Dream about dangerous driving


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I had a dream I was driving up a steep incline. I was in a line of traffic and I think I was driving a red porche or sports car. I went to overtake the traffic and was going at high speed and I came to a tight bend. I had that feeling that oops, I'm driving far too fast! In fact it was dangerous. I thought I'm not going to make that corner and I flew of the road.
The accident was in slow motion and the car was off the ground spinning through the air. I was very aware and as the car spun and came towards the ground I rolled out onto the ground. It was a steep embankment the car hit the ground on all four wheels then I did and we we started rolling & bouncing down the hill. I was going at hi speed it didn't feel I was going to stop. Finally the car came to a stand still and I rolled up behind it all Neither of us showed any damage and I woke up.

I have been working a lot lately and my immediate thought on waking up was I need to slow down. I've taken most of the hours that were offered recently and maybe am doing too much. We're on holiday on the 25th and I've only got Next Wednesday off before the hols. Anyway I thought I'd share thanks for reading.
To give you a little more inputs for your drive/dream:
It is important to notice who's driving the car, as a car represents your "drive" in life or how you propel yourself from the present time toward your future. If you are not driving, notice the position in the car where you are sitting. If you are in the front passenger seat, whoever is driving the car represents the driver in your life. If you know this person, describe their personality in three words, such as "Judith is quiet, responsible, and squeamish." That is the adopted program that is driving your life in this dream. You are riding shotgun to your own life.
The make and model of the vehicle can give you clues about what time of your life your dream maker wants you to review. If it is a model that is more likely to have been driven when you were a child, then you are looking at a childhood issue.
In essence, you should be the conscious operator of your drive. If not, you need to look at what force is driving your life.

Thank you for sharing your dream, your description is very good!

I think that a car and the road are very symbolic of our life, in this present. How we are driving on the road, is it too fast ? too dangerous ? Why I am driving so fast ? Why I am driving dangerously? In my life, represented by the road and the car. Maybe in this present you are taking some risk on something? Maybe you are not taking the time to slow a little and have fun to see the country and drive a little more aware of what is coming ahead.

Anyway, a dream have many symbols, many interpretations. Just in awareness and silence this dream will give you some answers. I hope you will share them with us!
Reckless Driving
Dreams about driving off a cliff or a bridge, driving and crashing, speeding and/or losing control of the vehicle may represent bad decisions you are making; or the dream may be suggesting that you are being irresponsible in your actions; or it may be warning you that you are being reckless when you drive or reckless in other aspects of waking life.
I found that on this page: https://www.dreamscloud.com/en/dream-dictionary/symbol/driving
There are many pages about dreaming about driving, basically it represents the way you ride through life. I dream often that I'm driving a car but I have different problem, I don't have a driving licence (for real), so I'm worried that cops will pull me over. Which means: http://dreamsnest.com/drivers-license/
Don't worry I think you're gonna have a great ride when you realize you're under control :). Have a great holidays.
loreta said:
[...]Anyway, a dream have many symbols, many interpretations.[...]

I agree and think part of the answer might indeed be to slow down and probably not only with work related duties but maybe also in another sense relating to how you interact with life in general and especially with the people around you.

A few facts from the dream to maybe consider and think about:

- You were the driver
- You were not alone in the car, near ones were in your care as the and thus you had the responsibility for their safety
- You encountered a traffic and decided to increase the speed nonetheless
- Not only you and your loved ones were at risk by this fast speed but also the other drivers that waited in the traffic
- You superseded the people in the traffic and not waited in line like everyone else had to
- You drove a very fast car
I used to get bad dreams about driving. One that reoccured time and again was where I would be stuck in line at a traffic stop with my family. We didnt want to go through screening and I would try to get us out of line and drive away. Each time I would wake up before getting caught for avoiding the traffic check.

The odd thing is that I don't have a license or drive (yet).

I think you hit the nail on the head with your dream though. I think we're all going too fast these days.

Your dream is a classic example of the chariot tarot card.

Thanks for sharing.
Thought I might add this thread the thread as it was after the dream.

I was driving to an appointment on Saturday morning and I was relaxed and in good time. I was at a round about in the right hand lane where you go straight on or turn right. The other lane is a left turn into the town centre. I pulled out to go straight over the roundabout. A car came on the inside lane so to avoid an accident I beeped my horn to get his attention, dropped a gear to accelerate off the roundabout safely.

Anyway the chap in the car behind me wasn't very happy. He obviously had t realised he was in the wrong lane. He was driving aggressively behind me throwing rude hand gestures at me. He went to overtake but it was impossible to do so while mouthing obscenities at me. Most of the time I am placid but my temperature was raising as the traffic lights to the front turned red. Still getting abuse he was now parked right behind me. I lowered my window and shouted at him that he was in the wrong lane. Again rude hand gestures a me and I lost the plot. I jumped out of the car was just as rude back and as I moved towards him he shut the window.

I noticed his partner, a lady or friend next to him. I caught my anger and thought to myself wtf am I doing. The lights were still on red and remembered I was working and jumped back in the car. I cannot believe I had gone to confront him. I drove off and I turned he drove past me. Number one the danger of the moment as you don't know who your messing with. Number 2 I am working and I shouldn't of reacted regardless of the provocation as I know it's pointless it achieve's nothing. Number 3 I risked an incident which could off endangered me and others and could of cost me my job.

I had actually remembered the dream during the day while I was driving and had taken my time and been extra vigilant. Then I let myself down with a bout of road rage. What an idiot, hopefully I will learn from this. I very rarely lose my temper but at my age you're y'd think I would know better! Anyway thought I would share even though don't know if it's linked to the dream.
Thebull said:
Anyway thought I would share even though don't know if it's linked to the dream.

I think this situation is related with your dream very well :) Be careful while driving. It is very important while driving to be calm and aware that our safety depends on our attitude in a car, our awareness. Many accidents happen because people loose control, are not calm and not present. Put your anger in a closet when driving, this is my advice. In this situation you put your life in danger, like in your dream. Dream comes always to tell us who we are, symbolically. I think you did not listened to your dream ? When I am very nervous I take before driving the Rescue Remedy and also do a little prayer asking the cosmos to help me to be a good driver, to drive with safety and not hurt anybody. To not enter in the agressivenes of the other drivers. The situation that you just told us is a lesson dear Thebull. Take care.
I take times to drive to some places, while remembering myself and memories, clearing up stuff. Maybe you can reconnect to peaceful driving this way ?

I notice you begin to described your dream by saying 'I' was driving like a crazy, and after the crash you say 'us', you means your family ? So there were in the car but you did not pay attention to them at the beginning ?
I wish you good holidays at peace with your family.
Nico said:
I take times to drive to some places, while remembering myself and memories, clearing up stuff. Maybe you can reconnect to peaceful driving this way ?

I notice you begin to described your dream by saying 'I' was driving like a crazy, and after the crash you say 'us', you means your family ? So there were in the car but you did not pay attention to them at the beginning ?
I wish you good holidays at peace with your family.
Sorry if I didn't make it clear Nico. It was only me in the car in the dream.
Hi Thebull, I've had driving dreams kind of like this as well...last year I remember I had one specifically about fast driving. I think like loreta said, the situation you mentioned relates to your dream..maybe writing about the dream here beforehand did help to de-escalate things or be that much more vigilant, than if you hadn't?

Thebull said:
I noticed his partner, a lady or friend next to him. I caught my anger and thought to myself wtf am I doing. The lights were still on red and remembered I was working and jumped back in the car. I cannot believe I had gone to confront him. I drove off and I turned he drove past me. Number one the danger of the moment as you don't know who your messing with. Number 2 I am working and I shouldn't of reacted regardless of the provocation as I know it's pointless it achieve's nothing. Number 3 I risked an incident which could off endangered me and others and could of cost me my job.

I had a close call driving last week and really relate to what you wrote above in bold. I passed a slow truck on a country road, thinking I had enough room to pass before the oncoming car in the other lane in the distance. Oncoming car was closer than realized. I was in a state of shock for some time after realizing how close of a call it was and how risky a choice I made, that I essentially put others in harm by doing so. Definitely had thoughts after to 'pay more attention' and 'slow down' and not be so risky. Not usual for me to pass the car in the slow lane when there's an oncoming car in distance.

The day before I also got a bit more angry than the normal when a car behind me was being aggressive and fast. I remember this slight worried feeling too before taking that drive out of town into the city..it was just a momentary feeling, but there was some anxiety around having to drive into the city which I normally don't get.
Thebull said:
Nico said:
I take times to drive to some places, while remembering myself and memories, clearing up stuff. Maybe you can reconnect to peaceful driving this way ?

I notice you begin to described your dream by saying 'I' was driving like a crazy, and after the crash you say 'us', you means your family ? So there were in the car but you did not pay attention to them at the beginning ?
I wish you good holidays at peace with your family.
Sorry if I didn't make it clear Nico. It was only me in the car in the dream.

Oh it's okay, I think details are important. Like the slow down motion you experience before the crash, it seems the answer to your dream :).
Cleo said:
I had a close call driving last week and really relate to what you wrote above in bold. I passed a slow truck on a country road, thinking I had enough room to pass before the oncoming car in the other lane in the distance. Oncoming car was closer than realized. I was in a state of shock for some time after realizing how close of a call it was and how risky a choice I made, that I essentially put others in harm by doing so. Definitely had thoughts after to 'pay more attention' and 'slow down' and not be so risky. Not usual for me to pass the car in the slow lane when there's an oncoming car in distance.

The day before I also got a bit more angry than the normal when a car behind me was being aggressive and fast. I remember this slight worried feeling too before taking that drive out of town into the city..it was just a momentary feeling, but there was some anxiety around having to drive into the city which I normally don't get.

My parents one summer had a close call like yours, same situation. They used to tell us this experience once in a while, and since then as a driver I am always extremelly careful when I pass another car or a truck. If I am not sure 200% I prefer to wait. My mother used to cry when telling this experience because she was sure to die. Because of this I was not very secure when I was in the car when my father was the driver. :halo: And sometimes I had panick attacs when in his car. Since then, when I am in a car and I am not a a driver I tend to have palpitations. We are really like pavlov dogs.

Close calls are important, I think so. They are signs that we have to learn something, be more careful and I see them, relating to cars, as "gifts" of some angels that protect us and say "hey!!!! did you see what you have done!!!".
loreta said:
Cleo said:
I had a close call driving last week and really relate to what you wrote above in bold. I passed a slow truck on a country road, thinking I had enough room to pass before the oncoming car in the other lane in the distance. Oncoming car was closer than realized. I was in a state of shock for some time after realizing how close of a call it was and how risky a choice I made, that I essentially put others in harm by doing so. Definitely had thoughts after to 'pay more attention' and 'slow down' and not be so risky. Not usual for me to pass the car in the slow lane when there's an oncoming car in distance.

The day before I also got a bit more angry than the normal when a car behind me was being aggressive and fast. I remember this slight worried feeling too before taking that drive out of town into the city..it was just a momentary feeling, but there was some anxiety around having to drive into the city which I normally don't get.

My parents one summer had a close call like yours, same situation. They used to tell us this experience once in a while, and since then as a driver I am always extremelly careful when I pass another car or a truck. If I am not sure 200% I prefer to wait. My mother used to cry when telling this experience because she was sure to die. Because of this I was not very secure when I was in the car when my father was the driver. :halo: And sometimes I had panick attacs when in his car. Since then, when I am in a car and I am not a a driver I tend to have palpitations. We are really like pavlov dogs.

I wonder if it must be worse to be the passenger like your mother was in such a scenario. From my experience as the driver, and there was no one else in the car with me..there was a feeling of guilt and embarrassment mixed in with the shock. And right after, a feeling of disbelief that it happened, and how quickly it could have gone either way.

loreta said:
Close calls are important, I think so. They are signs that we have to learn something, be more careful and I see them, relating to cars, as "gifts" of some angels that protect us and say "hey!!!! did you see what you have done!!!".

Yeah, it did and still does feel like a wake up call. This close call happened too when it was a sunny beautiful day out and I was feeling in a somewhat unusual good mood.

duyunne said:
I think you hit the nail on the head with your dream though. I think we're all going too fast these days.

Your dream is a classic example of the chariot tarot card.

FWIW, found this interpretation about the chariot tarot card.

[quote author=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chariot_(Tarot_card)]
Signals decision making, focus and determination. A willingness to take the reigns as it were. Depicted by Freya the Nordic goddess in Doreen Virtues' Goddess cards and often called "Victory" or represented by the ArchAngel Chamuel. Lesson imparted is that of balance in the way in which the Querent uses this new found energy . If already at this stage , that is the card falls in the present , the Chariot calls upon the querent tread cautiously and utilise their newly asserted power with discipline and care. Paying attention to detail and refusing the temptation to be aggressive in achieving their aims . In a way it leads nicely into the message imparted by the following card Strength
Yes I agree these incidents could be looked at as wake up calls. I think also you should be thankful you get the chance to learn something from the event. It doesn't take a high speed event to cause a serious accident.

I have noticed this week that there is aggression in the air on the road. I have noticed it in people's' driving a couple more times during the wee. I'm not sure if I'm more sensitive but this keeps pooping up so I'll need to make sure I'm vigilant.

I don't know if on an energy level something has shifted with me. Maybe I feel I've been too placid in the past and I'm reacting to this on a subconscious level. I'm trying to take the reins and be in control and I'm slipping into this aggressive state at times. In that respect the dream could well of been a warning.

I noticed something at work today. One of my colleagues said That I'm one of the nicest people they know.. I had been dealing with a complaint. I noticed I reacted to this internally and I felt uncomfortable about it. Something to look at for sure.
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