Dream about giant UFO


This is one of those experiences where I ask myself "Why did I not write this down in my journal?" I rarely remember my dreams. Thus, when I do I write them down. What I remember is very short and the realization of what I was viewing woke me up.

I am standing outside with someone (don't remember who) and I noticed a large shadow had covered the sun. This is not any kind of rare experience as clouds will cover the sunlight frequently. However, 'something' made me look up and I saw the sky completely covered with what looked like metal. I kept looking at it and trying to figure out what it was. There was absolutely no sound. I remember no sound whatsoever being present. At some point I looked into the horizon and realized the 'metal' actually ended and that is when I realized that I was looking at some kind of metallic vehicle hovering in the sky above me. It must have been the size of the county where I live. This realization frightened me and I woke up.
Interesting dream, trobar. I'm thinking that this could either be a memory of an actual event that is showing up as a dream, or a symbolic dream. Symbolically, I would interpret this as something along the lines of experiencing a blockage in terms of understanding things of a higher nature, or an "eclipsing" from a source of energy, like your body not producing the energy it needs to, or adrenal fatigue, perhaps something like that. Symbolically, the sun is a very broad symbol. Do you remember how you felt during the dream, aside from the fear before awakening?

I remember having a similar dream one, which was at night. I was looking up at the stars(lots of stars, unlike the night sky where I live), then all of a sudden some stars started moving weirdly and I realized it was actually some kid of spacecraft, and then I realized there were many near me, and once this happened I felt frozen and afraid, and needed to run and hide in a nearby building.
Me too I've have had my fair share on UFO dreams, I've even been in other constellations the one I remembered well was Casiopea , when I realized that I am outside the earth it frightened me :scared: and then I wake up still feeling an easy....

it was just like this picture....


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Guille said:
Interesting dream, trobar. I'm thinking that this could either be a memory of an actual event that is showing up as a dream, or a symbolic dream. Symbolically, I would interpret this as something along the lines of experiencing a blockage in terms of understanding things of a higher nature, or an "eclipsing" from a source of energy, like your body not producing the energy it needs to, or adrenal fatigue, perhaps something like that. Symbolically, the sun is a very broad symbol. Do you remember how you felt during the dream, aside from the fear before awakening?

I remember having a similar dream one, which was at night. I was looking up at the stars(lots of stars, unlike the night sky where I live), then all of a sudden some stars started moving weirdly and I realized it was actually some kid of spacecraft, and then I realized there were many near me, and once this happened I felt frozen and afraid, and needed to run and hide in a nearby building.

Hello Guille,
The possibilities as to why I had this dream are . . . well . . . a mystery at this point. What I have learned to do is . . . wait. For some reason, I eventually discover some kind of 'meaning' in these strange dreams. The UFO dream was the strangest as well as the first time I have dreamed of any kind of unidentified flying object.
Xico said:
Me too I've have had my fair share on UFO dreams, I've even been in other constellations the one I remembered well was Casiopea , when I realized that I am outside the earth it frightened me :scared: and then I wake up still feeling an easy....

it was just like this picture....

Hello Xico,

This is the only UFO dream I can remember ever having. I imagine if they were frequent (like in your case) it would not have disturbed me quite as much.
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