but it escapes my memory.

Dream bible says this about spaceship dreams.

To dream of a spaceship represents navigation into unknown territory. Choosing or preparing to do things you've never done before. New experiences or new struggles that you can't predict an outcome for. You might feel that a life situation is a bit weird or chaotic. You may feel like you are "on the edge." Decision-making in your life revolving around doing things you've never had to do before or that are highly unusual.
Miguel Ángel said:
I would like to share some memories of a dream I had the last weekend.

First of all, I want to tell you this is the first time I dream of sth of this nature. I usually dream about my friends or family or people I know, nothing really special.

Sometimes I've dreamed about bulls, they never hurt me though.

What I remember about this dream was that the blue sky was full of spaceships, I don't remember the shapes or didn't focus on them. The curious thing was that I KNEW (I don't know how) that an invasion was scheduled for Tuesday (which one, I don't know either). It happened in my family's town, North of Spain, which is 10 Km. from where I live, and I went to my grandmother's apartment (she passed away more than 8 years ago and I don't understand the connection) because I had to find some kind of paper with information (about the invasion, protection?) which was allegedly in some drawer.

That's all. Just to add that I am sleeping with the Dream Stone under my pillow since it arrived home in September.

I used to have similar dreams. They weren't about space ships per se but about invasion. I remember standing on a sea shore and seeing an opening portal through which invaders appeared, one after another. They were pretty high and had some sword-like weapons.
I also dreamed, some time ago, of a spacecraft that landed on earth, there were plenty of human beings ready to get into the ship and I told them not to go but they Did not listen to me except for 2 or 3 people who followed me, we went into a house and hid under the furniture so that they did not see us.
I remember having done it twice this same dream.
I recently had a dream, where there was something in the sky with an orange/red tail behind it, which was moving weirdly and I thought it must be a ship of some sort, so I took out my smartphone and tried to zoom it while photographing it. I think it turned out to be a space body of some sort. What was weird that my subconscious used very bright colors, color changing and other "effects" to get my attention to it, as if to put an emphasis, even though I was already looking at it.
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