Dream about comets and a new world


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi everyone, I don't visit this board often, but I had an interesting dream last night that I want to share. It's a little long, but it has a good ending.

It started out in my old childhood house, many of my dreams are set there. It was nighttime and I knew that the comets were coming this day. My family was sleeping and didn't want to hear about it or stay awake, although I had the impression that they knew. It was as if it had been some announced event of catastrophe.

I started to see little comets the size of footballs hit everywhere from out my window. I was in my room and got on the internet to get on the FOTCM site. But all that was there was the logo displayed big with no text. It was like when the TV has technical difficulties and they display some image, so it gave the impression that the site was down. But it also was kind of saying, "good luck through all of this, we're still together and with you." I felt very panicky and afraid in the dream at this point, but had some hope too.

It started to get weirder when the "dark man" was introduced into the dream. He took the form of the "Stay Puft Marshmallow Man" from Ghostbusters. This giant, white, menace creeped me out as a kid and was also in my dreams wandering around town. So the marshmallow man had smashed into my house, being taller than it and was inside. I knew that this was "it" and it was time to go. I had told my family that you should be prepared to die, because it is likely. This was very hard for me to say in the dream and accept for myself.

So, in an implicit way that wasn't pictured, the marshmallow man wiped out my family. Oddly enough, some of my co-workers were in my house too and were included. So I was next, and he picked me up and held me in his hand, about to eat me. I remember he said, "You're not special", as if to say that I can do nothing about the state of the world and entropy. He seemed to recognize me as a FOTCM member, so we were in opposition.

The next thing that happened was really cool. I don't remember the words, but it was as if I delivered a long speech, like something really powerful about esoteric truths. When he would respond, thinking he had me cornered logically, I would respond with something just as great that blasted away his challenge. It seemed that I changed him and was victorious at the last moment. (This idea about changing things I may have gotten from some pages back in the EE thread on about page 100 I read recently about changing a part of yourself and soul group, and thus everything.)

The next thing I knew the scene changed to my grandma's house. It seemed like a sanctuary. I had the impression that the Wave was over and that some people survived. I assumed I was alive and had survived, but the setting seemed kind of magical. My other grandma was there and I asked her if I was STO. She said "You're an STO candidate." I had some kind of toga robe on that was brown, black, red, and yellow, like African or tribal colorings. This coloring is similar to the new bath set my mom put up, so maybe not too significant. I was with a lot of my school friends there, so they seemed to have survived too. It seemed like we all belonged together. They said we had been taken to some mountain to China, I assume maybe there were floods or something, I dunno. But they then said we were taken back to the US, but the means of transport seemed kind of magical or illogical, because I had the impression this took only one day. Maybe I started to become lucid at that moment and was finding the dream illogical.

But that's about it, I think I woke up a little bit afterward or don't remember anything significant. It was scary at first, then I triumphed and was in a renewed state with old friends. Hope you enjoyed it, I sure did and it was the most significant and rememberable dream I've had in a while.
I did enjoy it, probably would have enjoyed it more if I had the dream myself :).

Seems interesting, I don't know what to say. Most likely you can offer the most accurate interpretation.

What I can say is have only started having dreams about the end of the world since I was introduced to this material. I think child-hood dreams, especially recurring ones, are extremely significant (for good or bad reasons). Interesting that you had the repeated dream now. seems like a sort of 'cycle'.
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