Dream about changing the past - and another about the LOTR

Windmill knight

FOTCM Member
Thought I'd share a couple of dreams.

Last night I dreamed that a woman showed me two levers on a wall, and she asked if I knew about the plot of a movie currently showing, regarding those levers. She said that in the movie people were given a choice of pushing one of the levers down. The one on the right would make them re-live past difficult or traumatic experiences, and although they would be aware of everything, they would suffer as much as they did the first time. But they would be compensated with a bunch of money when done.

The second lever would let them go back to the same experiences but would allow them to make different choices than they originally did, changing their own history. But they would get no money and there would be no guarantee that the outcome of their new choices would be any better, and they would still have to suffer for their mistakes as much as they would have suffered back then if things went wrong.

I started to wake up at that point, and in a semi-asleep state began to wonder at which points in my life I would have made different choices. I went through several possibilities, and contemplated how things would have been just as hard, if not harder, no matter what I did, even if I was in different countries and with different people, because I would still have had the same weaknesses that I had back then. Sooner or later I would have encountered the same or similar situations as I actually did, because that is what my nature was calling for. In other words, that I couldn't escape my lesson plan! I thought it was an interesting reflection and in a sense comforting, as it helps letting go of the feeling of guilt of making so many mistakes (because I would have made them anyway until I learned!).

The other dream I had last Wednesday night after an EE group session. I was a character from the Lord of the Rings - my own character. We were fighting the army of evil, and our leader was the son of Aragorn, and his name was Alethiel. But as the battle went from bad to worse, it became clear that we were going to lose our base as only a dozen of us remained defending two open sides. So Alethiel said he was too important to die or be captured, and decided to leave us alone. That was his betrayal to the cause, and as a result he was either captured, killed or changed sides.

Some went into despair asking "What hope is there now? What shall we do?" And I replied "Now we keep on fighting - that's what we do!" There were a few action-scenes with me fighting bad guys, and then at the last minute Gandalf and Legolas came on horses with reinforcements to prevent our forces from being destroyed. Once regrouped in the camp, more reinforcements came from many places. One was a delegation of horses: An exotic chariot pulled by horses was carrying three more horses. But the horses being carried had beards, they could speak and were as smart as people, as opposed to the regular horses pulling the chariot. The bearded ones were a father and two sons; they were kind and wise creatures.

That's it. I'm just sharing that one because I thought it was very cool. :)
You have very cool dreams, WK! They sound so cinematic! I'm a little jealous :lol:
Windmill knight said:
There were a few action-scenes with me fighting bad guys, and then at the last minute Gandalf and Legolas came on horses with reinforcements to prevent our forces from being destroyed.
Ah, one of the most memorable scenes in The Two Towers. ;)

dugdeep said:
They sound so cinematic!
Well, I'm sure Peter Jackson's cinematic adaptation certainly helped. :D

Wanna know my favorite scene in LOTR? It's when Frodo offers the Ring to Galadriel.

Three wise bearded horses...trinity...Three Wise Men...beards...horse-men? I'm intrigued, Windmill.
dugdeep said:
You have very cool dreams, WK! They sound so cinematic! I'm a little jealous :lol:

Well, most of them are quite uninteresting and reflecting the daily act of 'taking the garbage out' of the psyche. :) Only occasionally I get dreams like those. But one thing I have noticed is that they appear more frequently after full EE, Beatha in particular.

Muxel said:
Three wise bearded horses...trinity...Three Wise Men...beards...horse-men? I'm intrigued, Windmill.

Don't know! My initial thought was that perhaps horses pulling wiser horses represented lower and higher emotions?

Thanks for your comments.
Hi, Windmill knight:

Thanks for sharing. Your interpretation of the first dream was insightful. If we made poor decisions at moments in the past, if we had a chance to do it over, with our same state of being we had at the time, would different choices have been any better? Likely not. We were who we were then. The results of our choices were a natural consequence of that time.

Hopefully, with what we are learning, we can make better choices now in similar circumstances. Looking at the past, trying to understand how things inevitably unfolded as they did, trying a new approach now.

Most of my dreams are rather mundane as well. Occasionally, I will have seemingly profound, epic and cinematic dream like the second one you cite. Maybe these are a moment of synthesis of currents in our being, where the soul spark in us has crossed a border line into a new realm. In any case, when they occur, I thank the DCM for the experience. Dreams are wonderful and mysterious.

Mac said:
Hi, Windmill knight:

Thanks for sharing. Your interpretation of the first dream was insightful. If we made poor decisions at moments in the past, if we had a chance to do it over, with our same state of being we had at the time, would different choices have been any better? Likely not. We were who we were then. The results of our choices were a natural consequence of that time.

Yes, exactly. Likewise, if we did go back in time knowing all we know now and without all the weaknesses we had then, we would end up pretty fast into a situation like the one we are living today! So we cannot escape the lessons due to us, according to who we are - although perhaps we can delay or accelerate their learning.

Mac said:
Hopefully, with what we are learning, we can make better choices now in similar circumstances. Looking at the past, trying to understand how things inevitably unfolded as they did, trying a new approach now.

Most of my dreams are rather mundane as well. Occasionally, I will have seemingly profound, epic and cinematic dream like the second one you cite. Maybe these are a moment of synthesis of currents in our being, where the soul spark in us has crossed a border line into a new realm. In any case, when they occur, I thank the DCM for the experience. Dreams are wonderful and mysterious.


I like how you describe it, thanks. :)

I love the sense of wonder that comes with good quality dreams (where did that come from? what does it mean?), but try to resist the temptation of making too much of them - in case it's just 'disinfo'.
[quote author=Windmill knight]

I like how you describe it, thanks. :) [/quote]

Agree with Mac's understanding in the above post of his and your bold reference of his thought.

I love the sense of wonder that comes with good quality dreams (where did that come from? what does it mean?), but try to resist the temptation of making too much of them - in case it's just 'disinfo'.

Thanks for the telling of your dream interpretation WK. There seems a great possibility of much foreign type noise in dreams, which without knowing exactly - don't in fact know, they might seem to be fired in mind from many sources related to ones daily conscious interactions or derived from the unconscious signals of the day. It is the ones that denote "wonder" as you say, that truly give one pause to consider them in meaning and your likely close, "disinfo" is always a possibility. We may even be reading into thought streams or mixtures in a stream of something, not sure what, from some source not of our own present initiation or relationship, unless it is much older within or deeply symbolic maybe. Dreams of this type often seem to provoke the most strange thinking to our waking minds and are worthy of writing down, such as you did here. Not sure if this is so for all, it is likely common by varying degree, but on rare occasions have had dreams whereupon wakening, there is a brief intense struggle to adjust to what reality is what, which is very strong as the moments become blurred in reasoning until more fully awakened and even then one asks, wow, what was that all about, it seemed every bit as real. :huh:

Dreams surely are amazing and strange things worthy of attention.
Windmill knight said:
Muxel said:
Three wise bearded horses...trinity...Three Wise Men...beards...horse-men? I'm intrigued, Windmill.

Don't know! My initial thought was that perhaps horses pulling wiser horses represented lower and higher emotions?

Thanks for your comments.
From a dream website - "To see a horse in your dream symbolizes strength, power, endurance, virility and sexual prowess. It also represents a strong, physical energy. You need to tame the wild forces within. The dream may also be a pun that you are "horsing around". Alternatively, to see a horse indicates that you need to be less arrogant and "get off your high horse". "

and, "To see a long beard in your dream is representative of old age and insight, and wisdom."

also, "To dream that you are riding in a chariot indicates that you need to exercise control in your life."

Then there is this (not quite exact as you dreamed), "To see your father in your dream symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant. Consider also your waking relationship with your father and how aspects of his character may be incorporated within yourself. " and "To see your son in your dream signifies your ideal, hopes, potential, and the youthful part of yourself. On the other hand, to see your son in your dream may not have any significance and is simply mirroring your waking life. The dream may also be a pun on "sun"."

This may help, or not.
Windmill knight said:
Mac said:
Hi, Windmill knight:

Thanks for sharing. Your interpretation of the first dream was insightful. If we made poor decisions at moments in the past, if we had a chance to do it over, with our same state of being we had at the time, would different choices have been any better? Likely not. We were who we were then. The results of our choices were a natural consequence of that time.

Yes, exactly. Likewise, if we did go back in time knowing all we know now and without all the weaknesses we had then, we would end up pretty fast into a situation like the one we are living today! So we cannot escape the lessons due to us, according to who we are - although perhaps we can delay or accelerate their learning.

So well said by both of you. :) Isn't it amazing that in the School of Life, there's no cheating no matter what -- no bribes, connections, getting the answers before hand, etc. -- that will get you to the next "grade." ALL lessons must be learned, no matter how "long" it takes or how many times they're repeated, before we can get to the next level of lessons in the School.

Mac said:
Hopefully, with what we are learning, we can make better choices now in similar circumstances. Looking at the past, trying to understand how things inevitably unfolded as they did, trying a new approach now.

With the lessons we HAVE learned, we DO make better choices, I think. That seems to be my experience. With those we haven't learned, we keep making mistakes that help us eventually learn to NOT make mistakes. That's another thing: we tend to not see the slow gradual progress we've made in the Work and in "life in the wilderness" over the years. But when you look carefully and honestly back on your life, you can see that you HAVE made progress and learned some important lessons. And thus, would not make the same mistakes in those areas (where the lessons are learned) and make better choices / decisions. But everything is connected, so in the areas we still need to learn, we can get tripped up because of our blind spots and programs. We ain't out of the woods yet. :)

Most of my dreams are rather mundane as well. Occasionally, I will have seemingly profound, epic and cinematic dream like the second one you cite. Maybe these are a moment of synthesis of currents in our being, where the soul spark in us has crossed a border line into a new realm. In any case, when they occur, I thank the DCM for the experience. Dreams are wonderful and mysterious.


I like how you describe it, thanks. :)

I love the sense of wonder that comes with good quality dreams (where did that come from? what does it mean?), but try to resist the temptation of making too much of them - in case it's just 'disinfo'.

Yeah, dreams ARE a real wonder and mystery as so many other things in life. And we do need to be on guard against disinfo like in everything else.
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