Dream about Los Angeles buildings collapsing


Jedi Council Member
The other night I has a most bizarre dream. I don't normally have these types of dreams, and this one stood out so much that I thought I should share it. I was in Los Angeles (never been there in my life, and never even been to the U.S.), but it was definitely L.A. I seemed to be standing with several other people, facing two very tall skyscrapers (say 80 floors in height) when suddenly, to our horror, we saw both buildings seemingly spontaneously implode, in much the same way as the Twin Towers imploded on 9/11. There were no planes involved, but I distinctly saw clouds of smoke/dust blasting horizontally out of every ten floors or so, as if explosives were planted. The buildings collapsed in a matter of seconds.

My first thought was of utter shock and horror at seeing a repeat of 9/11, and of all the innocent people who were murdered by those responsible for this "terrorist attacks". My second thought contained even more horror than my first thought -- this was the last nail in the coffin of freedom, and not just in America but the world over. I knew that martial law would be brought in within hours; I knew that all the secret concentration camps would be revealed and certain people would be herded into them; and I knew that it mattered not one iota that these "terrorist attacks" were too much alike 9/11 for people to believe that they were genuine terrorist attacks. I knew that the shock that the "attacks" would cause would be enough to make all the sheeple believe whatever their government told them and do as they were told.

This dream was odd because I have not read or watched anything whatsoever to do with 9/11 for months. It just came to me seemingly at random. Now I certainly don't believe that a repeat of 9/11 will occur in reality, but perhaps something else big will happen, and big enough to strip every last bit of freedom that Western citizens think they have left. I can't imagine what the PTB have planned, but I'm sure it's sufficient for them to carry out their plans without any real opposition, thanks to all the mind programming they've been doing since the last 9/11.

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