Dream about ''alien invasion''. Summer, England, Major outdoor event.

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Deleted member 8431

Just had a dream last night about a massive UFO sighting/inavsion happening this summer during a major outdoor event.

In the dream, I became aware that the event was perturbated by what I felt as being an ''UFO invasion''. It was shown to me in on a parer.

It's the second time in the last year I make such a dream but this one was more precise and clear. Last time didn't involve a precise moment (like this summer) during a precise event (like major outdoor event) but I symbolically saw the shape of a country. Upon at looking at an encyclopedia, I found out that what was shown to me was England.

Now if I sum up the elements relative to both dreams and make a general picture here is what I get. I decided to do so now because last night's dream seems to be the missing part of the one before. So here I go.

1) It happens in summer
2) It happens over a major outdoor event with many people
3) I have seen England in previous invasion dream

Now the only thing I can think of is the summer olympics in London. That is a major outdoor event happening this summer in England.

Another important thing I noticed in the previous dream, the UFO's were shown to me as being ''virtual/hollographic''. So it could have meant that the whole thing is a set-up/false flag or maybe it was a hint of the kind of technology involved. I don't know.

So that's it. Just wanted to share. I do not take it as a prophecy. It could be really something else. But I can't help to think I have something to interpret from it. Maby a hint of possible real and/or false invasion done by some crazy technology. Location time frame and actual outdoor event could be hints of something else unrelated as well or just partly related.

Anyways. Feel free to share views/thoughts.

Hummm, just thought about something.

I have heard rumors about terrorist attack during summer games. That may have been this which was reflecting in my dreams. Like a memory showing off.

But what about the UFO's and hollographic nature of attack? Perhaps Blue Beam Project theory reflecting in my dreams.

I dunno. Blue Beam Project seems like disinfo but with bits of truth in it. Hard to say. The C's have talked about a similar even as described by BBP that is likely to happen. So I am still wondering about the whole thing.

All I can say is that those two dreams were intense and weird. Didn't feel scared during them though. On the contrary, I felt very calm as if I knew it was coming and knew what it was all about. In other terms, like if I was prepared and ready to get throug it.

Now I have to connect the dots.
Intersting and disturbing dream there, Jay. It seems that the PTB are preparing for something to happen at the olympics this summer. You just don't go plopping surface to air missiles on buildings just because. Maybe your dream can be interpreted in a less literal way. Aliens could be referring to psychopaths or some otherwise foreign entity. An attack or invasion could also be something more subtle or insidious rather than in-your-face.

We can only wait and see.
Odyssey said:
Intersting and disturbing dream there, Jay. It seems that the PTB are preparing for something to happen at the olympics this summer. You just don't go plopping surface to air missiles on buildings just because. Maybe your dream can be interpreted in a less literal way. Aliens could be referring to psychopaths or some otherwise foreign entity. An attack or invasion could also be something more subtle or insidious rather than in-your-face.

We can only wait and see.


I have just re-edited my last post before you posted yours and I'm getting there.

Thanks, that is a good info you have there and reflection.
Yes, perhaps psychopaths. Very interesting theory that correlates to the dream as well with England and summer period.

First a major attack to the USA (9/11) in New York and then a major attack on England in London during the games. Immagine the disaster.

Now imagine, with all that is going on in middle-east already (and all over the world actually), if the USA and England decided now to declare war on terrorism to an extanded level. Immagine the crap now that would follow. The fuse is already lit. And we can't extinguish(sp?) it.

Wars don't happen for no reason as the C's have said. It a lot more than a matter of money and power alone. There is really a deeply ''evil'' plan behind it all.
There was also this article:


The future is open, so it's certainly possible to occur. But as it stands, we'll just have to wait and see and try not to anticipate.

Also, what do you mean by "It was shown to me in on a parer."?
Foxx said:
There was also this article:


The future is open, so it's certainly possible to occur. But as it stands, we'll just have to wait and see and try not to anticipate.

Also, what do you mean by "It was shown to me in on a parer."?

Hummm, interesting link indeed. I had heard of a ''possible terrorist attack'' but not UFOs. Or perhaps but I can't remember.

Future is indeed open. That may be why it was clearer yesterday than it was months ago on the first dream. Sort of like if all diffrent possibilities are collapsing into less possibilities (more probable) as we are getting ''closer''. Like if pieces of the puzzle are falling into place in order to allow this to happen. So the more probable it becomes, the clearer the dream could be. Just a thought like this. Futur remains open nontheless.

As for your question, it was shown to me as if I was reading a newspaper. Could be related or a general symbol for mass media in general. But it could be something else as well. Brain is working now.
The Powers That Be who seem to be the main link to 4D STS in this world seem to have a typical Modus Operandi. They stage a false-flag event and blame terrorists, (or in this case possibly it could be aliens?). This is done to increase the levels of fear energy in the public, and also to act as an excuse to increase restrictions and control.

Hitler did this back in the 1930s with the "burning" of the Reichstag. In the US this mathod was used in Oklahoma and at the WTC/Pentagon events to enable unconstitutional laws to be passed immediately afterwards.

So it is entirely possible that they will try this again at the Olympics as it is an ideal public stage with good media coverage and a lot of people gathered from many nations. Perhaps if there are many rumours beforehand they may decide not to go through with it...
pstott said:
The Powers That Be who seem to be the main link to 4D STS in this world seem to have a typical Modus Operandi. They stage a false-flag event and blame terrorists, (or in this case possibly it could be aliens?). This is done to increase the levels of fear energy in the public, and also to act as an excuse to increase restrictions and control.

Hitler did this back in the 1930s with the "burning" of the Reichstag. In the US this mathod was used in Oklahoma and at the WTC/Pentagon events to enable unconstitutional laws to be passed immediately afterwards.

So it is entirely possible that they will try this again at the Olympics as it is an ideal public stage with good media coverage and a lot of people gathered from many nations. Perhaps if there are many rumours beforehand they may decide not to go through with it...

I must say putting missle launchers and whatnot on top of buildings (for the Olympics) is a bit over-kill for a "possible" terrorist attack-it's almost as if they are "expecting" something to go down...so they can say afterward "See how brilliant we are-we were prepared for this!" and the masses will eagerly accept their control measures "for their own good and safety" never mind the whole thing was staged from the get go...whether aliens or "Muslims" or whatever other bogie men they conjur up I agree-their MO is increasingly transparent and frankly wearing thin
pstott said:
The Powers That Be who seem to be the main link to 4D STS in this world seem to have a typical Modus Operandi. They stage a false-flag event and blame terrorists, (or in this case possibly it could be aliens?). This is done to increase the levels of fear energy in the public, and also to act as an excuse to increase restrictions and control.

Well put. But sadly, way too many people refuse to see things as they are. They prefer to think that jet fuel can collapse two of the most secure buildings in the world (that were fully designed to be able to resist that kind of 'accident' without nearly collapsing) in less than an hour at nearly free fall speed on it's own footprint. And not to mention the absurdity of WT5 that was reported as being collapsed while you could still see it standing behind the reporter's back. What a farce.

Hitler did this back in the 1930s with the "burning" of the Reichstag. In the US this mathod was used in Oklahoma and at the WTC/Pentagon events to enable unconstitutional laws to be passed immediately afterwards.

Damn right! Classic method. Is this the same kind of thing that happened with the Kremlin a long time ago?

So it is entirely possible that they will try this again at the Olympics as it is an ideal public stage with good media coverage and a lot of people gathered from many nations. Perhaps if there are many rumours beforehand they may decide not to go through with it...

Very possible indeed. Considering all that is happening worldwide, I think this would be another 'good' opportunity for them to go on with another (much greater perhaps) false-flag attack. A 'terrorist attack' could easily lead in my opinion to another major war but an 'alien attack' could perhaps lead to something worst in the sense that it could generate worldwide pannick to another extand where a 'world union' could be made in order to 'reinforce security' all over the world or that kind of crap. It could go very very far the way I see it. Many people would be willing to accept any decision made by the governments unconditionally in order to feel more 'secure'. Boy I just can't immagine.

Guess we will have to wait and see. We will know very soon I guess. And if it dosen't happen there, it may just happen any other time. I guess timing is a very important factor for them as well.

*Takes out chair and sits on front row* :cool2:
I have difficulty in thinking that they are preparing a false flag with extraterrestrials. And the reason is that all the Medias always ritualized ET's and UFO's and people who believe in them. People are in fact not afraid of ET's, but the contrary. They think, if they believe in them, that they are very gentle. I don't know, something bothers me with that idea...

I don't refuse the idea of a false flag entirely and with it an excuse to start a WWIII because the economic situation is in a insuperable situation and people start to be angry. War is always a solution for them, economic solution, population solution, get rid of old people and YOUNG people that have no jobs, no future. But, ET's? Hmmmmm
loreta said:
I have difficulty in thinking that they are preparing a false flag with extraterrestrials. And the reason is that all the Medias always ritualized ET's and UFO's and people who believe in them. People are in fact not afraid of ET's, but the contrary. They think, if they believe in them, that they are very gentle. I don't know, something bothers me with that idea...

I don't refuse the idea of a false flag entirely and with it an excuse to start a WWIII because the economic situation is in a insuperable situation and people start to be angry. War is always a solution for them, economic solution, population solution, get rid of old people and YOUNG people that have no jobs, no future. But, ET's? Hmmmmm

I know it's hard to immagine. I view it as a possibility though. The C's have given hints already about what's to come. I would say it is open but very probable after reading the material here.

I may also have missinterpreted the whole thing though.

I'll check what I can find and try to add it here.

I basically tend to think about the olympics as most of you, that if something is going to happen, there will be no notice at all. If something can be "smelled", I pretty much feel it is part of the show.

The event is just a few weeks away anyhow, we will see what turns out, because at the end, stuff like putting missiles on the roofs of London and making it a big news in all newspapers must have a reason behind, even if it is just to say "look, those fools talking about conspiracies, they are really crazy, nothing happened" (and I think the Cs hinted about this outcome sometime in the last sessions).

I wouldn't travel to London anyhow in the coming weeks, just a tiny event (real or false flag) can create a huge panic and histeria in the city. For histeria, I still have the spanish bonds and economy, so I think my daily dosis is already covered :-)
David Topi said:
I basically tend to think about the olympics as most of you, that if something is going to happen, there will be no notice at all. If something can be "smelled", I pretty much feel it is part of the show.

The event is just a few weeks away anyhow, we will see what turns out, because at the end, stuff like putting missiles on the roofs of London and making it a big news in all newspapers must have a reason behind, even if it is just to say "look, those fools talking about conspiracies, they are really crazy, nothing happened" (and I think the Cs hinted about this outcome sometime in the last sessions).

I wouldn't travel to London anyhow in the coming weeks, just a tiny event (real or false flag) can create a huge panic and histeria in the city. For histeria, I still have the spanish bonds and economy, so I think my daily dosis is already covered :-)

Right. Another possible outcome.

As I said, timing must be very important here. The more tension/fear/panic there is, the better the result of a real/false attack/threat will be. They may as well wait until further tension over the world or create a pre-event during the games in order to 'condition' people for what's coming after (the big show perhaps).

Lots of possibilities here.
I think the Olympics are the perfect time to try to invade Syria or another movement that Israel want to do. It is a perfect smoke curtain.
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